SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So, long story short: thats it? My excuse for being lazy? Oh, no, I didn't tell you one little detail. I lately found a new strategy how to push myself being more creative: every evening I'm reading bed time stories. And my idea now is *drumroll* to write own stories for reading them. Is this a good idea? I don't know. But I will test it and then tell you about the result. :D
This is a very good idea. I heartedly approve!

Wait: you won the VS session with only one Ominsky left against 6 elite fighters? You should do a dogfight against @marcsand2 (and for sure film it). That would be most interesting video material :)
I've won against the last three elites with no weapons at all... just a question of racing around and getting them to go out of bounds or hit asteroids. It's not easy, but it is doable. That session above was a little more difficult as the ship is my niece's 315p, not nearly as quick as my lovely 350r.

I do ok dogfighting players. I don't stand still and slug it out. Makes a lot of them salty, but I'm flying a damned *racer*, you think I'm gonna go toe to toe with a Super Hornet? Pshaw!

If you can stand the 1 FPS slideshow, you can see me fly up against 400+ pirates in my 350r... I lasted an hour and 23 minutes, killing dozens of pirates by decoying their own missiles back at them.

...Anyway, there is a good point within your text (if my understanding is correct): enjoy your time of joy. Thats a point - perhaps typical German - I have huge issues to fulfil. Having joytime, I'm immediatly becoming a bad conscience if this "joytime" is not filled with productive things like gardening or cleaning or cooking. Exception: watching a movie. I'm usually watching movies in english language so I can train my language skills as a side plus :D
I am a quarter German, myself. Took me decades to stop feeling guilty about not being productive. Worth the effort to overcome. Focus and productivity are *enhanced* by me-time. You are over-all a more energetic, lively person if allowed to pursue you own interests (however sedentary) between the needs of living and obligations of work and family.

In my opinion :-)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks, you too! Bye!
I shall! Thank you.
Took me decades to stop feeling guilty about not being productive. Worth the effort to overcome. Focus and productivity are *enhanced* by me-time. You are over-all a more energetic, lively person if allowed to pursue you own interests (however sedentary) between the needs of living and obligations of work and family.

In my opinion :)
Well said friend Rolo. Well said. I hadn't thought of it that way.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
And *boom*. Dumb Sam died the third time during wave 8 because she loves crashing into some fucking space stones. I don't get it. How do you manage to get up to VS wave 18 without crashing into an asteroid?? Fuck that, I'm going to watch TV :(

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
And *boom*. Dumb Sam died the third time during wave 8 because she loves crashing into some fucking space stones. I don't get it. How do you manage to get up to VS wave 18 without crashing into an asteroid?? Fuck that, I'm going to watch TV :(
Hey. Don't you call my friend Sam "dumb." She's amazing! :)
Rocks happen. You need to look at the positive side of this: You should be happy that you're such a good TESTie. Crashing is a talent. You have it.
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Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
And *boom*. Dumb Sam died the third time during wave 8 because she loves crashing into some fucking space stones. I don't get it. How do you manage to get up to VS wave 18 without crashing into an asteroid?? Fuck that, I'm going to watch TV :(
As I'm strafing in a high-speed corkscrew around some 'Duul...
I'll see this huge rock pass over my canopy and think "Whoa! That was *close*!"
Other times...
"Press X to respawn"

I keep a pretty good spatial map in my head when flying, I kinda have a feel for where I saw a cluster of rocks...
As I'm flying I'll get this tension in my shoulders that is my subconscious screaming "ROCKS! ROCKS! ROOOOOOOOCK!"
Eventually that tension sorta takes command away from my trigger finger, relieves them of duty and spins me away from immanent demise.
Or... I hug rock.

I do wish A) rocks and other debris would show up at least as soft targets on the radar, and B) the 350r radar gets fixed so it's visible in flight :p


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey. Don't you call my friend Sam "dumb." She's amazing! :)
Rocks happen. You need to look at the positive side of this: You should be happy that you're such a good TESTie. Crashing is a talent. You have it.
I love you too. :D And now I will go downstairs watching some movie; really. I'll do that. No joke. What'll I watch? What women want? Perhaps.
Have a good night! :)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As I'm strafing in a high-speed corkscrew around some 'Duul...
I'll see this huge rock pass over my canopy and think "Whoa! That was *close*!"
Other times...
"Press X to respawn"

I keep a pretty good spatial map in my head when flying, I kinda have a feel for where I saw a cluster of rocks...
As I'm flying I'll get this tension in my shoulders that is my subconscious screaming "ROCKS! ROCKS! ROOOOOOOOCK!"
Eventually that tension sorta takes command away from my trigger finger, relieves them of duty and spins me away from immanent demise.
Or... I hug rock.

I do wish A) rocks and other debris would show up at least as soft targets on the radar, and B) the 350r radar gets fixed so it's visible in flight :p
Precisely this. Usually when I'm feeling that I've got my target dead to rights, and I don't want to stop shooting...
Blamo. Asteroid. Oops.
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Reactions: AstroSam and Rolo


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
And *boom*. Dumb Sam died the third time during wave 8 because she loves crashing into some fucking space stones. I don't get it. How do you manage to get up to VS wave 18 without crashing into an asteroid?? Fuck that, I'm going to watch TV :(
I also crash allot into asteroids when I'm fighting in my Freelancer, lesson learned, allot of rock, turn around, hit boost and let the Vanduuls follow me in safe space ;)
Precisely this. Usually when I'm feeling that I've got my target dead to rights, and I don't want to stop shooting...
Blamo. Asteroid. Oops.
Strafe away from the rock with boost but still keep reticle on target, mind the rock overhead, you won't see them coming :D


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Strafe away from the rock he says...
Like I ever see the rock coming. ;)
Rocks actually where the first things that made me use strafe, not always successfully, then I added some boost, which helped allot ;).
Engaging multiple targets starts with positioning, picking your target and checking the best strafe direction (away from rocks). One thing I really learned from pool: it doesn't matter which ball goes into pocket, it matters which ball you can put into pocket next and in my case, which position wouldn't be good for my opponent in case of a miss ;)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Rocks actually where the first things that made me use strafe, not always successfully, then I added some boost, which helped allot ;).
Engaging multiple targets starts with positioning, picking your target and checking the best strafe direction (away from rocks). One thing I really learned from pool: it doesn't matter which ball goes into pocket, it matters which ball you can put into pocket next and in my case, which position wouldn't be good for my opponent in case of a miss ;)
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