Hmm I both agree with Phil and BobFace in same way...
The release of S42 by chapter is not someting I'm happy-jumping for, but I don't think CIG will be bump it, I assume it's a simple way to start release some finish cotent to the public so they can bring in new customer and shake if the "scum dust" they still be covered on nowaday. Once all the asset like AI, character design and camera motion tool are for one chapter the onli thing left to be done, except for new ship design, is to fill the box, so development should be fairly quick compaared to what we have now (as it does for SC actually).
Concerning the sell of S42 that is another story...
Today there are different space game outthere (with questionable quality IMHO....) but they are there now, S42 doesn't.
Event if SC/S42 have a part in "bring back the space sim" mood if this mood will expire in the next couple of years then S42 will be published in a market that don't care for it, and will fail to get new customers (remember we all already have it, and we are not few for a space sim nowaday...), that is one of the reason, I thnk, while they are pushing the S42 development, so that they can benefit for the retuned mood for space sim.
For future finaces income selling another bunch of the company will not be a good move in the eye of the market: a company that it's selling itself out for getting founds for a product that is not even released is looks like a company that is failing...
CIG have more valuable asset to sell, and that is the tecnology they are developing, Planetaty Tech, FOIP/VOIP, optimized game engine, server mashing tecnology... etc...
Those I thing are avaluable asset for the market, I mean think about an Elder Scroll that is biuld not on a single region but in the entire world, even TSO is limited in the eviroment, and is big, or a Mass Effect that actually have entire planet in them to explore rather that single landing zone, or a Halo game with the entire planet completed rather then single map, or a Fallout worldwide game (like 76.. but better...)
One the tecnology will be flashed out it could be a valuable asset for many company that are willing to build a freaking big game with a beatifull enviroments...