Very way kewl. Hey, I can imagine TEST doing seasonal vids like this only scripted and shot from a separate video craft. Anyone here a good video editor?
Very way kewl. Hey, I can imagine TEST doing seasonal vids like this only scripted and shot from a separate video craft. Anyone here a good video editor?
So for example how many Vanguards could we gather for a strike team and post them not only leaving a jump point together, to actually attacking and destroying a target or targets together.
I would definitely go for homogeneity where you can. Note that group was flying several, very fast light fighters, at the speed of a bomber because they had a single Warden with them. What point is there in a light fighter if you can't go fast?
Another vid could be of several Valkyrie flying into a valley and disembarking troops and vehicles. You don't actually need more troops and vehicles than to fill one of them, and then shoot it from two others so you have three camera angles of the same disembarkation. Quick and easy cheater's vid. Only hard part is to get enough ground troops and if possible, all dresses identically.
Then all we need are cheap platitudes, and empty slogans to rally the troops. "Our BEER IS BETTER! Come DRINK OUR BEER!" and other some such motivational blather we find compelling.
I think a cool vid would be of a sole Raven attacking a Reclaimer, followed by A Valkyrie entering and boarding. Cheers of "TAKE THEIR BEER! LET THEM HAVE NONE! ALL YOUR BEER BELONGS TO US!" would be appropriate, and should strike sheer terror into the hearts of our enemies. (If we had enemies. We don't, becasue we have beer.)