Too many Carracks?


Oct 30, 2017
RSI Handle
So Carrack is love, Carrack is life but I wonder if it might be a little too common in the Verse? Because of its availability as an early backer prize and the subsequent hype due to its features and near capital class size change I guess I worry that it might be a bit of a McCarrack and it's role and Awe factor will be watered down. I definitely have my Firefly/Star trek fantasies but I also kind if like being a special snowflake.

Any one else have a crisis of the faith from time to time? :D



Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
So Carrack is love, Carrack is life but I wonder if it might be a little too common in the Verse? Because of its availability as an early backer prize and the subsequent hype due to its features and near capital class size change I guess I worry that it might be a bit of a McCarrack and it's role and Awe factor will be watered down. I definitely have my Firefly/Star trek fantasies but I also kind if like being a special snowflake.

Any one else have a crisis of the faith from time to time? :smile:

I totally knew what this post was going to be before I clicked on it.

Thank you.

Also, I recommend [AS]'s other surreal clips and infomercials.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The way I see it:

As human players are going to be 10% of the Verse and NPC's 90%, if there is a ship like the Carrot or the 350R which has more owners than Lore strictly says there should be (one in every ten 300 series is a 350R) then they'll have fewer NPC's flying them to balance it all out.

Remember backers are from every continent and as Planet Earth is round it is going to prohibit how many Carrot owners are actually awake to play the game at any one time, too.

Lastly, a quote from Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy:

"Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space."

You could get every Carrot owner to land on Delmar, equally spaced out over the moons surface - and one ship would not be able to see the other. This is the dimensions of scale we are dealing with here - I don't think there are going to be too many. Maybe a few in choke points like a popular port, but too many...? I'd not think so.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Looking forward to the influx of non-backers come release - when the carrack is a far off distant dream for people just starting out..

'Ah yeah, i served my first three weeks running expeditions in carracks''

Emergent gameplay and such..

Plus, gonna bring up old math on this subject - even now, on average, each backer spends $92 on the game - Carracks cost 4 times that, and i know there's a massive variety of ships available. I wouldnt worry too much about constantly bumping into them :)


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
How do you tell if someone owns a Carrack?

Don't worry, they'll let you know.

For some reason it seems like Carrack really really really like speculating/talking/circlejerking about it, which I think makes it seem like the Carrack is more common/populous than it may be in actuality.

It and the BMM are going to have interesting times once they are finally flight ready and some backers that massively overhyped their ships in their heads have to face a non-perfect ship.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I almost bought one but it was too big an investment plus I don't really think I'd like one any way.

I hope there are enough being used to explore the deepest depths of space because then we won't see too many and it'll be a "Oh a Carrack!" moment when we do.

I want moments like that just like when the Reclaimer was added I was like "Oh a Reclaimer!"


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Haha, I keep side eyeing the 600i but man that Hercules is sexy
My fleet has downsized a lot. The 600i Is still part of it because I completely understand where you're coming from. The commercial they did for it is what really sold me. It was like "hey jolly, this is meant for you". Then the hercs came along and said the same thing. The hercs didn't really have to convince me of anything though. Bye reclaimer, bye terrapin, bye prospector, bye carrack, bye cyclone, bye nox, HELLO M2 and A2!

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Too MANY Carracks? Too MANY?! You, sir, have bought a cruel enemy for life with those slanderous words. Can there be too much oxygen in a room? Too much of a child's laughter filling the air? TOO MUCH HEART IN AN URBAN MOVIE ABOUT A WHITE GIRL WHO LEARNS TO DANCE?!........I think not.

Good day, Sir.
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