[solved]Star Citizen keeps crashing every time I load into the verse


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Blimey we're running out of options here... I don't know if it would effect it if you have the launcher on another drive to the game files...?

Also in the graphics options kill everything unneeded so no Vsync, blury head turn nonsense etc.

Erm... try turning off FOIP if you have it on, too. You never know if there is a conflict somewhere. I had issues over the Invictus event, yanked my web-cam and the issues went away. Might have been connected, probably wasn't.

Also: When you make your character, just choose a default one. We had a TESTie who changed the colour of their eyes to purple and they could no longer get any ship HUD to show. Genuine bug based on the colour of their eyes!

And from your machine spec are you only on 16gb of RAM? With every new patch requirements change, I'm sitting on 24GB (2x8 and 2x4) and the difference in stability adding the other 8gb was for want of a better word "unrealistic".
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Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Something that helped me in the past: disable the damn windows10 xbox gaming overlay! It did cause crashes for me, also stated on SC website as being an issue.
I'm sure you know the drill of stopping all non essential background clutter, disabling antivirus, yada yada...
Random idea, do you have some hotas, controllers or something hooked up? Maybe those are messing up? (had an issue with an old joystick before in a patch but that was ages ago)
As for the install size difference, SC does create some texture cache files and such, so it may vary. Mines showing 61gig (not 60.9), and it's a recent install, but I've played quiet a lot.
Yeah XBOX overlay is off, I tried a superclean start-up only once though, might try it a bit more.
No HOTAS or anything but I do have an external hdd hehe, and of some other stuff, like usb headsets/boxes. I'll try without peripherals, you never know!

At this point, I think waiting for the 3.10 patch might be your only hope.
Yeah that is probably a good bet!

Blimey we're running out of options here... I don't know if it would effect it if you have the launcher on another drive to the game files...?

Also in the graphics options kill everything unneeded so no Vsync, blury head turn nonsense etc.

Erm... try turning off FOIP if you have it on, too. You never know if there is a conflict somewhere. I had issues over the Invictus event, yanked my web-cam and the issues went away. Might have been connected, probably wasn't.

Also: When you make your character, just choose a default one. We had a TESTie who changed the colour of their eyes to purple and they could no longer get any ship HUD to show. Genuine bug based on the colour of their eyes!

And from your machine spec are you only on 16gb of RAM? With every new patch requirements change, I'm sitting on 24GB (2x8 and 2x4) and the difference in stability adding the other 8gb was for want of a better word "unrealistic".
I wil try and mess around with the ingame settings more, I tried some stuff but not everything hehe. I did try different characters(also the 1st default char last time). Might try another default.

Yeah I am on 16GB of RAM, might upgrade if 3.10 doesn't help hehe.

Mortis 1 8 7

Vice Admiral
Oct 7, 2019
RSI Handle
I didn't see it mention here, but did you try to close all background programs? I see a lot of open programs bottom right, they might somehow interfere. (As crashes are even happening on differen parts, some times you can spawn, other times not, for me it points into that direction)

I think I had once issues because Citrix Workspaces app was installed (but don't remember if it was on Star Citizen or other games)
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Only thing I know for sure is that non win10 programs running in background like Discord, OBS etc... need to be run in admin mode to not interfere with SC.
This can also be set to like free standing software for audio and graphic control programs outside the normal windows driver settings.

Once set that option on all like like MSI afterburner for GPU card, iCUE for motherboard, PSU, RAM, etc..
Since then SC have stopped being a bitch and only fail when there is a server problem and that I can't do much about.

And never chose BEST when log in always pick the server-.
I always use US server it fail the least from all I tested, even tho I am in Europe my highest ping is squared around 75-105ms which is totally fine.
Over all I have a solid 60-70fps at all times and yeah! I locked the fps to not go past 70fps cause I rather have a stable fps than one that is fluctuating up and down..


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
seems as if you have tried just about everything.... have you tried a character reset on the RSI website? (resorting to 'trial by perturbation' here)
I really hope you can get this resolved.. it'd drive me nuts...


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
By the looks and sound of it. It seems to be left over corruption files not properly uninstalled. If you are 100% sure you got everything, then my best guess would be corruption of the system with a driver or system that correlates to SC or corruption of pathing installation due to improper uninstallation and when it reinstalls shit to your system i.e. with the reg its missing pieces or something along the line.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
I see the bed I spawn in, but parts are missing and I can see open space around me, then crash.
After every major patch update, we need to delete the Shader Folder (inside the USER Folder)
The system will not update this info but will create and new Shader Folder if one does not exist.

So, I hadn't played star citizen in a while (like a year or something?)
Okay, this may sound dumb but please hear me out.

Pleas check your version of Windows 10
1. Click the Start button.
2. Type "winver" in the search box and press Enter.
3. You should see the About Windows box with your Windows version information.
If it is N version Windows 10 N
Then you need to download & install the Media Feature Pack
[[ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3145500/media-feature-pack-list-for-windows-n-editions ]]

This has been causing people to CTD during the loading of the Splash Screens since 3.9.0
This 'could' be your problem. Worth checking.

Some more thoughts about your problem..... NVidia GPU only.
1. Make sure that the 3D Vision Controller Driver and 3D Vision Driver are NOT installed.....
2. Override Fullscreen Optimization
It’s recommend making these changes on your RSI files. These work for all graphic cards. Disabling fullscreen optimization should keep 3D Vision from activating and crashing your game.
You may need to configure this for the RSI Launcher and Star Citizen .exe files.
Right-click the RSI Launcher desktop shortcut. Or go to the .exe directly in (install driver)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\RSI Launcher\RSI Launcher.exe and right-click the file.
Click Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab.
Enable the option Disable Fullscreen Optimization.
Click Apply.
Navigate to (install driver)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\Live\Bin64. Right-click the StarCitizen.exe file.
Click Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab.
Enable the option Disable Fullscreen Optimization.
Click Apply.
Just a thought.
Last suggestion......

Have you overclocked your CPU to 4+ GHz?
If so, try removing the CPU overclock and try SC again.
Many people have had a problem running CPUs over 4 GHz since 3.9.0
[Some 'stuff' has changed with 3.9.0]

I hope one of these solves your problem.
If not, well I tried.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I decided to just reseat everything in my PC, except my CPU.
And it's working now... I have had no other issues whatsoever though.

Yes, obviously that was the problem. Why are you all so stupid?

He just had jiggle everything in his PC case.

CIG needs to change the "delete user folder" to "delete user folder and jiggle all your hardware components around."


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I decided to just reseat everything in my PC, except my CPU.
And it's working now... I have had no other issues whatsoever though.
When in doubt raise it to the ground! 'tis the TESTly way, well done on getting it working again, now it's play time!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Wohoo got there in the end!!


Space Marshal
Jan 24, 2015
RSI Handle
In stead of acting all high and mighty, you could just simply say what you are actually fishing for.
Asking for virutal memory at a random point in time (as opposed to when the game is running) is a faulty proposition from the get-go, which made me very weary.

Asking for disk space and type, for what? A HDD would yield the same result but slower. Free space? For what? Do you know where my pagefile is, or how it's configured? Did I not specify that I made enough room? And tried all three disks? On which I made enough room.. else I couldn't even try to put a 65GB install on them.

I can't even imagine asking about other specs unless you want to go on a google spree for all cases concerning any component of my hardware and posting them here.

So yeah, you should have probably minded your own business. And a good day.
I will keep that in mind, again I apologize.
I came off the wrong way.

have a pleasant day
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