Polaris $750


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Yes, but say 2 people buy a ship. One of the owners spawns the ship and flies to planet x. Another owner logs in on planet y and wants to spawn the same ship. What happens?
Say one of the owners flies the ship into the sun and logs out for the day. The second owner logs in and has a cooldown / high price to pay to respawn the ship.
My opinion is you can't have an automated system of ship-sharing, but a bunch of friends could figure out stuff between them. If you have Montoya, the sole authority that manages organization-funded ships at this time, manage 50 ships that 50x5 friends bought, he'll have a hard time doing it.
That's what underlings and logistics officers are for.

No sneak peak?
Gotta wait for CitizenCon!
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
$750 is a good price point. Think of it as half-wing Vanguard, and an Idris as 2 wings or 1 squadron Vanguard. If this is fast, has lots of scan and other utility, and at least 4 S5 turrets, it will be a good buy. If it putters around at the speed of a Tally, then it will not be useful. 5 S6 turrets and the speed of a Vanguard and I say deploy them in pairs and fly them all over the 'verse. I'll take mine from The Outsiders. No point in paying for what they want to give to us.
Do you mean S5 Turrets = 1 Turret with S5 Weapons or how exactly do you define it?

I doubt it will have lots of utility, since it's said to be only 110m, which is smaller than a Carack.
Just to muck up this thread with a hint of seriousness, one of the ways we could optimize our play time through participation in an org, would be if that org provided a way for players to do joint ownership of the larger ships.
I'd strongly advice against it, since that's one fast way to create drama.

If each of the players were to send their cash to Montoya, instead of one of themselves, I think we could be assured Montoya would purchase the ship with the funds.
Sure, that would be a possibility, but frankly: I don't think we're in any sort of Ship-shortage... and we don't need to have to use desperate measures to gear up more before the game even starts.

After all, we could always just earn additional Ships ingame.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm already having second thoughts. One one hand a Polaris will deffo be awesome.

But on the other hand my Caterpillar is almost as long and will probably be more useful for day to day stuff, and is a metric fuckload cheaper (as of right now, I highly doubt it will stay 245 USD) which leaves me a lot more cash for other ships.

I'll need to take a look at the Cat's modules and such when it's released, maybe a Caterpillar with a full rack of combat modules could be close enough to a corvette #meh
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been resolved to wait until the unveiling since day one, essentially. I have the melt value and credit for it, but if it doesn't do what I want, and the looks aren't on point, then I'm keeping my retalideemer, cutlass and other sundry ships.
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm already having second thoughts. One one hand a Polaris will deffo be awesome.

But on the other hand my Caterpillar is almost as long and will probably be more useful for day to day stuff, and is a metric fuckload cheaper (as of right now, I highly doubt it will stay 245 USD) which leaves me a lot more cash for other ships.

I'll need to take a look at the Cat's modules and such when it's released, maybe a Caterpillar with a full rack of combat modules could be close enough to a corvette ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unless I got the System wrong, you could just melt your Ships, buy the Polaris and if you don't like it, just melt it and buy back the other things, giving you more time to think about it.

That said, I think the Caterpillar is a bad ship... all it's really advertised with is modularity and the modules for a Retaliator by comparsion can easily make up a significant portion of it's price.

I know it's pretty much confirmed that it's growing larger than on the statpage, but hands down, what's on the statpage of it does sound quite pathetic.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Yeah, thinking I might melt my Cat Combo pack (infamous armada) pack for the Polaris.

Then melt the Polaris ASAP and unmelt Cat Combo pack.

That way I can play with my Cat (and Herald, and Bucc) when they are released (definitely before Polaris) and see what modules the Cat has. Cat with 3 Gunnery/Turret modules might as well be a Corvette for all we know.

And then later on if the Polaris turns out well, melt the Cat combo pack and unmelt the Polaris.



Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
What surprises me, is how many people are saying they will be purchasing the Polaris. The way everyone is talking, we will have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Polaris' running around the verse. That's either a pile of NPCs, friends, or org mates to run it. That's a ton of fuel out messing around. That's thousands upon thousands of UEC every time the gunners start unloading on a target. This thing is going to be expensive.

