No, instead of using the mobiglass to enter your equipping mode, stand a bit away from walls & then press "i" to bring up your personal inventory manager. On the left of your char you'll see your on hand inventory slots, on the left you'll see in 1 tab the "local" inventory as well as your "vehicle" inventory if you're in a vehicle that can hold storage for you. 1 trick that I do when doing shopping from location to location, is to equip a heavy chest to also hold a heavy backpack to help you store more. Then when you're away from home, if you have more than you can carry, once you've loaded into your ship, quickly open your inventory to transfer as much from your local & personal inventory into your ship inventory to carry for you until you get back to your home location, or at least until you reach the space station above it. Then stop out of the way there, but not on a pad, if possible stand up, & transfer things from your ship to local storage before resuming your journey home. This way, if something goes wrong, all you've lost was what you were wearing at most.And thanks for the advice on the gown, do I have to go in to F4 external view to do the removing? Every time I press F to click it brings me back to first person? I'll be staying in my undies I've no desire to loose any more assets.