Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It's fucking friday!!! Time to go grab a lot of beer and some Jameson cause after the class I had to take I need a reset. Maybe even play a bit of videa games. War Thunder? Squad? CS2? Hell no to the CS2 I need to be obliterated to play that game. Unless one of you crazy people want's to join in on the fun later this evening?


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's fucking friday!!! Time to go grab a lot of beer and some Jameson cause after the class I had to take I need a reset. Maybe even play a bit of videa games. War Thunder? Squad? CS2? Hell no to the CS2 I need to be obliterated to play that game. Unless one of you crazy people want's to join in on the fun later this evening?
What the hell are you doin not Helldivin' like the rest of humanity??
Yes, you can take your bottle of Jameson with you in the drop pod, just don't expect it to survive lol


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
What the hell are you doin not Helldivin' like the rest of humanity??
Yes, you can take your bottle of Jameson with you in the drop pod, just don't expect it to survive lol
I would love to but my computer is slowly becoming that of a potato. (It's 7 years old going on 8 at this point). I am planning on building a new one I'm just currently in-between jobs right now.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I would love to but my computer is slowly becoming that of a potato. (It's 7 years old going on 8 at this point). I am planning on building a new one I'm just currently in-between jobs right now.
understandable, best of luck with your future endeavors!

I played CS source with friends at a lan café like 4 times in my life, won't be touching that shit ever again. Unless we get stuck at a lan café for some reason, even though those don't exist around here anymore...
I've tried Squad for the solo training part then uninstalled it cos I didn't wanted to be shouted at by a 12 year old "drill sergeant" even though I like watching gameplays of it, and I most definitely not going to reinstall scam-thunder ever again.
I just deleted same-guys-as-grind-thunder-but-ww2fps... what was it called.. ah anyways, that got boring real fast with it's ultra-broken balancing.

BTW, Never be ashamed of the potato you have! Even 8-12 year old PCs can be sources of all sorts of fun, it don't have to be the next bestest newest thing just cause...
About a week ago my wife's PC gave up the ghost, for good this time. Either CPU or Mobo died. Probably. It was a THIRD gen i5 that I bought used (and abused) ages ago, slapped 16gigs of ram into it and added a decent graphicscard (some AMD thing on par with a 1060), something that I bought cheap (in the midst of the first GPU shortage) from a friends failed mining op. It ran the games we played together perfectly fine, like WoW, WoT and such at 1080p. It could ran SC back in the day, haven't really tried it in a while though.
I was "lucky" enough that I could recycle the mobo-cpu-ram from my grandpas old PC, 8th gen i5 with only 8gigs but ddr4. Slapped my old 2080S into it, will have to add some more ram, and it will become a formidable battlestation for playing "how many Chrome tabs can I open at one time" for the wife.

Anyways, the moral of the story is, we had tons of fun even on that old heap of junk, with the right games and being realistic about it. True, it couldn't possibly run Helldivers2 on Ultra at a playable level, if at all, but I never felt like it wast something that I should be ashamed of for not upgrading to todays standards.

I bet that Helldivers2 could actually run fine on a decent-ish 4core CPU and a 1060, it's built on a 10 year old engine afterall, but I'm just guessing here, ymmv.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Finally done with this piece of sh. I lost all patience after spending over a month working on it on and off when I had some free time. It started out okay, over 400 parts so it took a lot of time to paint, than came the days of applying decals (there's like over a 100 of em) and than the real shit show started. After the decals I did the final flat coat which introduced even more gunk and fluff and shit into the paint job. Then I applied the metal.etch parts, cos I forgot I bought those too. Ofc that ended up scratching the paint and staining it with CA glue. And ofc half of didn't even want to fit.
So this last night, doing the LEDs I was already piased off before I started. Cracked the center lenses cos why not at this point... Then I had to drill the head and add a third led in there cos the two I dropped in before just wouldn't light up the eyes at all.
So anyways, here's my attempt at an MG wing ver.ka. Custom.

Edit: excuse the poor photos, I got absolutely no space for this guy yet, so I just put him up on top of my printer, as it was the last clean horizontal surface large enough to hold it, and outside the reach of children. And wife.
Also, I could have attached the battery pack to the body on it's back and hidden the wires between the backpack and body, my original intention when choosing the CR2032 as the battery, but I just couldn't be fucked. It's just bluetacked onto the stand arm. It was almost impossible to solder the damned wires, ya know the horrible laquered type they use in earphones and such... god I hate those. So much work for such a low-end result. I know I know, it doesn't really show up in the pictures, but get closer than 3 feet and it's clearly visible to the eye that it's just not a professional clean build at all. It's full of errors.
I was planning on selling this one day, when I ran out of money or space.... not anymore.
Oh, and I hate the blue I went with. I was hoping it would turn out different in the light, especially after the clear coats. It didn't. It's just a sad factory blue even though it has the fancy name of mecha electric blue, and some other I can't recall the name of. Oh yeah, that's actually two different blues. Can't tell the difference, neither on photo, nor IRL.


Funny thing is, I got the twice this size PG's box taunting me from the corner of my room, with a resin kit on top of it just to make it that much more of a hell.
Obviously I'm not building the same gundam back to back, instead I'm just gonna build my first PG, an Astray Red next, cos that's surely easier than this was...
(It might actually end up being easier. Bigger parts and less of em)
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I've tried Squad for the solo training part then uninstalled it cos I didn't wanted to be shouted at by a 12 year old "drill sergeant" even though I like watching gameplays of it,
This is why we go in as a group of TESTies. On a friday or saturday while drinking!
Also go ahead and point out the 12 year old DI those of us who have played 1000 hrs of squad will fix em. We'll take em out back near the conexs and have a talk.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh yes, the good old nintendo I never had. Or saw a real one until like a couple months ago. Only saw a gameboy once when I was a kid, had a classmate whose parents were apperently well connected in The party and could afford and get stuff from over the iron curtain.
We did have some other consoles, tv-games, and I still have a spectrum system box somewhere although we never had that particular one. I faintly remember having a commodore64 though before getting a 286.

In other news, I was about to finish another gundam, spent like 2 weeks on it already, and can't find the damned decals! I can see I ordered them and supposedly received them in a pack with 5 other sheets, but I only found all the rest. Ordered another one, this sets me back by 2-3 weeks until it gets here. Sad and angry.


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Oh yes, the good old nintendo I never had. Or saw a real one until like a couple months ago. Only saw a gameboy once when I was a kid, had a classmate whose parents were apperently well connected in The party and could afford and get stuff from over the iron curtain.
We did have some other consoles, tv-games, and I still have a spectrum system box somewhere although we never had that particular one. I faintly remember having a commodore64 though before getting a 286.

In other news, I was about to finish another gundam, spent like 2 weeks on it already, and can't find the damned decals! I can see I ordered them and supposedly received them in a pack with 5 other sheets, but I only found all the rest. Ordered another one, this sets me back by 2-3 weeks until it gets here. Sad and angry.
You'll have to share a pic when complete!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
When I saw your post originally I was like:

"What is this, screenshots for ANTS!"
View attachment 25593

But I've only just worked out you can click on those to see them properly... that things looks superb!
But it is, for us, the ants of Glorious Leader!

80hours. It's only Saturday and I already did 80 hours this weak.
Fuck this, tonight I'm checking out ILW...
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