The Last Jedi - Spoilers


Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I thouroughly enjoyed it. There were quite a few 'funny' moments but never in a scene where it wouldnt be appropriate imo.

I did feel the setting was a bit compact. Spaceships, island, salt planet were the only locations I think so I missed the 'adventure' feel of it I guess :slight_smile: Oh and a casino area, already forgot that part

Was great to see Yoda again,

Reylo 4-ver ! <3 That fight scene was awesome.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I love the ending!
Binary sunset with two "setting" (at least into the clouds) suns over the ocean.

I was confused for a while when Luke showed up at the end why he looked younger and he had Anakins light saber (due to it not... being in his possession last we saw it) but I liked the reason for it :)


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
My spoiler free comment:

I really liked the plot, it wasn't as predictable as you'd expect from the eight movie in the series. It was downright unpredictable at times. Like that time when I felt it was building up for a thing to happen, then I was surprised when against all odds that thing didn't happen, and then again when it did but in an unexpected way.

Although that one time that one character did that one thing to pretty much solve all the problems made me kinda wonder why they didn't do it in the first place. But it was a minor detail really, didn't bother me that much.

And there was a decent bit of more humor compared to the previous movies, I liked that. And more aliens as well as alien fauna.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Not sure how I feel about it yet. Thematically one of the better films in the franchise with some plot twists that were fun, and beautiful effect shots BUT very troubling and wholly unnecessary aspects of class warfare and can't help but be a little peeved at the whole girl-power thing. And yes, some extremely frustrating story elements.

It sucks to see your heros get old.



Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Frustration mostly centered around the third act:

Why did the Admiral wait so long to take action, as soon as it was obvious the bad guys knew what was going on why not act, could have saved dozens of lives, but then probably too many survivors for the end.

Why did the old base on Crait not have any orbital defense capability like the Ion Cannon on Hoth to prevent the landing in the first place.

Why not enough firepower to even remotely slow down a frontal assault on what was in essence just a big iron door to a cave with no other known way out?

From first act, why send the now lone cruiser without real support, e.g., fueler, to evacuate the rebels? Seemed tactically a fail.

And I don't know about the rest of you but I am still waiting to see Chewie get some serious revenge, since he is the real constant hero in all of this, I want some low-down pure fury Wookie devastation starting with the Bowcaster and ending with arms removed from sockets.

And then basic physics stuff, like constant fuel burn in space for a constant speed, ballistic trajectories for the green laser bolts from the First Order vessels, etc.


Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Call me a Star Wars purist, but I didn't like it as a Star Wars movie. It was a good MOVIE, but that wasn't Star Wars. The pacing was bad, Fin's arc is pointless, Didnt focus on the force or Luke enough, rebels have a weird habit for being the only thing to survive massive explosions, Fin and Rey's reunion was weak (Tho I think Poe's gonna tap that) I'll have to see it again to watch for plot subtleties, but as it stands now: 6.5 out of 10



Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
From first act, why send the now lone cruiser without real support, e.g., fueler, to evacuate the rebels? Seemed tactically a fail.
Wasn't that basically all they had left?
Or at least, all they had that was available and not hiding in the Outer Rim?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Why did the old base on Crait not have any orbital defense capability like the Ion Cannon on Hoth to prevent the landing in the first place.
Multiple possibilities: The builders of the base didn't posses orbital defense tech, the budged for the tech, having to ever protect the base from orbital assault might've seen unlikely, could be that the base did at some point have orbital defense, but it was taken apart when the base was abandoned as potentially one of the more expensive pieces of equipment. Or could be the base was supposed to have a different defense strategy altogether, like being hidden with low energy signature and as little visible tech outside as possible.

Why not enough firepower to even remotely slow down a frontal assault on what was in essence just a big iron door to a cave with no other known way out?
But the builders of the base did know one, or likely several, ways out via the caves. Sure, the one exit the rebels used had caved in, but it most definitely existed.

And then basic physics stuff, like constant fuel burn in space for a constant speed, ballistic trajectories for the green laser bolts from the First Order vessels, etc.
How fuel burn should've worked: Rebels and the first order burn fuel to increase speed, the chase is really about who can increase their speed the most. When rebels run out of fuel to increase their speed, the first order will start gaining on them as they still have fuel to burn. Of course, I don't think anyone explicitly stated in the movie that the chase was at constant speed, so hey, maybe it was about delta-V all along, but it sure didn't seem like that.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
My spoiler free comment:

I really liked the plot, it wasn't as predictable as you'd expect from the eight movie in the series. It was downright unpredictable at times. Like that time when I felt it was building up for a thing to happen, then I was surprised when against all odds that thing didn't happen, and then again when it did but in an unexpected way.

