RSI Galaxy Screenshots and speculation


Vice Admiral
Jul 16, 2022
RSI Handle
I absolutely love this ship. It’s just what the doctor ordered-an RSI version of the Carrack. Every manufacturer ought to aspire to build on this scale. Still, I am disappointed by the work so far.

Where are the Electronic Warfare, and Command and Control modules? Where are the ordinance and vehicle transport modules? I want to see a super big dish that carves out S5 supercap sensors. Where’s that?

IMHO, they need to appeal to the Carrack crowd but say “hey, ours is better”. Trouble is, it’s not better. I do prefer remote turrets and having more crew on the bridge, but this bridge sucks. Terrible use of space. Needs a 5th station. Bulky, unwieldy workstations that waste room. No storage. No holoviewer. No stellar cartography suite. No drone bay. An inadequate armory. Do just six people need a pool table? And if its a crew of six why does it only sleep four? Just lots of simple objections here.

I’m a huge fan of many wedge-shaped Star Wars ships like the Vigil and Raider corvettes, the Armada and Arquitens light cruisers, most of the many Sienar destroyers. This has the look! I think though, this needs to be loaded to the gills with cool perks and I’m not getting that from this. CIG is gonna want $800 or so for this so they should have started by saying it will fit two ship’s boats like the Aurora. They didn’t. That says they’re taking our patronage somewhat for granted.

They’re busy guessing how many millions they’re going to make off this ship. They shouldn’t be holding back from making real commitments. Makes them seem spineless.

I’ll guess this will be released in 2028, but here, take my money! I hate you CIG!
It is not going to cost $800 and it is not an explorer ship so I am not sure why Carrack owners would melt for this ship I know I will not. And if you count you will see that it has 6 bedrooms and a captain's office.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
if they add in future modules, I could see:
Bombing module - featuring lot of bombs in the range of S6-S9
Prison Transport module - Designed to carry 30-40 prisoners in cryo pods
Passenger Transport - Designed to transport 10-15 people in coach class accommodations.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
This thing is waaaaay cheaper than I expected. A complete pack with all modules is only 570 with store credits. 380 base. That's awesome!
ahhh son of a... I should have checked the concierge first to check for a pack before pulling the trigger. I have the base version. ill refund tomorrow and get the full pack but was intending getting the Polaris that time.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
This thing is waaaaay cheaper than I expected. A complete pack with all modules is only 570 with store credits. 380 base. That's awesome!
actually.. Will this still be available after the usual 48 hour period going into the "finale" If so I can get the module version and the Polaris
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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I just wish the modules could be bought individually with LTI, in the same way the hull can be.

Hull - $350 Warbond, $380 Credit
Cargo Module - $70
Refinery Module - $80
Med bay module - $90
Complete set (Hull and all modules) - $530 Warbond, $570 Credit

Galaxy Freighter - $415 Warbond, $450 Credit
Galaxy Refinery - $425 Warbond, $460 Credit
Galaxy Hospital - $430 Warbond, $470 Credit

Also of note under Modules:
Manufacturing and other modules coming at a later date.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, before you bite THAT bullet, have you thought about how modularity is gonna work at all?
It should be like switching weapons, right? So on some planet or station you hoard all your stuff and the have to fly there if you wanna switch configuration, right?
Won't it be a pain in the ass once we got multiple systems? I mean you ride whereever the space-winds blow you. Suddenly you feel like switching from Jack the Ripper to Florence Nightingale.
If you had a Gunship and an Apollo thats as simple going to the Terminal and calling the propper one.
With a Galaxy you gotta haul your ass back ALL the way home. Go change. Come back. Just to find that those poor souls waiting for rescue have already bled out.
Or something like that.
Point is, I have no clue what they planned for modularity mechanics. But if the current inventory system is any indication for what's to come than these ships might not be half as flexible as we'd like to believe.
Then again, this could be an opportunity.
"Mudhawk's Galaxy-Wide Module Rental Stations"
Has a nice ring to it, no? 😋
That is why I have a Liberator. Carry our small ships, personal inventory and carry our modules for my Retaliator and our Vanguards to move to a new base of operations.

You are definitely tied to a base of operations with a modular ship though.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
It's a shame you probably can't fit a prospector in the hangar - Being able to mine, then unload directly into a refinery like this would have been nice, and might have tempted me to give quantanium mining a go as the dreaded countdown would no longer be an issue - Looks like I'll be sticking to a Liberator with Prospector and Expanse on board instead..


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Well, I had *just* finished building out a nice chain to an Endeavor this IAE, so a quick little $30 credit CCU and I now have a nice chain to an LTI Galaxy instead! No modules though, but I figure those *should* still be available in the future, and/or just leave them as something fun to grind for in-game as-needed!


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm a little curious as to what will be filling the space where the module is designed to be placed if you don't have one fitted - I had expected it to come with the cargo module as standard, but it appears that is not the case, so will it just be a void, a vehicle bay, or something else?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My question would be…who got one? Did you get more than one? Maybe a master set and 2 empty ones So you can store you freighter at a cargo port, a refinery near a mining belt, and a medical ship near where you FPS?

Still worried about the modularity. Note, be aware that stand alone modules are not LTI.
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Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Hmm. . . I'm actually considering whether I might rather have either the Galaxy or a 600iE than a BMM. I'm not really much of a cargo hauler and the BMM just seems so BIG. Been holding on to a $10 Prowler-BMM CCU just cause it's such a good deal, but now I'm starting to wonder if one of these smaller multirole ships might be really be more useful.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That is why I have a Liberator. Carry our small ships, personal inventory and carry our modules for my Retaliator and our Vanguards to move to a new base of operations.

You are definitely tied to a base of operations with a modular ship though.
You bring up a question that has plagued me for some time. If you use your Lib as a base for whatever, you still need to resupply it somehow. If for example the Lib is supporting a wing of Eclipse, the Eclipse will need their S9torps replaced, so you need to have something flying in with both torps, and fuel.

Does anyone know, does the Star G fit S9 torps in the bay?


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
The more I study the Galaxy the more I want to make it my mobile home in the verse. Great looking ship with great potential. A Carrack killer? Certainly thinking my constellation will be melted to go towards this. Maybe my MSR going too

Just have to make it to my 60th (currently 42) birthday to use it.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just bear in mind that long before the Galaxy is released, the Nautilus and Polaris will be in game, and once players figure out how to generate cash with the Polaris, it is going to become the meta for small groups. Best I can tell is it will require 11 players minimum, which is twice the need for the Galaxy, but past that I think it's going to be wildly popular. It can't refine, is a terrible freighter, and only 1 S2 med-bed, but it can kill things and take their treasure. Load me up with Vanduul plasma-lances!
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