59 responses. The thirst is real XD
GrammarGestapo Pro Chat Necromancer Jun 8, 2014 814 761 2,370 RSI Handle TheGrammarpolice Dec 24, 2014 #61 59 responses. The thirst is real XD
Montoya Administrator Staff member Oct 31, 2013 10,120 55,912 3,180 RSI Handle Montoya Dec 24, 2014 #62 Captain Easy said: *sigh* So very many things. But being a member of TEST ISN'T ONE OF THEM! Sorry sir, my beer goggles were fogged up. edit statement: Sorry you didn't measure up GrumpyCat. Crash you in the verse. Click to expand... BETTER! :D
Captain Easy said: *sigh* So very many things. But being a member of TEST ISN'T ONE OF THEM! Sorry sir, my beer goggles were fogged up. edit statement: Sorry you didn't measure up GrumpyCat. Crash you in the verse. Click to expand... BETTER! :D