Well first thing first: if you arre using the wanguard with a fixed S5 weapon you don't have gimble assist... since you don't have gimble weapons.Hey lads, what is the secret to mouse and keyboard fighting? If I recall, there's a key combo you can hit that helps with you r mouse looking? Gaaaa, I'm trying to get back into this but Jesus, controlling the ship in combat is a pain in the ass. The reticle moves, but the ship takes a while to follow it, which makes it freaking annoying trying to center on an enemy and shoot.
Any quick tips? I thought there was a shift + something that help[s with the auto-gimble and aiming, or something of the like, but I can't for the life of me remember, lol. Too much beer I reckon.
If you are using an S4 gimble weapon... just drop it for a S5...
With that out of the way if I understand what you are looking for the keybind is "Z" for free look that allow you to look around freely with the mouse...
For gimble weapon I think is "R"... but after two years using a HOTS I totally forgot some keyboard commands... anyway you can quicly check them in-game by ESC->Option-> Keybinds there is the compleat keybord standard mapping.
Another way to find the command (and eventually re-bind him) is to hold "F" and "RMB": this will open the interaction wheel with ALL the action you can do... just don't use it while in combat becouse is not that quick too navigate.
Finally, get an HOTAS or a dual Joystic setup that way is way way more easy to pilot a ship.