I've seen many fellow TEST members, including myself as a prominent example, take part in various discussions regarding possible implementations, scenarios, and methods of game mechanics, game activities, and numbers related to those in-game things, this is called Theory-Crafting.
One of these topics, ill use an example, is a simple thread I made asking about Org taxes, thread here: https://testsquadron.com/threads/what-is-yalls-opinions-on-org-taxes.19387/
After some feedback/discussion on the topic, Glorious leader @Montoya responded with the following quote as part of his post:
"Way to early to even try formulate an opinion about a mechanic we have no idea about and no grasp about the inputs and outputs." -Montoya
Now some may think he is "shutting discussion down", or "having too much oversight", and honestly i haven't seen anyone say such things, and if you do, in this case it is blatantly incorrect. What Montoya meant by such a comment is 2 things: 1. this topic should be saved for later, and 2. we need to wait and see until we have such a mechanic in game, it would be against Glorious Leaders nature to shut down productive discussion, as 100% of the discussion in my thread was constructive and productive, maybe jokes here and there but still was a good topic.
where is this going? the simple concept of the human nature regarding curiosity.
Curiosity is what brings us together, what allows us to socialize, and what keeps us entertained and productive. when we Theory-Craft, its part of being productive, it trains the brain to think of new ideas, perspectives and concepts. all of that in turn makes our community intellectually stronger and adventurous.
There is such thing as "Unhealthy Obsession" when it comes to the idea of Theory-Crafting. to differ the healthy and unhealthy Theory-Crafting, ill leave this quote:
Some advice I've received from wise people like @Khallx and @CosmicTrader and have applied myself, is this:
-If you are going to Theory-Craft, that's great, but keep in mind times/courses change, and when that change happens, chance your ideas to accommodate them.
-Refrain from being totally set on one idea, have multiple possibilities, and adapt to what comes.
-[Star Citizen] is a long term project, and it is Chris Roberts dream, let the time pass and observe what happens, be aware, but dont decide immediately, and avoid burnout as much as you can.
These points, along with others, keep my mind at peace and still productive, always learning.
And now that ive went on for a bit about this subject, I hope I gave some interesting points and generated some good ideas, and gave some of you Theory-Crafters some ideological pointers from what ive gathered :) .
thank you for reading, The TL:DR is: Theory crafting is best as long as you keep it in moderation and always subject to change your ideas, we are best formulated when we adapt and improve!