Found out about a sweet trick to get pearlescent colors on matte paint. There's a few steps but it's not that complicated.
1 - Take car into shop and select matte black (or whatever)
2 - Back out and go to mettalic paint but don't buy anything. Just stay in that menu for a few seconds.
3 - Back out from that and go to change wheel color. Change it to whatever you want.
4 - Go back to respray and pearlescent should be selectable.
Race yellow and matte black best colors obv.
1 - Take car into shop and select matte black (or whatever)
2 - Back out and go to mettalic paint but don't buy anything. Just stay in that menu for a few seconds.
3 - Back out from that and go to change wheel color. Change it to whatever you want.
4 - Go back to respray and pearlescent should be selectable.
Race yellow and matte black best colors obv.