[SlumLords] HeadQuarter's and Vouch Center


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Not shipping internationally makes baby emprah cry. Dem SSDs though.
PM me address (if you have not already, and I will compute shipping ASAP). Also, I will try my very best to reach out to the peeps in the EU and see what I can do for TEST's EU brethren. I know one guy from Asus over there, another from a UK distro, we'll see. Can't promise anything of course but can't hurt to fire off some emails and ask. I know we got a lot of TEST EU peoples up in here :D

Look what I found in a drawer...

#TESTbrogiveawaycomingsoon ;)

[Edit: Too lazy to photoshop that "+MAC GAMES" peasant text out sorry gents]


Dec 12, 2014
RSI Handle
What timeframe on these? I'm traveling for the next 2 weeks visiting my kiddo and parents for the holidays, so I won't actually be at my computer until after the new year : /

Edit: Is the vodka spoken for? I find it best to do computer upgrades with a moderate BAC.
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
What timeframe on these? I'm traveling for the next 2 weeks visiting my kiddo and parents for the holidays, so I won't actually be at my computer until after the new year : /

Edit: Is the vodka spoken for? I find it best to do computer upgrades with a moderate BAC.
I can hold whatever, for however long. Just let me know what you would like and I'll slap a sticker on it that say's, "Hold For Exarkun007 , don't touch, unless you want to die a horrible death"

In regards to Vodka, it is gone. Duh! You should know by now that even the cheap stuff does not last around these parts. We are a firm believer high-BAC building LOL, totally kidding of course about that :rolleyes:

Here are some final shots from the folder that I actually edited myself:

Starcraft II Strat Guide: WoL

BenQ RL255HM Open box but brand new, used for Photoshoots and such. Easily one of the best Gaming Monitors ever made. I am little too spoiled and rarely play on a 60Hz panel very often, but when I do the RL is my 60Hz Display of choice :cool:

I have a few of these used and a few dozen brand new :)

Speaking of Gaming Monitors, this is in my opinion the "Best Gaming Monitor Ever Made. Period."

I have... well a lot of them. I am trying to organize a Group Buy, but it is proving difficult because of the price. They are expensive. Not even going to sugar coat that. I personally do not even care about the price though, I just want the best damn Gaming Monitor you can get and this is it, so I got a few. Okay I got a few more than a few, I freaking stocked up :D

Anyway, I will get some quality pics of the BenQ XL2420Z sooner or later. LMK via PM if you would like one though. And for Star Citizen, you will not find a better display. Is it twice as good as this one? I actually say yes, it is. That is just my personal opinion. To each their own you know.

I am so tired, passing out. Will reply to your PM's first chance I get tomorrow though.



Grand Pooh-Bear
Jan 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Sigh...*gets out credit card* :D

I'll be sending off that document to you today during work!
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Sigh...*gets out credit card* :D

I'll be sending off that document to you today during work!
Roger that, will be looking out for it.

Got a new Digital Camera today (Old but new to me ;)) and did these shots, thank's for all the Nesspresso Advice Mr. @Montoya ! This thing has changed my life. No joke. If you guys like coffee, or Spanish Coffee as I prefer ;) you really have to checkout the Nesspresso. Yes, it is a racket. Yes, they have you by the balls. And yes, they are expensive up front. However, I have saved several HUNDRED dollars a month, and have a much better coffee experience.

Oh @Egriz make sure you give me an address for ya, and I'll make a profile for you.

Thanks bros!


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Bump for this awesome game. Brand new in the box, never been opened. Would make great XMAS present. Anyone want it?

Link to c-jump.com

Also, have a 4770K OEM TRAY unit here that needs a home. @RussianJ knows more than me most likely about the specifics of this awesome little Haswell Chip. My company and I have used quite a few of these in workstations over the last cycle, and we have actually done quite a few Gaming Rigs with these powering them. Just wondering if you guys might want this lil guy. This is an open-box just unit, used for Photo's but Warranty will start when you purchase it, however.

