SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Had to google this. Its the 6th of December, "Nikolaus", right?
Almost correct. The 6th is the birthday of Sinterklaas, Saint Nicholas. The evening before, today, he will gift presents to kids.

Old weird guy + kids...?
Sorry, I had to laugh very hard on that one. Atm it is very controversial that his helpers are coloured. If I would live a few kilometers to the east, this wouldn't be a issue, our eastern neighbours have "Knecht Ruprecht"

Who is the weird guy now? The nice old man in the red robe doesn't look very weird now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm okay with 5 fps though....its like its an integral part of SC gameplay. Every frame above that would only confuse me.
What really annoys me is this "back-to-Levski-spawn"-bug which finally left me with 3 (three!!) aUEC (coming from 500k) because my fully loaded Cat, after leaving Delamar, spawned back into the Levski port and exploded. This was the first time I really, really hated SC. Since then, I haven't played it anymore, not a second.
Instead, I've bought "Subnautica" during Steam Sale. Its early access, but during the first 35 hours of gameplay I've only had one crash - and that probably was caused by a trojan virus which my son picked up on one of his gaming sides. Subnautica is what No Mans Sky should have become...well, in a much smaller scale. But nevertheless, with NMS, for which I paid 60 EUR, I've had three, four hours of almost-fun. With Subnautica it were 20 hours with LOTS of real fun and breathtaking moments - after that, the gameplay becomes boring and repetetive, unfortunately. I really hope that the developers are making some adjustments according the mechanics of the end-game-gameplay.
But nevertheless: recommended for all TESTies who are explorers without any need of shooter-action-gameplay, but are open-minded for slowed down gaming experience, atmospheric sounds and the magic of digital underwater worlds. :slight_smile:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
5 FPS!!! :cold_sweat: Usually I get around 20. Sometimes it is harder to get a stable server. Try, recognize bugged server, exit instance and try another region. Repeat until instance is stable. Dogfighting against slippery Gladius at 20 FPS is kind of hard.
I also saw better FPS, but most of the time a faster server fluctuates more and is less stable, so a steady 20 FPS server is fine for now.
My hardware is :thumbsup: now. Not the best, but also not the worst. I had a 6700k, 32GB RAM, Optane and a GTX970 which was playable with only my center display. Now I upgraded 970 to a 1080ti. Center display and side display work fine again, 6400x1440.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
6400x1440, Jesus H Christ!!

I'll stay with my 21:9 34" LG super-cheap-but-doing-its-job-08/15 monitor until further notice. Next investment will be a new PC, which will become a 1950x Threadripper most probably, because I am in need of CPU-power for my video rendering sessions. I'm really tired of waiting four, five, six hours for a 45 minute-video to render. BUT: first I need the money. Hence I'll have to wait a couple of months, put some money aside. As for the GPU, it will become something like a 1070 because I don't need more power for my monitor.

Did I mention? Last year, I was ill very often. Every f*cking time its about my ear. And after months of getting worse and worse I litteraly was at the end of my nerves. But in December I received a phone call from the "Hanover Medical School" that they found something: a tumor, little tiny one, at the acoustic nerve. And this causes the hellish noise and hearing losses. Means: it can be cured! They will remove the corresponding nerve and will implant a so-called "Cochlea Implantation". Hence most hopefully the noise will be gone or at least reduced and I'll be able to hear again on my left side, yay :thumbsup: Best thing is: I'm living in Germany and therefore don't need to sell the house or something like that for paying the bills (of around 50k EUR). *phew* Sooo glad having this solidary health care system here.
Anyway, I have to do some work for my YT-Channel. Wishing you all a nice week and - stay healthy and happy :upside_down::wave:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
6400x1440, Jesus H Christ!!
Yeah, I know, I got the side displays for free. The only downside was their unusual resolution, 1920x1200. You find a lot displays at that resolution, but none bigger then 24", but I didn't want to downgrade my main 27" display.
So at first I scaled the side displays down to 1920x1080. That looked crap, not usable for anything else then gaming.
Next step was a 2nd hand 28" main display 1920x1200, but not a lot choice, thick bezels, also not a good solution.
Finally I calculated the pitch (pixel distance) of the side displays, looked one resolution higher, 2560x1440, and found a 32" display with matching pitch, making my resolution 6400x1440. It even fitted on my "desk"
It was a relatively cheap display. high frequency or sync don't matter with multi display, but that kind of resolution, more pixels then UHD, eat a lot GPU power.

