Please don't like my thread-campaign

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
TRUTH! Also, me right now!
Get very used to being yelled at. It's not that your Drill Sergeant and everyone in charge of you hates you :(, it's because information travels faster and more efficiently when wrapped tightly in a veneer of ANGER :mad:!
Keep running, 'Squatch, you'll be glad you did.
Right?!? Haha, yelling makes the words go fasterest!
This is exactly why I'm thinking of the Lancer MIS. If I need to do some space turcking, I should be able to use the Caterpillar, if I need a fighter, I will probably get a Bucky or Hornet again. But the MIS should be able to slug it out and still help someone move a sofa if need be. Supposedly, it can at least mount a higher tier of main gun (so 4xS4s) than the other Lancers (4xS3s), if not come with bigger guns stock along with all the missiles. Of course this, along with cargo details, are from the old stat pages, so might not be reliable details.
I'm trying to decide what exploreers to keep. The Dur could become the MIS. Maybe.
I was personally attack with a period post on my private area in the forum :eek:
Why are you putting your private area on the forum?
What Beer said.
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