Intel's Spec Sheet

The Amazon Link

I also have several boards that work great with this badboy, if you are looking for that Combo Deal ;)
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Minister of Propaganda
Staff member
Oct 5, 2014
RSI Handle
Also, have a 4770K OEM TRAY unit here that needs a home. @RussianJ knows more than me most likely about the specifics of this awesome little Haswell Chip. My company and I have used quite a few of these in workstations over the last cycle, and we have actually done quite a few Gaming Rigs with these powering them. Just wondering if you guys might want this lil guy. This is an open-box just unit, used for Photo's but Warranty will start when you purchase it, however.

Intel's Spec Sheet

The Amazon Link

I also have several boards that work great with this badboy, if you are looking for that Combo Deal ;)
That is an amazing chip for SC. A word of warning, it is a hot chip. As it is OEM, that is a go buy your own heatsink chip. A hyper 212+ is a great way to cool it for cheap. Contact me for more extreme options....

Zero, any good z97 boards there? I killed my day to day board and using my benching set now.
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
That is an amazing chip for SC. A word of warning, it is a hot chip. As it is OEM, that is a go buy your own heatsink chip. A hyper 212+ is a great way to cool it for cheap. Contact me for more extreme options....

Zero, any good z97 boards there? I killed my day to day board and using my benching set now.
And such a great point. The reason I personally, and my company now are suggesting all system's use AIO's is due to the thermals of all the new chips. The dies are getting smaller and smaller, and no matter how efficient the arch. is these babies are going to run hotter and hotter. Clock for clock though they are faster with each iteration so it does generally tend to balance out. Gone of course are those yester-years where we were doubling performance each gen. Ahh, the glory days.

For what it is worth though, one reason we do not use Hyper 212's is because well, we just have too many issues with them. I have used hundreds of Hyper 212's and they are just very inconsistent, or were at least. We stopped using them due to the inconsistency as well as less than stellar support from Coolermaster. That actually was probably the deciding factor in why we do not use CM products at all TBH. That is more of a preference thing, and let's face it the 212 is still the "AC Rock Bottom Budget Cooler of Choice". Especially, when you throw a good fan on there.

And disclaimer from myself, we do not suggest running this CPU, (Or almost any of the newer chips) without a Corsair H-series Cooler or something comparable (Though we have not had a fraction of the support from others, as we have had from Corsair). Now I understand this is a point of contention for a lot of people. I understand people are on a budget. However, when degradation, overall reliability, overall performance, sustainability, etc of a system, we believe that it is generally best to pony up for the initial cost increase (which is getting smaller and smaller). Please, do not mistake this for me saying that ALL H20 COOLERS ARE THE ANSWER TO EVERY CPU. Just saying that we feel that H20 Cooling in the form of AIO's like the Corsair line is the future. Let's embrace it :)

Though, if you really are on a budget, you got to do what you got to do. But perhaps you should look at running a less expensive, mid-range CPU if this is the case.

--------Warning Went Full Freaking Digression Here-------

But PM incoming though. I personally have a few MSI Z97's on my rack at the warehouse in LA, that I need to get rid of them ASAP (Before they price drop, CES) so your lucky day perhaps, is today. I have some Asus ones as well but really had nothing but bad experience with Asus right now due to very high failure rates, coupled with very poor support in and out of the channel. Could be just a shipping thing on the failure rates, but we suspect not. Asus in our experience, at least here in the US has gone downhill, while MSI continually improves and is IMO the best there is out there in regards to MoBo, and GPU's, and by far the best Gaming Laptop maker. We actually use the MSI Whitebooks for our branded Mobile Workstations and Gaming PC's. MSI is just stepping up to the plate in every area. We are thrilled to be an authorized dealer and brand ambassador for their awesome products. Sorry if this sounds like just some sales pitch to you, it is simply just the truth. I am just very passionate about this shit, and you can probably tell.

MSI has made my job, and life a whole lot easier since we pretty much "dropped" Asus. We have about 1/10th the issues with them. And they are really focused on us Gamers. Asus wants to mass produce everything. I feel Gigabyte is similar in that regard as well. EVGA, is well, the next best thing to MSI, but we need to wait and see with them. I personally love EVGA, but they dropped the ball.

