Shit new applicants are saying


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Not new just been absent for too long. Just saying Hello to Test and Newcomers. :like:
Welcome back aboard!

Designated drivers, the Kragle that holds the lego bricks of TEST together! Welcome and when it's your turn to enjoy a drink I'm sure someone will cover for you :)

And if you don't drink, you'll be exulted as one of the Navigators who will shepherd the swarms of intoxicated TESTies on our military maneuvers - a vital role.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Says the talking horse. And there is a reason why the discord channel has the following rule. No streaming or recording audio from the general voice chat to outside sources.
What happens in Vegas Lorville stays in Vegas Lorville.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I like your thought process...
You do realize he is just a puppet of the Lorville travel authority and what they truly mean is if they think you might have seen something or collected any of the air IE breathed it into your lungs they are going to imprison you so that word doesn't get out about the wonderful conditions planetside.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You do realize he is just a puppet of the Lorville travel authority and what they truly mean is if they think you might have seen something or collected any of the air IE breathed it into your lungs they are going to imprison you so that word doesn't get out about the wonderful conditions planetside.
I'll have you know although the Hurston Family have long been associated with hard work, they have always understood that those who work hard also have an inconvenient capacity to play hard - To manage this tendency, the kind an benevolent Hurston Family grant their employees fun perks such as a small entertainment screen per hab which displays the Hurston Family Channel 23/7, and also issue their staff with a 30 minute FunToken per month which can be redeemed at any of Lorvilles many (one) entertainment complexes, assuming that staff member has not had their FunToken revoked as penalty for disobedience or inefficiency.

The phrase famous across the 'Verse "There 'aint no party like a Hurston Dynamics party" has earned its renown, our purveyors of the fun scientifically calculate and measure it down to the micron, and deliver it via our highly trained Armourclads - they may look like our Riot Specialist Security Enforcement Officers with smiles drawn on their helmet visors, but those zany guys sure know how to have the fun and during your 30 minutes a month exposure to in-person entertainment ensure you don't receive more than your allotted quota remain safe while enjoying the good times with their array of non-fatal and not so non-fatal crowd control equipment.

So the next time you're planning an inconvenient family reunion or have a class of 2940 event you really don't want to be hosting, allow Hurston Dynamics Party Pals of Sub Basement 12c of Lorville to be your go-to venue. Our reputation for excellence in the field of "The Fun" and "The Fun Management and Execution Delivery" will ensure no guest overstays their welcome.

Choose the fun, Choose Lorville.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So how much they paying you NaffNaffBobFace?
For taking this responsibility on top of my normal industrial duties I am issued two FunTokens a month! Two!

Admittedly due to the extra tasks, I have not yet been able to juggle the workload to hit my efficiency quota, so all of my FunTokens earned since I took this on have been voided and I've not been able to visit the "Least Unhappy Place On Hurston"... but one day. One day.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If I'm not mistaken, while the Hurston family pays @NaffNaffBobFace 2 fun tokens per month, it takes him giving Mrs Naff 3 per month to keep her happy. So that keeps him motivated to constantly be striving to earn as many per month as possible so that she'll be happy & he can hopefully enjoy some fun as well.
I was just saying to my Hurston Dynamics Friend-O-Matic Buddy, 4725C6D during my 7.5 minute conversation break last week, that the trials and tribulations of life on Hurston are as complex as the dance of a trillion star systems spinning through the spiral arms of a galaxy. 4725C6D pointed out "we really do we rely on our benevolent Directors to ensure our work and home lives don't spiral into a dark abyss of ultimate chaos."

I did ask "As it is the directors who make the work for us to need the rotas and routines for, is it not they who create the potential for an abyss of ultimate chaos in the first place?" 4725C6D said "//CONVERSATION BREAK OVER, BACK TO WORK//" so I'll have to remember to ask it next time I'm scheduled to socialize, but I'm not again in September and my rota only seems to go to the end of September, so... Yeah I don't think we'll get an answer to that one.

I did mention it to Mrs.'BobFace but she looked at me funny and said it sounded like I didn't trust the Directors anymore. Of course I trust my Directors, I... just have ponderings sometimes... That kind of thinking is probably what landed me the extra sales workload with the Party Pals of Sub Basement 12c. You need ponderings to be able to sell The Fun to offworlders... and like my Buddy 4725C6D always says "Idle hands and noisy heads are furtile ground for the Seeds Of Doubt."
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