Terrible Terrapin


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
After reading through the 2nd Q & A regarding the Terrapin, I'm starting to regret buying it more and more. Based on the information provided from RSI, its one and only role is to scan stuff. Granted it can take a punch, but if you are being passive in your scanning, you shouldnt be detected by the enemy which would negate the need for such heavy armor on a ship. I think they got tunnel vision on this design and I foresee myself CCU'ing to something bigger in the next anniversary sale such as a reclaimer or orion or starfarer.

Any other thoughts on what they thought the Terrapin was going to be vs what it is now?


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
i thought about buying one but then
1) saw the price
2) read details

heavy-armored ship with just one (even if it S5) unmanned turret (looking at screenshots, it doesn't have great rotational angles), limited internal space and questionable maneuverability (heavy armor should punish some other parameter?). Doubt it have space for some planetary vehicle like a dragonfly or so. Also, we're yet to see armor mechanics in-game. I personally think terrapin shouldn't cost _that_ much.
Feels like an orca from Elite: Dangeous - funny to have one in hangar, but that's all.

Unless this ship can do EWAR, i really can't see why it exist.

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I look at it in much the same way as I do the M2A3 Bradley being used by reconnaissance troops in the US Army. It's a big, ugly, bulky hunk of shit that makes a lot of noise and belches smoke when you turn it. On the other hand, you have observation and offensive/defensive capabilities that far outweigh those found in say, a HMMWV. The lack of guided munitions is a little saddening, but the size 5 gun is sure to do some damage. As for the different capabilities, it'll make an outstanding dropship in a pinch given how sturdy it's supposed to be, great for SAR and CSAR operations, scouting new jump-points and general exploration for two.

She might not seem like much on the surface, but she's one of the first true purpose-built reconnaissance ships we've seeing. I'm sure there will be other ships that will have similar capabilities, but from what I've seen so far, none of the other ships fill the Terrapin's niche. That, coupled with the age of the design in the lore means that it'll likely be a fairly cheap option when compared to some of the other exploration ships like the Constellation Aquila or the Carrack.

It's also a straight purpose-built ship rather than a variant like the Constellation Aquila, the Freelancer DUR, or the 315P. This tells me that it's going to be a less well-rounded craft and focused more on doing its one or two jobs.

But to each their own. I'm happy with mine. $15 bucks plus some store credit for a CCU from the Buccaneer I was never going to fly. No complaints on my end.


Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
Nerfed the chin gun. Not a true exploration ship, but a scanning ship. Kinda bummed.

Edit : Why go about changing the specs on the concept page with the q&a ?
Stated specs are why I picked this up. Slow but it can defend itself with a huge gun (
While it lacks the maneuverability of a dedicated fighter, it does maintain an advanced, hard-hitting array of weapons intended to keep the most fearsome Vanduul raider at bay.), and it's now a ship with scanning abilities? Could've kept my Sen for that. And I'm sure the DUR will do better for dedicated exploration solo.
Feel Like I jumped before looking.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
In my Opinion, everything the Terrapin could do, the Herald does better.
The Size is about the same, if you rely on stealth and being slipery speed suits you better than armor,
And if you can outrun other ships, even better.
When you have shit tons of value able Data on your ship, you might want to be able to apply a stong encryption to it.
Also the Herald is able to sneak it's datastorages out of an engagement.
In Case of an assault, the Herald has some Missles available to deal with the threat.
The Herrald has also access to a powerfull scanner and communication array.
The Herald should be able to be at least as stealthy as the terrapin....

I see no reason, to use a Terrapin over a Herald.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Everyone should get rid of theirs.
That will make mine that much more valuable to TEST SQUADRON. And to me.
Information is the best weapon and very Profitable.

While you are clunking away at rocks or fighting for your survival, I will be basking on an exotic beach with a dozen lovely alien ladies enjoying my wealth.

So, get rid of it. I don't need the competition.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Everyone should get rid of theirs.
That will make mine that much more valuable to TEST SQUADRON. And to me.
Information is the best weapon and very Profitable.

While you are clunking away at rocks or fighting for your survival, I will be basking on an exotic beach with a dozen lovely alien ladies enjoying my wealth.

So, get rid of it. I don't need the competition.
No. I won't do it. I'm keeping mine. And that's final! ;)


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The Terrapin will have its roll, and it will excel at it.

It is difficult to appreciate the true roll of a ship if you have not had the opportunity to play the game.

We are all comfortable with saying that the Super Hornet and Sabre are excellent fighters because that is the role they fill.

Nobody here has had the chance to properly use the Terrapin, so its usefulness will remain elusive, and those who buy it with hopes of it filling several other roles other than its intended roles will be disappointed.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The Terrapin will have its roll, and it will excel at it.

It is difficult to appreciate the true roll of a ship if you have not had the opportunity to play the game.

We are all comfortable with saying that the Super Hornet and Sabre are excellent fighters because that is the role they fill.

Nobody here has had the chance to properly use the Terrapin, so its usefulness will remain elusive, and those who buy it with hopes of it filling several other roles other than its intended roles will be disappointed.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I just read the Q&As. I am both disappointed and encouraged at the same time. I am disappointed in the role of the Terrapin. I would have loved to see that thing turn into a tank instead of an overweight spy. I think they could have done much more than what they came up with. However, without any modules and with very limited size restrictions on the hardware, they miss out on many possibly great roles.

The encouraging point though, is how much faith they have in the espionage and support section of the game. It sounds like they fully intend running with sensor suites will be a viable aspect of the game. The only problem is, they need to consider the main motivations of MMO players. Many MMOs have spent tons of time making avenues of content that never get used because they are made immediately irrelevant by other avenues. Like a way of making money that is completely overshadowed by other ways.

So making a ship that has such a specialized role is all fine and good. They just need to ensure that the role it fills is a relevant one.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I remember hearing somewhere that jump points have to be explored and piloted through to get to the other side and the trip may not be pleasant...I have a feeling this brick will do such a job better than most other ships.

Found the jump point thing: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/12833-UEE-Queries-Jump-Points
You may have a really good point there. Wing Commander the movie had a similar concept. Going through uncharted jump points was dangerous. Chris Roberts both wrote and directed that movie so it wouldn't surprise me at all to see this added to the long list of ideas that are shockingly similar to CR's other projects.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
After reading through the 2nd Q & A regarding the Terrapin, I'm starting to regret buying it more and more. Based on the information provided from RSI, its one and only role is to scan stuff. Granted it can take a punch, but if you are being passive in your scanning, you shouldnt be detected by the enemy which would negate the need for such heavy armor on a ship. I think they got tunnel vision on this design and I foresee myself CCU'ing to something bigger in the next anniversary sale such as a reclaimer or orion or starfarer.

Any other thoughts on what they thought the Terrapin was going to be vs what it is now?
*sigh* Is it a) really necessary to open another thread to the same topic? https://testsquadron.com/threads/thoughts-on-the-terrapin.8343/
And b) what is the point about complaining and complaining and complaining? I won't write again the same thoughts - just read my text here:

Cheers. Chill yourself - or melt your Terrapin.
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