Egg on egg violence using eggs as weapons?Admiral Montoya will likely lure poor Havoc into a torpedo tube with lemon drops, fire away, and essentially egg Bored Gamers hull.
Might need to talk to Montoya’s mom about his unwarranted grudge against pleasant British gentlemen and the perils of wasting perfectly good candy.
View attachment 25824
Who you asking?wow impressive, is that from the ever cati build or something you made?
The year 2028, finally after much searching I've found a dev computer containing the only known build of star citizen Pyro. Hopefully it was worth the 2 years of ration coupons I paid for it.Glad to see the Polaris getting a spot, even if a small one, in CIG's updates.
Overall I've been impressed with CIG's recent videos on Pyro's environments. Some of it had a 'Sedona, Arizona' type feel to me.
If this is life in your shard of the multiverse, then yes, it's worth it. You'll find it much more relaxed and friendly, although aesthetically might be very similar.The year 2028, finally after much searching I've found a dev computer containing the only known build of star citizen Pyro. Hopefully it was worth the 2 years of ration coupons I paid for it.