Although that one time that one character did that one thing to pretty much solve all the problems made me kinda wonder why they didn't do it in the first place. But it was a minor detail really, didn't bother me that much.

And there was a decent bit of more humor compared to the previous movies, I liked that. And more aliens as well as alien fauna.
Sorry sir no,not for me, this was one of the most predictable movies ever put out. Right down to the ending. The amount of foot stomps they did throughout just made this such a child's movie. Give me more Star Trek movies any day than this garbage they keep putting out with the Star Wars title.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
Not sure how I feel about it yet. Thematically one of the better films in the franchise with some plot twists that were fun, and beautiful effect shots BUT very troubling and wholly unnecessary aspects of class warfare and can't help but be a little peeved at the whole girl-power thing. And yes, some extremely frustrating story elements.

It sucks to see your heros get old.

Sweet jesus are you right about the whole strong female leads in this entire movie. And the fact that oh Admiral Ackbar is dead so we got this random Vice Admiral that wasn't on board that is now on board and is in charge. Oh and Leia was her "mentor"...

You can tell that the script was literally written to bash on the hyper male ego persona that made the franchise great in the first place with Han. Compartmentalization makes sense, but you bet your ass the Commander of a fleet will tell the ranking pilot on board what the fucking plan is. Just shit story telling throughout.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Sweet jesus are you right about the whole strong female leads in this entire movie. And the fact that oh Admiral Ackbar is dead so we got this random Vice Admiral that wasn't on board that is now on board and is in charge. Oh and Leia was her "mentor"...

You can tell that the script was literally written to bash on the hyper male ego persona that made the franchise great in the first place with Han. Compartmentalization makes sense, but you bet your ass the Commander of a fleet will tell the ranking pilot on board what the fucking plan is. Just shit story telling throughout.
I just want a good movie with good characters I can get to know and CARE FOR and a story that is engaging. Leave the class and whatever else warfare at the door and just cast the best people for the parts. This whole checklist of diversity doesn't make the film any better by itself.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry sir no,not for me, this was one of the most predictable movies ever put out. Right down to the ending. The amount of foot stomps they did throughout just made this such a child's movie. Give me more Star Trek movies any day than this garbage they keep putting out with the Star Wars title.
I'm curious, which plot twists did you predict, and what gave them away?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm quite looking forward to seeing it again.

Yeah there were some weak plot points, like the entire mutiny aboard the cruiser, but that can also be chalked up to character building.

I dunno, as far as she goes, I really enjoyed it. I enjoy that there's a new generation of characters that I like


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm quite looking forward to seeing it again.

Yeah there were some weak plot points, like the entire mutiny aboard the cruiser, but that can also be chalked up to character building.

I dunno, as far as she goes, I really enjoyed it. I enjoy that there's a new generation of characters that I like

Thing is, i feel like i actually like these new characters less.
Poe was made out to be an irresponsible moron who throws away the lives of so many people and apparently is so dumb he needed Leia to spell it out for him. They didn't even really get any remorse out of him, until right at the end of the film. This is a decorated member of the resistance in a command position and he doesn't know this basic premise?

Rey's backstory and setup was so nicely placed after TFA and was completely thrown away for no reason.
This was either shoddy writing or they just knew that the die-hards out there would pat them on the back for doing something "so brave and different". You can also throw in the films handling of Snoke as pretty much the same situation.

Rose falls in love with Finn in less than a day because "He's a hero" or because the script said so, you can honestly pick from either of those.

I've stopped myself here from writing because i'm so annoyed and this is already a ranty essay that is going to piss off people who like this film.

If you like this film good for you, but for me there are so many things wrong with this movie.
It was pure Bait and Switch but it didn't "switch" to anything.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Poe was made out to be an irresponsible moron who throws away the lives of so many people and apparently is so dumb he needed Leia to spell it out for him. They didn't even really get any remorse out of him, until right at the end of the film. This is a decorated member of the resistance in a command position and he doesn't know this basic premise?
I felt like he was just really good at what he was doing, and as long as things went well and the Resistance had resources to back him up he could continue to be the hero and get decorated for it. It's not until the end where they have to switch over to "desperate survival" that his style gets to costly. Poe realizes that it's costly but thinks the Resistance will win by killing the enemy while the rest of the Resistance leaders (mostly old Rebell leaders) who has done this before knows that they will win by just giving it time for people to rise up against their oppressors.
I don't think he is dumb, just blinded by what he sees as the only path to victory.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
After much thinking I have decided that I enjoyed the film visually, but found it unsatisfying and in some ways offputting.

