Space Marshal
Of course if you let untrained people play around with heavy construction equipment, they might make a killing too.They would make a killing if they let people pay by the hour to operate them at job sites...

Of course if you let untrained people play around with heavy construction equipment, they might make a killing too.They would make a killing if they let people pay by the hour to operate them at job sites...
Of course if you let untrained people play around with heavy construction equipment, they might make a killing too.
Damn dude. That sucks. Yeah you're right about half going to the machine. Its doing half the work anyway.I mostly use mine for personal use, like lining my ocean front property with rocks to stop wave action from eating the bank, or land scaping.
One thing I learned quick with machinery, what ever the rate you are charging, half of it should go towards the machine all the time, shit happens and they are pricey to fix.
2 months ago I had the final drive go on it, $3900 maple syrup bucks later it was moving again.
did a quick google search for a sale link, its in US but shows the part
I won't make my mind up until I see the sale page for the variants. If they look good I may get an upgrade. If not I'll hold off. I already have a Vanguard now.- Vanguard Variant Concept Sale
so more or less, confirmed LTI on Vanguard upgrades
Of course if you let untrained people play around with heavy construction equipment, they might make a killing too.
Same place as the cutlass fixes. non-existent.So its a concept sale for variants? So, like even before they're hangar ready?
That's uh...new, I guess.
So its a concept sale for variants? So, like even before they're hangar ready?
That's uh...new, I guess.
Avenger not shiny.... its plain white penguin.... no need to rush.while I don't have a avenger, I am wondering what the hell is taking them so long, Starfarer looked like it was near ready for painting/hanger ready months ago but now nothing
As far as the Vanguard goes, sounds like they are pulling a Starfarer Gemini LTI all over again.
Avenger not shiny.... its plain white penguin.... no need to rush.
But (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the reason why the Avenger is pushed back is that its not in SQ42... Or was that the rum talking to my head...
TESTies playing with excavators:Very cool. It has always been a dream of mine to own a piece of heavy construction equipment.
I very nearly cried watching that. Hats off to you sir for your performance and precision maneuvering.TESTies playing with excavators:
Wasn't me, unfortunately, just stuff found on YouTube - I should have said "what I imagine happens when TESTies play with excavators"I very nearly cried watching that. Hats off to you sir for your performance and precision maneuvering.
Ah damn I thought Liquor_and_ores had posted it. Wasn't looking left enough. I believe thats him if the excavator is any indication.Wasn't me, unfortunately, just stuff found on YouTube - I should have said "what I imagine happens when TESTies play with excavators"