PSA: I am responsible for all you idiots!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
While this was/is a serious matter, it is also a frustrating yet humorous one.

When a new member joins TEST from our org page at, there are a few steps we ask these new arrivals to take, such as engaging in conversation with us so we can break the ice and get them involved!

After clicking the "Join us now" button, a little window comes up which asks the new applicant to follow a few basic steps, the first being:

1) Go to the TEST Squadron thread here:
In there, post the following: TEST SQUADRON - BEST SQUADRON! Hi TEST! Great to be here!
Seems simple enough right?

Well, several times every month a couple of our best and brightest new applicants fail to understand this very simple instruction.

Instead of posting in our org thread on RSI, they choose to completely ignore the ACTUAL FUCKING LINK WE JUST GAVE THEM and post in the "New Recruits" forum on RSI.

For those that do no frequent RSI, the rules are that you can not start new threads to promote your org outside of your official thread. It is a very simple rule and obviously and important one. The last thing anybody wants is to see thousands of threads which are nothing but spam about how great your org is.

After our new applicant has posted in the wrong section, the regulars who hang out in the New Recruits forum lose their shit and start freaking out at the new TEST member, flagging their post then crying and bitching to the RSI mods that TEST is spamming them!

Angry RSI mods then contact me and tell ME to knock it off!

Naturally I respond with sympathy and logic, I am sorry it happened, but there is no way I can prevent idiocy!

Over the past year I have been bitched at by several mods, and every time I tell them there is nothing I can do about it!

Finally after complaining enough, the RSI mods got Disco Lando involved! :D

He contacted me and had a good 20min argument discussion about how I need to stop telling new TEST applicants to spam TEST in the New Recruits section.

Again, I explained that I nor anybody else is telling them to do this.

His question then was how come we are the only org that does this!

I told him I honestly have no explanation!

The one and only place we request that new applicants go and post is the org thread, and the exact URL is given to them! If they can't follow a simple instruction and they are posting in the wrong section, how am I being held responsible for people being idiots!?!

I have always sensed something dark and sinister hidden within, a disturbance if you will.

I searched my feelings, and I know it to be true.

What Disco said next was that I, the glorious leader of TEST, was in fact responsible for all the idiocy that may occur here!

Coincidentally, after our conversation the New Recruits forum was renamed "So you're now a citizen" , Im not sure if its because of us or if they felt this was a better name, but hopefully this fixes things! :p

Congrats TESTies!

You are Star Citizen's lovable idiots!


Media Propaganda Czar
Jul 1, 2015
RSI Handle
This is a tough problem to crack.
How can you be responsible for complete idiots that can not follow simple instructions.

The only thing I could recommend is to place it on in 20 point type
the instructions
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Ah, TEST. We're a special bunch of bumblebees. When they write the rules over at RSI, they have to add in little sub-clauses to cover the dumb shit that we do.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I read between the lines and translated your post Montoya!

This was a serious matter, it is also a humorous one.

When a member joins TEST from our page at, there are a few steps we ask these arrivals to take, such as engaging in conversation with us so we can break the ice and get them involved!

After clicking the "Join us now" button, a little window comes up which asks the new applicant to follow a few basic steps, the first being:

1) Go to the TEST Squadron thread here:
In there, post the following: TEST SQUADRON - BEST SQUADRON! Hi TEST! Great to be here!
Seems simple enough right?

Well, every month our new applicants fail.

Instead of posting in our org thread on RSI, they choose to post in the "New Recruits" forum on RSI.

For those that frequent RSI, the rules are that you start new threads to promote your org outside of your official thread. It is a very simple rule and obviously and important one. The thing everybody wants is to see thousands of threads which are about how great your org is.

After our applicant has posted in the section, the regulars who hang out in the New Recruits forum shit and start freaking out at the new TEST member, flogging their post then crying and bitching to the RSI mods that TEST is them!

RSI mods then contact me and tell ME to knock it off! (I have many alts you see!)

Naturally I respond with Spock logic, it happened, but there is no way I can prevent it!

Over the past year I have been bitched at by several mods, and every time I tell them there is nothing I can do about it!

Finally after complaining enough, the RSI mods got Disco Lando involved! :D

He contacted me and had a good 20min argument discussion about how I need to tell new TEST applicants to spam TEST in the New Recruits section.

Again, I explained that I nor anybody else is telling them to do this.

His question then was how come we are the only org that does this!

I told him I honestly have no explanation!

The one and only place we request that new applicants go and post is the org thread, and the exact URL is given to them! If they can't follow a simple instruction and they are joining the right org, how am I being held responsible for people being TEST Members!?!

I have always sensed something light and joyful hidden within, an excitement if you will.

I searched my feelings, and I know it to be true.

What Disco said next was that I, the glorious leader of TEST, was in fact responsible for all the shenanigans that may occur here!

Coincidentally, after our conversation the New Recruits forum was renamed "So you're now a TEST Member" , Im not sure if its because of us or if they felt this was a better name, but hopefully this fixes things! :p

Congrats TESTies!

You are Star Citizen's lovable idiots!
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