Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)


Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
doing a reset just for an item is also a pain in the ass, since all your stuff bought in different stations will be gathered at your starting location
That's not actually as bad as I thought. Having it in the starting location is a little annoying, but honestly isn't too terrible. It'd take you less than an hour to put most things back where you wanted them, in other landing zones. However, on the account reset page it says:

Once the reset is complete, the following will happen:​
  • Your spawn point will be reset.​
  • You will need to re-customize your character.​
  • Your starting aUEC will be set to match your Long Term Persistence Ledger.​
  • All ships, vehicles, and related equipment will be reset to their default state.​
  • Consumable items such as Food, Drink, MedPens, Ammo, Grenades, etc will be removed.​
  • Mission progress will be reset.However, as of SC Alpha 3.13.0 Reputation will now persist.​
I had guessed - very possibly incorrectly! - that this would put you back to the initial state you were in after a complete wipe, so you'd lose
  • all the aUEC you'd accumulated (and have just your starting aUEC),
  • all the armour, components and ships you'd bought in-game for aUEC
But it sounds like I was wrong about at least some of that. However, it's hardly clear what you keep across a character reset and what you lose. For example:
  • I'm not clear to me whether the Long Term Persistence Ledger would track (more or less) your in-game aUEC total (I think maybe yes, give or take a discrepancy for aUEC awarded or something bought or sold recently while servers were having trouble syncing?). So would you lose all the money you'd earned in game, or just potentially lose/gain a little of it that hadn't properly synced into the long term persistence ledger?
  • I'm not clear to me whether 'All ships, vehicles, and related equipment' here includes
    • ships bought in the real world and in my hangar on the RSI website,​
    • ships, vehicles and related equipment (so that's mining heads, quantum drives, coolers, shield generators etc, right?) bought in game​
    • or both.​
  • I'm not clear whether armour, helmets, undersuits bought in game would be removed in a character reset or not
I guess losing consumable items like food and drink are clear enough, and it's not much hassle to have to go get them again. And mission progress is reset - but reputation is kept. That's clear.

I'm sure there are definitive 'you keep it' / 'you lost it' answers to all these and maybe more categories of possession in the game. Sorry, I'm not deliberately trying to be lazy and just get someone else to Google it for me. My point is that what you'd keep and what you'd lose in a character reset is both a little bit complicated and is explained on the help page for doing it a little bit ambiguously. Recommending it as the current 'best' way to get back a bit of subscriber armour you lost by dying somehow or other (there are SO many intended and unintended ways to die!) makes me concerned that someone would lose items they value and credits worth a lot more than the lost bits of kit they'd get back after the reset! Am I just being dumb, or is this a concern for anyone else too?

Would YOU trust a character reset as a satisfactory way to get your favourite bit of subscriber armour back?!

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
That's not actually as bad as I thought. Having it in the starting location is a little annoying, but honestly isn't too terrible. It'd take you less than an hour to put most things back where you wanted them, in other landing zones. However, on the account reset page it says:

Once the reset is complete, the following will happen:​

  • Your spawn point will be reset.​
  • You will need to re-customize your character.​
  • Your starting aUEC will be set to match your Long Term Persistence Ledger.​
  • All ships, vehicles, and related equipment will be reset to their default state.​
  • Consumable items such as Food, Drink, MedPens, Ammo, Grenades, etc will be removed.​
  • Mission progress will be reset.However, as of SC Alpha 3.13.0 Reputation will now persist.​
I had guessed - very possibly incorrectly! - that this would put you back to the initial state you were in after a complete wipe, so you'd lose
  • all the aUEC you'd accumulated (and have just your starting aUEC),
  • all the armour, components and ships you'd bought in-game for aUEC
But it sounds like I was wrong about at least some of that. However, it's hardly clear what you keep across a character reset and what you lose. For example:
  • I'm not clear to me whether the Long Term Persistence Ledger would track (more or less) your in-game aUEC total (I think maybe yes, give or take a discrepancy for aUEC awarded or something bought or sold recently while servers were having trouble syncing?). So would you lose all the money you'd earned in game, or just potentially lose/gain a little of it that hadn't properly synced into the long term persistence ledger?
  • I'm not clear to me whether 'All ships, vehicles, and related equipment' here includes
    • ships bought in the real world and in my hangar on the RSI website,​
    • ships, vehicles and related equipment (so that's mining heads, quantum drives, coolers, shield generators etc, right?) bought in game​
    • or both.​
  • I'm not clear whether armour, helmets, undersuits bought in game would be removed in a character reset or not
I guess losing consumable items like food and drink are clear enough, and it's not much hassle to have to go get them again. And mission progress is reset - but reputation is kept. That's clear.

I'm sure there are definitive 'you keep it' / 'you lost it' answers to all these and maybe more categories of possession in the game. Sorry, I'm not deliberately trying to be lazy and just get someone else to Google it for me. My point is that what you'd keep and what you'd lose in a character reset is both a little bit complicated and is explained on the help page for doing it a little bit ambiguously. Recommending it as the current 'best' way to get back a bit of subscriber armour you lost by dying somehow or other (there are SO many intended and unintended ways to die!) makes me concerned that someone would lose items they value and credits worth a lot more than the lost bits of kit they'd get back after the reset! Am I just being dumb, or is this a concern for anyone else too?

Would YOU trust a character reset as a satisfactory way to get your favourite bit of subscriber armour back?!
I did a character reset yesterday (My Ares Inferno stopped spawning its gatling)

I retained all of my aUEC, all the ship components I had accumulated (including missiles), every item I had purchased (except I think ammo for personal weapons).

All of the items were transferred to the location I restarted in so I equipped my ships before transferring them to Grim Hex (my preferred spawn location)

What I did lose was my bounty ranking but it's kind of weird. The licenses are being offered at a fast rate. I'm already back up to HRT (which is what I was at) but had to complete the license missions again. So like you said, the reputation stayed.

ETA: Oh, and I wouldn't personally do a reset for a flair item.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
What I did lose was my bounty ranking but it's kind of weird. The licenses are being offered at a fast rate. I'm already back up to HRT (which is what I was at) but had to complete the license missions again. So like you said, the reputation stayed.
You do not loose the ranking, you just dont have access to the missions anymore so you just need to redo the certification missions. Ranking is kept after a reset.


Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I did a character reset yesterday (My Ares Inferno stopped spawning its gatling)

I retained all of my aUEC, all the ship components I had accumulated (including missiles), every item I had purchased (except I think ammo for personal weapons).

All of the items were transferred to the location I restarted in so I equipped my ships before transferring them to Grim Hex (my preferred spawn location)

What I did lose was my bounty ranking but it's kind of weird. The licenses are being offered at a fast rate. I'm already back up to HRT (which is what I was at) but had to complete the license missions again. So like you said, the reputation stayed.

ETA: Oh, and I wouldn't personally do a reset for a flair item.
That's really helpful - a heck of a lot clearer than the RSI website is! Thanks for spelling it out.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Since I wasn't sure what would be done about subscriber items getting lost, I went around the system & purchased the gear that I liked best that are available with aUEC while making a list of what was located where just in case something should happen & I need to replace things. Thus until the replacement system was set securely, my Concierge & subscriber items would be kept safely in the starting location inventory. I see this posting from CIG as positive progress towards having those items being more restore-able should things go sideways when least expected, as technology seems to enjoy doing periodically.
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