Ship Showdown - Argo MPUV


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So far so good, its still in the lead with 900 votes argogogogogogooooo!!!

Bit of a derail, kinda off topic:
I know this started out as a meme but I genuinely would love to see some use for the small argos with missions supporting them. Now that we have non-qt cargo types, there coulde be missions to carry those between the main spaceports and their corresponding cities, with the argo provided for the mission (or just any cargo, with hand loading). Slow boring and almost risk free and pays like shit, BUT it could be a good way to make some money when starting out or spend the time and make up your losses while waiting for an hour long ship reclaim.
Could also be used as a means of punishment in prison instead of just mining to transport shit to outside the mine and if you deviate from your route (could use the landing tunnel system we already had) you would gain more hours of incarceration and be demoted to just mining again.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
FML, I just purchased the little bastard... haven't payed for a ship since 2018 for the stang citcon ed.
If nothing else, my small ships will slowly add up to exhange em all for store credit towards the MSR. Or at least that's what I keep tellin myself. Anyways, gotta go, that glass of whiskey won't fill itself...


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
As much as I'd love to see it make it all the way, they put it up against the C2. There's no way it's taking that one down as it's new to the showdown and has massive Crusader hype.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Carrack is by far my favorite in the showdown. So knowing that TEST members are probably the source of the MPUV wining... screw you guys.
I had to post this response in a thread on Spectrum:


"I have no real interest in either the Carrak or the Argo, but It's a popularity contest so I voted for the most popular one.

I've seen a bunch about the Argo, seems to have a strong popular following, but have not seen jack about the Carrak. Where are the "Carrak is love, Carrak is life" memes? Yeah they are old but they are still relevant and you even had them being chanted in official Star Citizen videos and strong-arming hosts to begrudgingly make the ship their favourite one back in the day...

If anyone blames the Argos success on Memes, they gotta accept it's treading a path the Carrak laid...

No criticism intended on either ship or their followers or communities, just answering the OP question. If I could vote for a ship it would be the 350r and that's got no hope of being in the top 16 🙂"


I didn't realise it at the time, but the above is totally true about the Carrak. The Carrak was life, the Carrak was love, that meme had the crowd and the following even made the Carrak Disco Landos most favouriteist ship (valid until it became flyable) in a vote. It had the hype machine and the cult following and might just still have had that if only there had been the effort... But the cult leaders (owners?) didn't maintain the hype as they believed the ship could now carry itself on its own merits.

But it's a $600 ship. Of all the people who voted Carrak last time, how many actually owened one? The owners directly experience the merits but the biggest overwhelming demerit of the carrak is it is not a ship the masses can get their hands on and directly experience the merits of themselves.

The cult followers moved on and their new god is actually within attainable and within reach. It's just a bit crummy. Alas, a popularity contest is just that. What is popular isn't always what is best. What is popular doesn't stay that way maintenance to keep it there. Next year, a ship with some capabilities and affordable with the Meme-train behind it will be the recipe for success.

Lets start that work on the Aurora now.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Carrack is by far my favorite in the showdown. So knowing that TEST members are probably the source of the MPUV wining... screw you guys.
Don't blame everybody for the votes of some. I voted for the Carrack over the MPUV as it has more game play potential. Personally, I would've easily chosen a Pisces over the ARGO Cargo as it's superior to it in every way. Carries more people, check, carries more cargo, check, has a quantum drive, check & has weapons, check. Square footage about the same, but lower profile.
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