-----Back on Topic------

BTW, I have tons of these Corsair Survivor Stealth Flash Drives from 16-128GB. We have a couple hundred of these ready to ship anywhere in the US/48. We use these for EVERYTHING around here and have been outfitting every office, LAN Center, Gamer House, etc here in SoCal. We love these things! I gave two of the to some Seal Team Boys that are friends of mine in San Diego and they took them diving in La Jolla, California in some not-so-shallow waters and two of these had no issues, at all what-so-ever. I have since sold them a few dozen, and I know that some of the Naval Rescue Swimmers have used them for something. I also sold some to some Video Production Studio's in Hollywierd, and they were used on set, in several TV shows, and a movie. Pretty damned cool!

Got one of these RL's here. But just so you guys know, we actually sell a LOT of BenQ's. They are the best Gaming Monitors (And the first) out there for several reasons, and we stand behind them because they are HQ'd here in SoCal and they stand behind their products unlike Asus the only other real "competitor in the sector". I can actually have them or myself answer any questions that you may have at CES. I will not be there, but I am sending a couple associates.

Got a few of these left, probably just end up selling them all to a friend here in SoCal that owns a Brick+Mortar Store but if you guys want one of these Corsair 750D's, just let me know. I have used a LOT of these since they came out. We really love to use these on our high-end Workstations, and I have several of them in my office. I freaking love them. The 900D is of course my favorite but this is a very close second.

Anyway, you guys have yourselves a great night. Also, thank you very much for keeping this thread super positive. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I really want to keep this thread clean as possible with as much pics and such so please PM me if you can. Also, it is really hard for me right now to respond to all the PM's, email's, etc so please be patient, I promise I will get back to you as soon as it is possible for me. I am just so busy right now, pure chaos here.

And sorry for some not-as-good-as-can-be pics. In a real rush.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Man so sorry guys, really just been slammed and wish I could get more stuff inventoried and processed and posted but without any minions [interns], this is next to impossible for me at this time :/

But I have a few Corsair H80i's I processed. Wish I had time to tell you guys about all the positive experiences I have had with these units but alas I do not. On my way out the door as we speak. But I can tell you quickly that these are one of the most reliable CPU Coolers out there. Period. I have used more of these than any other CPU Cooler out there (Since they were released), and there is several reasons for that.

Anyway here there are:

As you can see in the pics, they are brand new, un-used, just open-boxes like most of our stuff as we are mostly Manufacturers of OEM System's, not "Custom PC Builders", or Component Re-sellers. Though we do dabble in both.

Corsair H80i on Corsair.com
Corsair H80i on OCN

As always, just make an offer with Zip Code and I'll get back to you ASAP. They are going for around $100 right now, and we were selling for $110+Tax at one of our Brick+Mortar stores here in SoCal. Might do a giveaway or something with one of them on the RSI Forums as to help with TEST Recruitment and Promote the best damn Org in The Verse.

Thank you guys for your time and remember, we are giving 10% of ALL SALES to TEST ORG FUND! Currently up to $65 already!


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle

Let me know if you need anything testbros! In the middle of the move and everything but will do whatever I can to help you guys out.

@Egriz you have email sir ;)


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
[Update 12_20_14_01] having Super Fire Sale at my Company HQ, sold pretty much everything so far but do have some CPU's and smaller stuff available. See anything you like just shoot me PM thanks!



Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
My GTX 770 arrived looking like new, thanks ZeroKool!


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
My GTX 770 arrived looking like new, thanks ZeroKool!
It is new LOL. Brand new, Warranty starts as soon as I get around to making that invoice... LOL

What is that you are drinking sir?

Anyway, care pack went out will get you Fed Ex Tracking Info soon.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Sir!


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Zerocool - You should do a PC build thread similar to PCPartspicker; but substitute the components you have with other components that would be needed...


GTX 770
Corsair Obsidian Case
All you would need to add would be beer, wires, Power supply, and a stripper and you have a great pic...

(Okay.. perhaps this is more for the techless Savy.. but you could also offer "bundle offers" for fellas who need to start up and perhaps want multiple items....)

DO you got any of those lamps? I love them!
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