Survey: What is the FLAGSHIP in you fleet ?


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
It depends on how well the Carrack stacks up against the Polaris as control ships go. Even with the bigger size and everything as a dedicated command ship the Carrack may be better... we will have to wait and see.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I might seem nuts, but I would love to see CIG come out with a carrier that directly competes with the Kraken, but made by Origin. Preferably with a design blend of the Kraken's aggressiveness with the 890J's elegance & styling. If they did, then that would most likely be my fleet's definitive flag ship.

Zapper Weisman

Vice Admiral
Apr 14, 2018
RSI Handle
My flagship of choice is the Kraken. I would like to be able to use it often, if that ends up being practical, to support others by providing a safe place to get fixed up and wasted at my make-shift cargo bay bar. I'm thinking like the bar in the newer Battlestar Galactica. I hope we'll be able to do that! (please CIG?)

If it ends up being impractical to use the Kraken often, or just as an alternative, my second choice would be the Carrack.

Zapper Weisman

Vice Admiral
Apr 14, 2018
RSI Handle
I might seem nuts, but I would love to see CIG come out with a carrier that directly competes with the Kraken, but made by Origin. Preferably with a design blend of the Kraken's aggressiveness with the 890J's elegance & styling. If they did, then that would most likely be my fleet's definitive flag ship.
If you are nuts, then we are nuts together because I've thought the same thing. I dread what it'd cost, but I'd like to see that one day.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If you are nuts, then we are nuts together because I've thought the same thing. I dread what it'd cost, but I'd like to see that one day.
If CIG ever makes that dream a possibility, I would gladly sacrifice the melting of multiple ships & bundles until I can afford it with a combination of cash & store credits. The 1st SC luxury ship that I ever saw & fell in love with was the Phoenix. I'd be willing to melt my Emerald Phoenix bundle to get there.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My flagship is definitely my Endeavor, the good ship Ambergris

1) I plan to seek out the illusive Space Whales which CR has said will definitely not be in the game. When I find them I will study them unintrusively (no dissection) to work out how a biological entity can move in cold vacuum of space. I'm guessing they use a biologically refined type of quantum fuel. Once I know how this works I'm going to be able to make my and my ORG mates engines and Qfuel refinement massively more efficient for the GLORY of TEST. I also think these whales natural waste products are going to be very rare, useful and valuable, hence my ships name "Ambergris".

2) It's going to not only be a ship, but my home. I'm not going to put down roots on any pitiful mud-ball with 100 systems to visit, and with the hangar I'm going to be able to take almost all of my owned ships with me. It will literally be my home base that I should be able to just rock up in a system, park up and do most tasks with.

3) With the Super Collider to overclock components it's the first science ship in the TEST Weapons Research Lab (TWRL) fleet - my aim to tinker and bodge and make some classy high powered PEW, again to share with ORG mates for the GLORY of TEST.

4) Also with the Super Collider, I'm going to thrown a box of fridge-magnets into it and see what happens. My suspicion is this is how you make the Endeavor into a Cap-Ship EMP:
EECM: "Oh noes! A king ship and we only have two crappy turrets on this tub!"
ME: "Never fear easily expendable crew member, go get the Alphabet Magnets off the fridge and chuck 'em in the collider, we'll turn that Kingships lights off and be home in time for the evening Spectrumcasts."

5) The Explorer Cab is the only ship tanky enough to fly into the corona of a star. Once all the TESTies have gone Sun-Diving, someones got to go in there and fetch you all back out again, haven't they?

Yep, the Ambergris is just full of possibilities.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle

On a less serious note in my fleet if its not the aurora its the

I honestly don't presently have an Aurora, as for me being a spy, I counter your assumption that I'd be in the "intelligence" field by pointing out my lack of intelligence overall. The more I learn, the more I realize that I don't know yet.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
My flagship is a Polaris, but I think I ll be most of the flying in style in my Phoenix 😎
If CIG ever makes that dream a possibility, I would gladly sacrifice the melting of multiple ships & bundles until I can afford it with a combination of cash & store credits. The 1st SC luxury ship that I ever saw & fell in love with was the Phoenix. I'd be willing to melt my Emerald Phoenix bundle to get there.
I am honestly very happy to hear there is still love for the Phoenix! I still think it will be a go-to for me for trips in known/safe space. I do feel like it will be a target if you take it into dangerous areas, like maybe it aggros NPC ships because their AI feels that they're being flexed on.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Like others have said. Or alluded to. Depends on what I log in to do on any particular day. Over all probably the Carrack for most every day as I plan to go exploring and log off in ship. But if support is needed for any missions, Polaris will answer the call. Maybe trading so Freelancer Max. Or maybe mining when I just want to earn some easy bucks. But I still like to bump around from station to station in the Cl.


Vice Admiral
Jun 5, 2018
RSI Handle
I melted a few ships and reconstructed my fleet. My intent is to cover lots of professions and aspects of gameplay, so I can have fun at doing several things. The flagship for my fleet will be the Carrack (with the included snub and rover). The other ships (left to right, below) are Star Runner, Vulture, Prospector, 315p, Cyclone RN, Hawk, SuperHornet HeartSeeker, and Freelancer MIS.
fleetview - Sept 23 2019.jpg
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