This made me laugh.

Dylan Phoenix

Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2017
RSI Handle
The sheer amount of misinformation produced by certain individuals never ceases to amaze me...

@Witchdoctor3:12 am

to my understanding test was somewhat pc in eve, the space they controlled was nowhere near as hostile as other nullsec sections

[JTF] Dylan Phoenix
@Dylan_Phoenix3:12 am
Not the same TEST.


Two entirely different groups.

@Witchdoctor3:13 am

bs same leaders same pple @Dylan_Phoenix ^^

This is the third time this specific individual has made this claim...
Perhaps, someone may want to clarify this subject with him?

(Spectrum screen-cap log attached)


Dylan Phoenix

Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2017
RSI Handle
Why bother?
Indeed; I found it amusing - but I severely doubt that he genuinely didn't know that - it's pretty much common knowledge, you don't even have to be a part of TEST to know that. Additionally I got this message from the subject this morning...


@Witchdoctor6:55 am
doesnt look like you just use their forums to gather intel to me

TEST Squadron - Premier Star Citizen Organization
This made me laugh.

The sheer amount of misinformation produced by certain individuals never ceases to amaze me... Zin @Witchdoctor3:12 am to my understanding test was...

[JTF] Dylan Phoenix
@Dylan_Phoenix3:38 pm
While gathering intel is my main reason for monitoring their forums; no it it not the only reason; TEST is a gaming community - most of their people are friendly and laid back folks; you don't have to be affiliated with TEST to appreciate that. Besides, I knew you would see that; you and TIM both.  

Tbh, you really should double check and verify information before trying to spread it; most folks don't take too kindly to inaccurate claims and misinformation.

There's a great saying for this:

"Trust, but verify."

Happy new year Zin. o7

(Screen-cap log also attached)

Oh no!!! The subject can see this public thread!!! Hide the evidence!!! lol

While I can't confirm it; the subject and one of his affiliates seems to have been repetitively trying to imply that I am affiliated with TEST in some shape, form, or manner. I guess it's just too hard for them to admit the truth; either that or just another deliberate attempt to spread misinformation. Sadly I cannot tell which is actually the case here - not enough evidence as what there is atm is purely circumstantial. As most of you probably know, I am not affiliated with TEST; but even if I was, why would it matter so much? This individual and one of his buddies have seem pretty fixated on the subject in the past - almost to an extent that it's comical all on it's own by this point.

Either way - It is my belief that you don't have to be affiliated or connected to a group in any way to appreciate the company of friendly people.
If someone does not understand that basic logic; I'm afraid that I can't help them on that. Only time will tell, I guess.

Anyways, speaking of time - it flies by! Happy new year folks of TEST. o7



Oct 31, 2016
RSI Handle
This is the same dolt who sends us pictures of dead birds because we denied his application.

You're wasting your time worrying about this subject. No one takes him seriously, and anyone giving him the time of day eventually sees how unstable he is.

I personally got a kick out of him accusing us of hacking imgur of all things.

The main characteristic of this subject is how close to the surface his emotions are, coupled with a remarkably thin skin. The two most glaring traits being a toss up between a persecution complex and an exceedingly self destructive behavior pattern.

We've watched the subject throw tantrums within the community at a fairly predictable pace steadily shrinking their reach and people's willingness to engage the subject or listen to their inanity.

The subject craves external validation most of all, and is likely the root of their fixation on our own project.

I wouldn't be surprised if you got a barrage of PM's from WD as a result of your post here Dylan.

Certainly not going to suggest you ignore the subject, but to be quite frank, this is a lonely, depressed, and very unstable individual who is prone to lashing out at any who they perceive as interacting with them in a negative fashion.

Nothing worthwhile will come of it.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This is the same dolt who sends us pictures of dead birds because we denied his application.

You're wasting your time worrying about this subject. No one takes him seriously, and anyone giving him the time of day eventually sees how unstable he is.

I personally got a kick out of him accusing us of hacking imgur of all things.

The main characteristic of this subject is how close to the surface his emotions are, coupled with a remarkably thin skin. The two most glaring traits being a toss up between a persecution complex and an exceedingly self destructive behavior pattern.

We've watched the subject throw tantrums within the community at a fairly predictable pace steadily shrinking their reach and people's willingness to engage the subject or listen to their inanity.

The subject craves external validation most of all, and is likely the root of their fixation on our own project.

I wouldn't be surprised if you got a barrage of PM's from WD as a result of your post here Dylan.

Certainly not going to suggest you ignore the subject, but to be quite frank, this is a lonely, depressed, and very unstable individual who is prone to lashing out at any who they perceive as interacting with them in a negative fashion.

Nothing worthwhile will come of it.
So we have a stalker??


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Kicks are for Trids

Every morning the Trids got up, ate breakfast, and marched over the bridge to Tridville to work. One morning, a troll moved in under the bridge. When the Trids tried to cross the bridge, the troll climbed up and kicked the Trids all the way back to their homes. The Trids decided to take the day off in hopes that the troll would go away, but the next morning the troll once again climbed up onto the bridge and kicked them back to their homes. In desperation, the Trids decided to ask the Rabbi for help. So the next morning the Rabbi walked across the bridge several times but never saw the troll. He went home believing the troll had indeed moved on. When the Trids tried to cross the bridge afterward, the troll climbed up again and kicked the Trids back home. The Rabbi returned to the bridge and called out for the troll. When the troll appeared, the Rabbi asked why he was allowed to cross the bridge but not the Trids. The troll replied, “Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Brings out a cart with kegs of beer and one full with potato chips and cheese doodles....

Grab a cold one and some snacks fellows :beers: :beer: :beer: :beers:

This is fun ha ha ha... :joy::joy::joy:
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