RADAR is radio detection and ranging. Though it can use more than just radio now days including infrared laser and even microwave. It's pretty powerful in what it does and really amazing resolution can be reached.
That said, have you guys ever messed with scanning in the game? I'm sure most of us have right! The thing that gets me is that the terms seem to be getting mixed up even by the devs. We're talking about three different systems. Radar is primarily for combat targeting and ranging, easy enough...it picks up in emissions from other objects putting off whatever it's designed to detect (radio, IR, EM, microwave, etc), and works with the targeting suite for firing solutions.
Scanning, who knows! I'm going to assume this is a synthetic composition involving systems such as optical, magnetic, gravity, etc....maybe it rolls radar in there too. And pings would simply be one or more of these systems doing just that, sending a ping (ONE, echo, only).
But c'mon.....if you've scanned other ships I'm sure you've seen some funny shit. I was flying escort for my wife a while back and on a whim, fired up the scanner and did a full scan of her ship. It told me that her Mole had a bunch of mixed mining onboard. Yet....also told me that .x of her SCU was a meat chunks MRE and a bottle of water both of which were discards, on the floor from when she took a break!
C'mon man, if my scanner is magick enough to tell me crap like that then why are we even using radar?? And why can't my miner tell me rock compositions you know....FROM ORBIT or at least from the time I first detect the rocks??
Maybe that's the intent *shrug*
But as it is now it's kind of silly and I think the devs should devote some lore to the pseudo tech involved in the game. Hell, just make something up to explain it, I'll bite!