Did I mention? Last year, I was ill very often. Every f*cking time its about my ear. And after months of getting worse and worse I litteraly was at the end of my nerves. But in December I received a phone call from the "Hanover Medical School" that they found something: a tumor, little tiny one, at the acoustic nerve. And this causes the hellish noise and hearing losses. Means: it can be cured! They will remove the corresponding nerve and will implant a so-called "Cochlea Implantation". Hence most hopefully the noise will be gone or at least reduced and I'll be able to hear again on my left side, yay :thumbsup:
Very good news to hear!!! Strange noises in your head can be very annoying and exhausting!!! I'm very glad that you have look at a brighter future :smile:


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks! Yeah, I'm looking very forward to this medical operation :slight_smile::thumbsup:

Ah, hey, if you want to train your German hearing capabilities: I've recently finished my first Star Citizen audio book. It starts here
or corresponding MP3-files on my MS Onedrive!AqLDOUiC7hXPiRbiHUhIdZlF0Any
11 files, each around 30 minutes, makes 6 hours of Star Citizen audio book fun :beers::upside_down:

Have you heard of the snow catastrophe in Switzerland? Unbelievable, those masses of snow :dizzy_face:
Nearly 2 meters in 36 hours!


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Nope, not heard of until now. Strange, all snow has fallen on the car but no snow has fallen next to the car :thinking:
I heard that pretty much every ski resort in the alps where closed do to the Highest avalanche risk there is. That's actually really crazy


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey Sam! Welcome back. Happy New Year's my friend. How are you doing?
Thanks for the warm welcome :D Well, as written before: currently I'm feeling not so well because of this tumor-badass-thing (I always was ill the last two years - thats the reason, why...). But medical operation is about to be scheduled somewhen in spring this year, thus I'm looking forward to be cured soon. :thumbsup:
How about you, family, your house, job (brother @CrudeSasquatch )...?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks for the warm welcome :smile: Well, as written before: currently I'm feeling not so well because of this tumor-badass-thing (I always was ill the last two years - thats the reason, why...). But medical operation is about to be scheduled somewhen in spring this year, thus I'm looking forward to be cured soon. :thumbsup:
How about you, family, your house, job (brother @CrudeSasquatch )...?
I'm so happy to hear that they can remove that annoying little tumor. I recall how much grief that little bastard was giving you last year. At one point you seemed pretty despondent about it and the trouble it was causing you. Thank God there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you! Yay for Sam!

As for me, well, good and bad. Family is great. We are so happy. @CrudeSasquatch is here visiting, so that's been fun. Job is amazing, I'm certainly happy there.

House...well that's where the bad starts. If you recall, our house flooded back in April, and we lost our finished basement. Well, months later, and many thousands of dollars (including a fleet refund to help pay for it all) and we had our basement rebuilt and our foundation fixed. Yay!

Well, we woke up at 0400 this morning, and our basement has flooded again with sewer water. We lost everything. All our new construction, all of our sons toys, all of the furniture, all of the new carpeting, all of it. Every damn thing that was on the floor. Our new bathroom that we had built, all the walls in the basement. The flooding was exponentially worse than last time.

I don't know how to feel right now. I'm kinda numb. We've been fighting for the last six hours to salvage what we can.

This is what it looks like now,after we've removed everything we can.


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