That's not all of it though. I mean, we haven't even seen concept art. All we know is that it will be $750, around 120m, will be military-militia, and is intended to take the place of corvette that was vacated by the Idris. There are a couple other tidbits, but basically that's it. We don't know any stats and we don't know what it will look like. Yet, tons of people both here and on the RSI site are saying "I'm buying it immediately!".

Now I'm not dogging anyone's choices. Money is cheap and if you want a Polaris, well buy yourself a Polaris. I'm not saying that $750 is a huge amount of money. It is a significant chunk for sure. Hell, it's half my mortgage, but it's not an impossible amount. I'm just surprised that everyone is wanting to jump on a 8-12 crew ship that is very much single use. Let alone jump into it without even knowing it's loadout or looks.
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been resolved to wait until the unveiling since day one, essentially. I have the melt value and credit for it, but if it doesn't do what I want, and the looks aren't on point, then I'm keeping my retalideemer, cutlass and other sundry ships.

Once again, for relevance. I think it's actually a pretty common sentiment, just most people aren't saying it out loud.
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I admit I do not have the cash for this but even with their awesome ability to sell pixels I cannot see the want either.

I guess there will have to be capital ship battles otherwise its your crew using turrets to destroy fighters? Note I appreciate there are already bigger naval vessels out there already at even more reasonable prices. Even so I look forward to the sales pitch. I could scrap a lot of ships to get this but it really does seem limited use.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
You guys do realize that something you could use as multi ownership is planned to be implemented? The renting mechanism. You could permanently "rent" it for like 1uec or something. That could solve the problem of Givin rights and such.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I can see how someone might want to set up Rentaship business online it takes all sorts but if that sort of thing interests you then surely getting real bucks back i.e. in a real business not in game would seem you know just better.
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
What surprises me, is how many people are saying they will be purchasing the Polaris. The way everyone is talking, we will have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Polaris' running around the verse. That's either a pile of NPCs, friends, or org mates to run it. That's a ton of fuel out messing around. That's thousands upon thousands of UEC every time the gunners start unloading on a target. This thing is going to be expensive.

That's not all of it though. I mean, we haven't even seen concept art. All we know is that it will be $750, around 120m, will be military-militia, and is intended to take the place of corvette that was vacated by the Idris. There are a couple other tidbits, but basically that's it. We don't know any stats and we don't know what it will look like. Yet, tons of people both here and on the RSI site are saying "I'm buying it immediately!".

Now I'm not dogging anyone's choices. Money is cheap and if you want a Polaris, well buy yourself a Polaris. I'm not saying that $750 is a huge amount of money. It is a significant chunk for sure. Hell, it's half my mortgage, but it's not an impossible amount. I'm just surprised that everyone is wanting to jump on a 8-12 crew ship that is very much single use. Let alone jump into it without even knowing it's loadout or looks.
I think a lot of what you read (in the official forums, at least) is just the hypetrain-syndrom, as soon as it's shown, at least 50% of the people saying they get one will rant about how it doesn't live up to the price in any way shape or form.

I admit I do not have the cash for this but even with their awesome ability to sell pixels I cannot see the want either.

I guess there will have to be capital ship battles otherwise its your crew using turrets to destroy fighters? Note I appreciate there are already bigger naval vessels out there already at even more reasonable prices. Even so I look forward to the sales pitch. I could scrap a lot of ships to get this but it really does seem limited use.
Well, depending on the Ships you have, it could be a viable idea to scap them for it.

In any case, you could scrap them, buy a Polaris and use those buy-back tokens after you've decided what to keep.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I_MIKE_I said:
I'm just surprised that everyone is wanting to jump on a 8-12 crew ship that is very much single use. Let alone jump into it without even knowing it's loadout or looks.
It's not single use. It is the ship meant to dominate every other ship in the game except the larger warships. It has lots of uses. Corvettes have always been the ship of choice for pirates and governments doing anti-smuggling, mine laying, anti-submarine work, etc. As said, for the modern take, see the USS Independence class. They have lots of uses.

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