So remember that time . . .

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It takes a touch more money, but you definitely want to wrap your perforated pipe and gravel with geotextile fabric. We always used Typar (I always thought it was spelled Type R until a couple years ago...). You basically want to make a perforated pipe and gravel burrito. It allows the water into the french drain, but not the particulates. It keeps it from clogging up. In a pinch, you can just wrap the pipe, but it doesn't do as good or last as long. The water can wash dirt into your nice gravel pretty quick and then the water will get diverted away from the drain instead of into it.

We used to dig an 8-10"w x 2'd trench all around the house (about 1-2' away from the house). We would usually use an 8" power auger to help dig and break up the dirt. Then we would drop in the typar all the way down with 1' of overlap on one side. Next would go the perforated pipe. We would use the 6" corrugated drainage pipe with the holes drilled all through it and the nylon cover (looked like lady stockings). Once that was on the bottom, we would backfill with crushed rock to about 4" from grade, flop the fabric over the top to complete the burrito, and fill the rest with top soil. It was usually me and one other guy for about an 8-10 hour day depending on the house.

I had one that took almost 3 days though. The daylight basement was sitting in a hollow they carved out of the bedrock and backfilled around. So it took me over 2 days with a jackhammer to carve that french drain, bedrock the whole way. God I'm glad I don't do that shit any more...
That's bloody brilliant. Thanks Bruttle. This is basically what I had in mind, but with 2 x 4" pipes. But a single 6" would work just fine. I'll see about an auger rental, or whatever they recommend here, as there is shit tons of limestone just below the surface here.

Also, my neighbour says the septic system was just redone 12 years ago or so, and that's why its behind the house now. There's a bylaw regulating where septic systems can be placed, so the field and tank were moved.
I've come up with a guaranteed approach with the Insurance company:

View attachment 8995
Hahaha, you actually made me laugh out loud! Thanks for that.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So sorry this happened! :(
Thanks brother. Second time in less than a year. Sucks loosing it all right after you've rebuilt it all, haha. Oh well. Life goes on.
Adapt. Buy a snorkel. Your children are young and will grow gills in time...
Haha, man, swimming in poo water. That's shitty!
I haven't let my kid back into the basement since it happened. Don't want him to see everything that he lost/we lost.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks ladies and gents. It's been a shitty couple days. Haha. But at least I had @CrudeSasquatch here to help weather the shit storm. His assistance made the in flow of effulent a wee bit less craptastic.

@Montoya we thought we had the problem diagnosed and solved after the last time this happened. That's why we rebuilt the basement. Haha. Oops.

@Bruttle I'll message you and we can discuss a bit. Thanks for your input.

Thank you all for your support. This too poo shall pass, haha

Now y'all may as well let your best poo jokes and memes start flying. This is TEST after all. You know you want poo.

I love you all, you shit heads. Haha
I have [CONCERN]s. Where am I supposed to live now when I run away to Canada? I mean, you told me that it would be a really shitty place to live but I didn't think it would be like this.
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