I think all the 10 car garages are in the city, but I could be wrong. There are definitely 6 car garages in the desert, that's what I have out there.btw. are there any 10 car garages in/by the desert? for cheap? XD
VERY awesome!!!Insane amount of nerves, screams and stress.
Man, it's good to be a criminal.
I need to get on thisTBH criminal mastermind wasn't so hard. We used that guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/733723-grand-theft-auto-online/71484634
One of us even hasn't completed all heists, so he was newbie (he only done 2,5 heists or so, but he was lvl 50).
Two key factors: cooperation (in fact, we almost commented every single step) and no rushing. We moved slowly, some setups took 20-30 mins, but better safe than sorry...
What times are you on Rogesh? You're more likely to be online when fellow Testie Europeans are on than the US lot (although admittedly I have only played with Modeeps who is American). If I'm on at the same time as you next I play I'll definitely hit you up TESTbro!whenever i am playing there is no one around :(