Just ordered my shirt so I can be in cool kids club. Got a big size shirt because star citizen is going to make me fat.
Edit: I got one
It was a typo made when the logo was first made, and it took months for anyone to notice, so we just rolled with it. It's now as much a part of TEST culture as beer and Auroras.(Question) is the Shirt Suppose to say (Test Sqaudron, Best Squardon) Because on All the Shirts I have seen may be mis-spelled. Thank you
How many screens do you need for gaming?
Dear Montoya, That is my Job We have 33 46" Monitors on the Wall to be able to Monitor our Video and Data Customers from All over the world. and then we each have, 4 video Computer monitors per station and we have 16 stations. we have 56 Satellites in the sky with 4 more going up this year.How many screens do you need for gaming?
Look at this guy bragging about having an apartment... You better be beaming TEST propaganda over those satellites :PDear Montoya, That is my Job We have 33 46" Monitors on the Wall to be able to Monitor our Video and Data Customers from All over the world. and then we each have, 4 video Computer monitors per station and we have 16 stations. we have 56 Satellites in the sky with 4 more going up this year.
But, I do have 10 monitors and 4 computers, 1 laptop the I have my Apple Computer and Laptop and a Green Screen Studio in my apt. SO good day SIr.
TEST apparel has age reversing technology built right into every item. It's to help offset all the beer and keep your moobs pointed in the right direction.YOU ALL LOOK A LOT YOUNGER IN YOUR T-SHIRTS! (Test-Shirts)
Absolutely fantastic ;D