it never went awayMy Favorite Thread is back!
fast forward 900 years into the Persistent Universe, and it's "You can't stop me. I'M IN TEST SQUADRON"Fuck you! You cant tell me what to do! I am noticing the ever-loving shit out of this post. You can't stop me. THIS IS AMERICA
"Like padding"?! How dare you!!In 900 years i wonder which thread topic will be longer this or the like padding one?
You need to drink more beer.I really do try... but it's just so hard.
Lol, that's what she said!I really do try... but it's just so hard.
sithere I was, minding my own business, successfully Ignoring
and some fool resurrected the thread yet again
so annoying
You can't be ignoring hard enough, ignore ignoring harder!there I was, minding my own business, successfully Ignoring
and some fool resurrected the thread yet again
so annoying