Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I had 5 beers, a Mana Potion with Khadgars Whiskers, and a Johnny Silverhand at a place called BarCraft tonight. I wish the Silverhand was made according tot he OG recipe and not diluted to cater to DnD players... anyways, it was at least fun to have with the chili powder burning my mouth off.

Also my phone died of cold at 30% battery left, so it took me 2 hours to get home instead of 20mins cos I coulnd't call a taxi. 1st world problems, I know, but walking in 2C+wind isn't that much. Fuckin annoying....

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I had 5 beers, a Mana Potion with Khadgars Whiskers, and a Johnny Silverhand at a place called BarCraft tonight. I wish the Silverhand was made according tot he OG recipe and not diluted to cater to DnD players... anyways, it was at least fun to have with the chili powder burning my mouth off.

Also my phone died of cold at 30% battery left, so it took me 2 hours to get home instead of 20mins cos I coulnd't call a taxi. 1st world problems, I know, but walking in 2C+wind isn't that much. Fuckin annoying....
Much to love in this story! Also a bit to sympathize with; I too am no longer interested in walking in a cold wind.
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