Sub Divisions of Test


Space Marshal
Feb 3, 2015
RSI Handle
This is test, I fully expect everyone to fail horribly and all die on our first TEST squadron event... it will be a glorious death!


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
At the time we put that together, it was originally going to be only ground FPS and support (i.e gunships/medics), was suggested by leadership that we include dogfighters as well. It was said the issue will be revisited when things get closer to PU release, and if needed branch them into two separate divisions.

Personally I think it should be two separate groups, but that's just me.

As of right now none of these groups are "official" and are only for interest. Once org 2.0 drops leadership will be making the groups official.
Speaking from experience, my old unit in the Army, was composed of mostly transport aircraft, however, we had a couple of recon and "attack"(UH-60s with wing mounted guns and rockets). The idea was the stock UH-60s would carry the troops, while the AH-60s would provide cover. Granted, AH-60 are not full fledged dogfighters, but they would provide more covering fire than the door gunner on a stock UH-60. So in game terms, you have 2-3 Cutlass' with the ground troops, and a couple of Hornets for covering fire. Plus a couple of small, light ships for initial recon, like M-50s or Mustang Deltas, something that can defend itself while getting the hell out of there.


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Speaking from experience, my old unit in the Army, was composed of mostly transport aircraft, however, we had a couple of recon and "attack"(UH-60s with wing mounted guns and rockets). The idea was the stock UH-60s would carry the troops, while the AH-60s would provide cover. Granted, AH-60 are not full fledged dogfighters, but they would provide more covering fire than the door gunner on a stock UH-60. So in game terms, you have 2-3 Cutlass' with the ground troops, and a couple of Hornets for covering fire. Plus a couple of small, light ships for initial recon, like M-50s or Mustang Deltas, something that can defend itself while getting the hell out of there.
I was in the Infantry for 3 years too long, I want to do something like this in the PU. I want to do a lot of security and bounty hunting. The idea I have is very much like this, you have the F7CM, Vanguards, and so on. take the role of a fight wing, then you have your redeemers and talis (dropships) come in are dock to the larger ships and send the grunt on. I really want to be part of a sub division like this. my idea for the name is GRASP, (like SEALs, but GRound, Air, SPace)
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not against the idea of having a DEVGRU-style group in TEST that develops and experiments with combat tactics, loadouts, and strategies.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not against the idea of having a DEVGRU-style group in TEST that develops and experiments with combat tactics, loadouts, and strategies.
I think the point of subdivisions is to put you into groups that want to play the game the same way. ie. I want to be part of combat, security, bounty hunting, and competitive groups. and what group I play with will just depend on my mood that day. as such I think we need to find how our test members want to play the game and use the divisions to point them too people that want to play the same way. This also would help with cross division team ups. ie. If there is a mining division that has members on, and they are about to go out, but need security, they go to our security division and contract a group of them. Here are what I think are the minim divisions we need.
Combat, space/ground
Security, space/ground
Bounty hunting
Transport, goods
Transport, people
pirates (no attacking other active test members?)
competitive (esports)
(if there are others please fill free to add on to the list)
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I think the point of subdivisions is to put you into groups that want to play the game the same way. ie. I want to be part of combat, security, bounty hunting, and competitive groups. and what group I play with will just depend on my mood that day. as such I think we need to find how our test members want to play the game and use the divisions to point them too people that want to play the same way. This also would help with cross division team ups. ie. If there is a mining division that has members on, and they are about to go out, but need security, they go to our security division and contract a group of them. Here are what I think are the minim divisions we need.
Combat, space/ground
Security, space/ground
Bounty hunting
Transport, goods
Transport, people
pirates (no attacking other active test members?)
competitive (esports)
(if there are others please fill free to add on to the list)
Yes, I wrote a full fledged post on divisions and the "career grouping" involved:


Oct 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I would like to be part of a Jack of all trades "patrol-ish" fleet. Allow me to elaborate the concept build up of my ideal fleet:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------"Drunk Jack's Fleet"------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Do many stuff but without seperating as a team. Everyone has something to contribute and one's stregths covers other's weaknessess.

Large Star Ships: (Utility/transport/frigates>100m): This ships are the "core" utility ships of the fleet, from exploration to mining to combat all can find their role.