WARNING - actual spoilers and poorly formed truly offensive arguments to follow.

Not to say I won't see it again, as I likely will, but the overarching messages were handled with all the deft subtlety of a 50-megaton nuke being used to drop a bridge in some backwater place noone has ever heard of. This really is, in my opinion, an anti-male screed by Director Rian Johnson and it colors the movie in a number of awful ways.

Two of the six original characters are now 'dead', and it is the two leading men. The third leading male character, Chewbacca, has been relegated to comic relief with some pillsbury doughboy flying bird thing, and the droids were hardly seen at all.

I did enjoy Hamill's portrayal of a broken hero but found his arc to be a bit formulaic and the very end, while achingly well shot, to also be extremely unsatisfying.

Under Leia's girlpower leadership, the rebels (now a 'resistance' which I see as a wholly unnecessary nod to the current political climate here in the States) have been utterly decimated.

Don't get me wrong, I have always liked the Leia character, the original Leia, who was strong, driven, confident, and who totally rocked a metal bikini - this Leia is not even remotely the same. Some of that I chalk up to Carrie Fisher's long absence from not just the role but also film acting as well as the long term impact of her addiction problems - the rest I chalk up to piss poor writing in TFA and poor direction in TLJ.

Laura Dern's uber-ballsy maneuver in the Third Act was a saving grace, since I despised her character from her introduction, but that aside, the leadership of this resistance was a coffee-klatsch cliche, I mean who the fuck wears a nice blue evening gown while trying to rescue their soldiers and support staff from the combined might of the Empire Part Deux?

Poe was made out to be some careless/reckless flyboy when his actual job is to be a confident steely-eyed man of action who will do anything it takes to secure victory, at least that is how he was sketched out in TFA. His constant dressing down by the estrogen brigade in this was truly aggravating.

I have decided that I do not like Finn or Rey, at all - don't like their characters, don't care for the actors, and as such just can't get into the story where they are concerned. Not sure what Lucas, or anyone, sees in Daisy Riddley especially, she does not strike me as a good actor. John Boyega has a chance to redeem himself in Pac Rim 2, but that is a crap shoot.

Snoke was TOTALLY wasted, literally thrown away - while the manner of his death was very well executed, from a story-telling point of view it was a complete waste of a potentially awesome and scary villain ala Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious.

Adam Driver, my God where do I begin - what a hot mess. I don't know him from any other films as far as I know but he is just not scary as a villain and totally lacks the fear-inducing intimidating presence of Darth Vader or Darth Maul, or even Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku as portrayed by the awesome Christopher Lee). He's like some angry emo/goth wannabe 11 year old boy - Hayden Christensen's much maligned Annakin Skywalker was far more scary.

The class-warfare resistance-lives-matter occupy-Canto Bight casino planet arc was utterly and poorly fabricated and added absolutely nothing to the story, although I did enjoy Benicio del Toro's character. The very caricature-ish way that the wealthy were portrayed completely ignores the privileged upbringing that the Organa family offered Leia, or even that of certain rebellion members throughout the lore. It really pisses me off when, and almost all Disney properties do this, the rich are portrayed as despicable, evil, irredeemable wretches and the poor are saintly, virtuous heroes, blech. How about we simply recognize there are good people, and bad people, from all walks of life and not program our kids from an early age to despise caertain types of people based on income or wealth and instead learn to judge people on the content of their character?

I have found the lightsaber action to be wanting in these new installments, although the pinnacle fight of TFA had a spark in it - TLJ was completely unsatisfying in this regard and other than the first act, the space battles really weren't even battles - I am not sure that the Mon Calamari Cruiser ever actually fired a shot. Don't recall capital ships ever having full on shields either, deflector screens yes but full on shields for cap-to-cap combat no. Hell, it took a planetside generator to shield the Deathstar II in ROTJ or the Rebel base on Hoth.

There is probably much more but that covers for me my feelings in the whole after having some time to think about my impressions.

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