TEST Squadron selected to represent at Citizencon 2018 with a booth.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If you're going to man a booth, can you roll in a keg and give away free beer? We see folks give away ships worth more than a keg and if you really want peeps to know what we're all about, why not give away beer? Just the word of such a stunt would be worth the cost, as rumor of our might and folly will circumnavigate the cosmos, and the conference.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
Corporate Efficiency at its finest.

If you need help manning the booth I can volunteer as tribute. I have lots of experience sitting at a table and trying to not look bored from my time as a Navy recruiter.
We can put you on the list, we will need mindless dron...er volunteers so that the staff can watch some of citizencon too :P
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