Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Miller is just the leftovers they wash out of corona bottles. Change my mind, send proof in drinkable form!
ha ha, Mexicans consider Corona to be the bottled backwash from making good beer

they are amazed that we view it as a premium beer

that's the power of a good marketing campaign


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
ha ha, Mexicans consider Corona to be the bottled backwash from making good beer

they are amazed that we view it as a premium beer

that's the power of a good marketing campaign
Oh, I never thought Corona was premium.(is it supposed to be? we don't have ads for it here apart from the yearly F&F movie)
I think it's horrendous, I just think miller is even worse :D
Corona is what I drink after many many whiskeys when I need to cleanse my system. It's faster than a trip to the ER drunk ward...


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Random (dark) thought:
Looking at out member count, which at this time is 20505, by this time next year, we will have lost at least 2.5 members to car crashes based on US statistics. Based on worldwide statistics, that number will be higher at 3.5 members. So I'm guessing someones gettin chopped in half...


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Random (dark) thought:
Looking at out member count, which at this time is 20505, by this time next year, we will have lost at least 2.5 members to car crashes based on US statistics. Based on worldwide statistics, that number will be higher at 3.5 members. So I'm guessing someones gettin chopped in half...
We are testies for a reason. Need to make sure the cars are safer for the next generation.

Ever wonder about vehicle crash tests and the Dummies that ride in them? -  Edward H. Sutton Insurance Agency

But all joking aside it does reinforce the reality that life is precious and can be snuffed out so unexpectedly and quickly. Of course, personally speaking, I'd rather go out quickly than the long-drawn-out process that some go through. Either way, it puts things into perspective and helps to remind us to just stop and enjoy the moment.


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Right. The "Mind that bus!" "What bus?" 'splat' approach has some appeal (not so much for the bus driver). The sad thing is it's probably already happened to several of our members, but we don't know, because even if by some chance their loved ones knew they had an account here it's hardly likely a to be a priority for them to tell strangers on an internet space pixels forum.

So? Your life is hugely important. You matter. Live to the very best of your ability; strive to achieve what's important to you, be considerate to our environment, lift up others. And make arrangements such as a will so that even after you're gone, what's important to you is protected. But be at ease with the thought that one day you'll not be here any more, and there's nothing to be gained by you or anyone else by worrying about it. We all need to just stop and enjoy the moment, as @Bambooza says. If you use your life well, it's okay!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's been too long, time for some weeb shit!


Not my best work that's for sure, the print quality was horrible with tons of layer lines, shifts and support marks all over the model. I was lazy/impatient and didn't clean it up then rushed the painting. Also I realized that after 2 weeks of sleeping for a max of 4 hours a night , it might not be the best for my hands steadiness with a triple zero brush... Thus the lines are worse than a 60yo alcoholic surgeons handwriting whose been off the bottle for 2days straight. Anyways, I now have another print and nowhere to put it, but at least it's easier on the eyes than a larger ork. Which I have over in the other corner. Along with an even bigger troll. And an undead elf lady...
Dammit, I'm gonna have to build a cabinet for em, and a house to put the cabinet into at this rate...

(BTW I went with a paint job that leaves the most skin on the model, which is inaccurate so it might offend the purists who played the Nier games 278+ times and own multiple very stained 2B bodypillows. But I never cared what virgins thought of the stuff I made so...)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I live in a orange+green checkered country. So yes we do have it switched around, but on my phone I switch between that and US keyboard regularly depending on the language I type in. I find it much more interesting that we have an extra button left of the Y on the bottom row, Í.

Btw a lot of games, including SC, doesn't give a shit about keyboard language. For example it says I have to push left and right bracket to accept / decline party invitations, even though there is no such button on my kb. I have ő and ú instead but I know those are the brackets on a standard US layout and it works.
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