1x Orion (Crew: 6) (Roles: Mining/Bait/Point-Defence Platform): Ensures revenue & needs escorts. Why not group it with other purpose ships?
1x Hope-Class Endeavor (Crew: 1(me)/16) (Roles: Bait/Hospital/"Carrier"): Hospital re-assures crew member safety of the fleet
1x Reclaimer (Crew: 5)(Roles: Salvage/Bait/Point-Defence Platform): Salvage the loot after ANY & EVERY battle

Medium Star Ships: (gunner/transport<90m): These ships are the main patrol. The claws and teeth of fleet
1x Constellation Aquila/Andromeda (Crew: 4) (Roles: Exploration/Scanner/"Gunnship"): Explore, detect hidden/incoming targets. Support ground units
1x Redeemer (Crew: 5) (Roles: Gunship/boarding): Protect Ships from get boarded or land/board to capture land asset
1x Retaliator (Crew: 6) (Roles: Heavy Bomber/boarding): Aggressive attacker. Most ships taking fire will propably back out. Same as above

Main squadron: Any fighter self capable of jump available
4x <Starfighter> (Crew: 4-8)

Secondary Squadron Close Range Fighters (without ability to "Space Jump")
2x Red-Class Cutlass (in Endeavor's hangar) (Crew: 2x4)
2x Gladius* (in Endeavor's secondary Hangar)( *= any small fighter for easy take-off/land) (Crew: 2x1)

------------------------------------------------------------- Post might edit after suggestion -----------------------------------
Volunteers for the "Drunk Jack's Fleet"
Name-Theme(if any)-favorable positions (with priority of most to least) (obviously not positions that are not fun to you)
- Marco Neilus (me), Combat Doctor. Position: Hope Crew, Cutlass Pilot, Retaliator/Redeemer/etc Gunner/Combat Medic

----------------------------------Disclaimer: I do not intend to be portayed as Commander of any kind.------------------------------------
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I would like to be part of a Jack of all trades "patrol-ish" fleet. Allow me to elaborate the concept build up of my ideal fleet:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------"Drunk Jack's Fleet"------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Do many stuff but without seperating as a team. Everyone has something to contribute and one's stregths covers other's weaknessess.

Large Star Ships: (Utility/transport/frigates>100m): This ships are the "core" utility ships of the fleet, from exploration to mining to combat all can find their role.

1x Orion (Crew: 6) (Roles: Mining/Bait/Point-Defence Platform): Ensures revenue & needs escorts. Why not group it with other purpose ships?
1x Hope-Class Endeavor (Crew: 1(me)/16) (Roles: Bait/Hospital/"Carrier"): Hospital re-assures crew member safety of the fleet
1x Reclaimer (Crew: 5)(Roles: Salvage/Bait/Point-Defence Platform): Salvage the loot after ANY & EVERY battle

Medium Star Ships: (gunner/transport<90m): These ships are the main patrol. The claws and teeth of fleet
1x Constellation Aquila/Andromeda (Crew: 4) (Roles: Exploration/Scanner/"Gunnship"): Explore, detect hidden/incoming targets. Support ground units
1x Redeemer (Crew: 5) (Roles: Gunship/boarding): Protect Ships from get boarded or land/board to capture land asset
1x Retaliator (Crew: 6) (Roles: Heavy Bomber/boarding): Aggressive attacker. Most ships taking fire will propably back out. Same as above

Main squadron: Any fighter self capable of jump available
4x <Starfighter> (Crew: 4-8)

Secondary Squadron Close Range Fighters (without ability to "Space Jump")
2x Red-Class Cutlass (in Endeavor's hangar) (Crew: 2x4)
2x Gladius* (in Endeavor's secondary Hangar)( *= any small fighter for easy take-off/land) (Crew: 2x1)

------------------------------------------------------------- Post might edit after suggestion -----------------------------------
Volunteers for the "Drunk Jack's Fleet"
Name-Theme(if any)-favorable positions (with priority of most to least) (obviously not positions that are not fun to you)
- Marco Neilus (me), Combat Doctor. Position: Hope Crew, Cutlass Pilot, Retaliator/Redeemer/etc Gunner/Combat Medic

