The Acolyte - Without the Lecture


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Some posts foster divisiveness by pushing an agenda on others while also inflating self importance. Disney, for a reason I can't fully comprehend, seems to be a magnet for this vitriol on this forum. It's just a company that bought the legal rights to an intellectual property - making movies and TV series as they see fit. You either enjoy the product or not. Why give more oxygen to a flame war over something as innocuous as Disney? I'm as guilty as anyone of this and I never come away feeling good...just kinda gross.

If you want to talk about The Acolyte without the lecture, here's the spot to do it. Whether you like the series or not, please share your thoughts here. There are 6 more episodes to go for the 1st season. So, there's plenty of fun discussion to be had if you want to.

The Acolyte | Series |


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Not had the chance to watch it yet. Is it worth it as a Star Wars fan to watch more content or should I give it a miss and consider it nothing contributing to the wider story?
Well, I think that there are widely varying views. To be honest, personally I haven't been too excited about the 1st 2 episodes although I thought that the 2nd was a little better than the first. Just seemed a bit stale to me. There are 6 more episodes to come so the story may progress in a pleasant way.

I am currently re-watching Ashoka this Sunday afternoon/evening and I kinda forgot that I wasn't too crazy about that show either at 1st, but I came to really enjoy it quite a bit by seasons end.

I would recommend that if you have time and interest, you should definitely give it a try. Especially, if you're a fan of Star Wars. It delves into the Star Wars mythos long before the Empire, so it could expand your understanding of the universe in that sense. If nothing else, you get to see some good special effects and lightsaber action.

Oh, last thing. The opening fight scene was pretty darn cool.

The Acolyte's Carrie-Anne Moss on ...
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
That settles it then. I will give it a go but just think of it as just a bit of light entertainment in an area I enjoy and not look too far into it. Much the same as I did with Rings Of Power. Totally loved the original trilogy but I just saw RoP as a new take on it and not throwing a tantrum *looks over at you know who* when it doesn't fit what I want.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I too loved it but I just took it as a different view on it and didn't go militant like some did about supposedly "destroying" a masterpiece of work.
I'm very much looking forward to season 2 of RoP and I look forward to watching The Acolyte.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I have not seen it and likely won't if it stays paywalled, the golden age of streaming where everything was available in one place under one subscription are gone and it's a slog to find where you want to watch is showing, and it's difficult to justify a months subscription to watch just that one thing if you do find it.

There seem to be more and more obstacles to be able to get to things you may be interested in :-)
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Is there anything Canada can't do? Amazing lot ya all :)
Haha major international effort though.

The crew was mostly Canadian/American/Japanese while the cast was mostly Japanese. I’m a bit disappointment that I didn’t get to work on it though, would have been an amazing experience. My colleagues who did all loved it.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Totally feel retarded for not knowing it was BC backdrop lol. Like, how did I not know that they were shooting up in Squam.

It was the first Star Wars anything I ever fell asleep to tho. I am super big fan of the whole Galaxy that I grew up with and very neutral even the 90's stuff I enjoy re-watching with the CitizenFam. I found myself thinking, "There could have been better stories than this one, though I do look forward to finding out why [REDACTEDS] were [REDACTED] and how exactly they were [REDACTED].

Rewatched right away. I have not read or seen, anyone say anything either way about it but did notice some of the usual aNtI=wOkE wOrSt StAr WaRs ShOw EvEr" thumbnails, and article titles.

I too watch more stuff on Hulu these days in the Disney+ App than anything else LOL @Aramsolari . The kids ofc love Disney. CitizenTori has watched THOUSANDS of episodes of bluey (they are only a few minutes long each I think but still she plows through them.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Wrong forum I know, but Bluey is amazing. Seriously. Give a couple of episodes a try and you'll see. They're like 7 minutes each.
'y not wrong, Baby 'BobFace is a big fan as am I and Mrs. They even have that space episode, so in.

I get it on iPlayer but have not found a way to do series link so have to click through them one. at. a. time.
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