I finally see where all this is going.
They'll take the system-jumping out of the small ships.
So jump cappable ships need to be docked at and used as taxi.
(We are talking Port-Olisar Class Jumpships here buddy)
Then there will be mechs.
Mechs can't fly so they need dropships.
Mechs are expensive in upkeep and so most owners will be forced to work in packs (or lances) as mercenaries.
In the bloody wars that will wreck the systems around and including earth.
Let's name them the
Inner Sphere for convenience.
Then, an invasion of even bigger, better ships and mechs occurs and it turns out it's a once exiled military force that has come to regain what they consider is rightfully theirs.
Let's call them Clans.
An even greater struggle will break out.
And the the
Word of Blake shall be heard!!!
Well, either that or they will simply change the most common crash notification to 40K.
Because of them Space Marines...
I think I actually might prefer that.