----------------------------------Disclaimer: I do not intend to be portayed as Commander of any kind.------------------------------------
They said that the Endeavor can only have one hanger.... besides that let me know if you need any security ships, that is what I am going to do a lot of, I have all Super Hornet, Sabre, Vanguard, Retaliator, Redeemer, and an Constelleation Andromeda, and willing to let people fly the ships I can not personally control.
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Oct 8, 2015
RSI Handle
They said that the Endeavor can only have one hanger.... besides that let me know if you need any security ships, that is what I am going to do a lot of, I have all Super Hornet, Sabre, Vanguard, Retaliator, Redeemer, and an Constelleation Andromeda, and willing to let people fly the ships I can not personally control.
You can count on me as a crew member, sir or should I say captain. As I currently am just a happy Mustang owner, I would love to man a multicrew's guns or guard the ship (especialy in Alpha 2.0 where everyone will try to steal landed ships).
Add me as a contact on RSI so I can see your online status.

Regards, a cadet candidate
Handle: MarNei
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Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
I'll happily crew-up for any duties! Got to say that I am looking forward to exploration on my Dur. Agree with the comment about ship thieves though - plenty of sticky fingered scally wags to fend off!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This sounds like a brilliant plan. Sub- divisions for the win (without the bored housewives).
I'm looking at running escort and doing exploration. Got a cutlass, Sabre, and freelancer dur. Oh, and an Aurora. Of course.

Jack Firebaugh

Rear Admiral
Jun 20, 2014
RSI Handle
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Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
IMHO the squad is more important than any speciality currently pursued. Admittedly my previous experience in Freelancer is of a small group (say a dozen) doing great things. And this game and this org has the potential for an absolute hoard of people doing mind blowing things. But for organising speciality projects or even ridiculously berserk projects it's likely be easier if dealing with squads of people who are used to working together than individuals who are enthusiastic for what ever is planned. Some of the advantages I see of squads are:
Development of deep mutual trust > increased security
A unit where individual inclinations for play are accommodated amongst friends > individual strengths used most effectively.
Just running with the ball park figure of 12 for the moment, it could take the shape of operating a larger ship with 7 crew and 5 security (protection, eva, assault) or 2 security and 3 escort. Or it could be that they all jump in combat ships. I guess the subdivision I'd most like to hook up with would be a sub division of squads, where each squad would likely want to be able to tackle a few different types of ops. SQUADIES


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
I know it is a long way off, but I am definitely interested in getting together with people soon, finding a good squad of trustworthy people with like minded roles. Endeavor owners needing crew? This is my primay interest, please message me if you are looking for more crewmembers!

What will be interesting is how TEST puts to use everyone's abilities/skillsets and relates them to subdivions and the Org's goals.
Player A - terrible pilot, good FPS skills, has diplomacy skills, not known to be easily tilted
Player B - Ace pilot, spreadsheets like a pro dues to RL experience and enjoys doing it, is not great with relations, tends to be hot headed
Player C - Wants to explore, but also wants to be part of the commerce aspect of the Org
Player D - wants to Bounty Hunt mostly, but is also into exploration and security - ie would like a job on an endeavor, but would also be cool with guarding the Rock Raiders while they mine

Each player example shows skillsets that can be used in different sub's, ie Player B could be a member of an elite fighter hornet squadron, but also be so useful in the commerce subdiv, providing they have the time and desire to do both of course

I think a lot of us would like the option of more than one role whithin TEST provided we are cautious about spreading ourselves too thin, and based on our skillsets. Myself, I have a lot of free time due to an old injury so will be in-game a fair amount, have 20 years or so of FPS gaming and mmo exp, I'm not a great or even a good fighter pilot, but can hold my own if needed. Have many years of Help Desk Admin/customer service so could be part of a Diplomatic subdiv, wanting to bounty hunt in game and a little cargo running for personal income, but would also love to do the escort and security details for TESTies, but mostly would kill to be part of an endeaver crew and do exploration of level 5 zones, and more...

Given the choice though?

Primary Role: Endeavor Crew member for exploration/botany etc
Secondary role: Security / escort for TESTies. Protect the Rock Raiders while they mine, gaurd them on their flight back, carry extra cargo etc
Third Role: Diplomacy for TEST, defusing potentially volatile situations, establishing and maintaining good relations with allies to further TEST goals.
Personal Role: Bounty Hunt and Cargo Runner for personal $, but will also be interested in lending myself out as a turret gunner to cap. ships, and/or doing whatever else I can to mix beer, fun, laughs and good times in with my Cutlass Black and about to be purchased Dragonfly
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