Vegas shooting (NSFW VIDEO AND IMAGES!)


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
America, I equate to being kinda like the wild west even today. Strike out on your own with your family, try to chase the american dream (some things could be said about that these last two decades), stay sharp because danger everywhere.

Danger from:
Reckless people
People who act without thinking
Bad driving/driving mistakes
Bad business decisions so lay offs
Showing up late for work and get fired
People with mental health issues (personally I think is becoming a global pandemic.. myself included)
Human mistakes with literally everything
Crazy people doing crazy things
Greedy douchebags who only care about themselves
and sociopaths

Even if you remove the human factor from this planet... it's still dangerous af.
Something is always trying to kill you on this planet... big (predator or competitor) or small (virus, fungus, bacteria)... the weather...

And even if you go full computer as a "life" form.. component degradation and entropy tries to kill you.

Maybe we should all evolve into tardigrades?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If the neighborhood police are allowed to have goddamn tanks, I should be allowed AT LEAST an 'assault rifle'.
I lived in the city that invented the tank, workers of the William Tritton factory were told the prototypes were Water Carriers as it was a secret as to what they were actually building - they called them Water Tanks which then became Tanks... An Assault Rifle ain't going to do shit even to a 1916 Mk1. What you need is a limpet mine.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I lived in the city that invented the tank, workers of the William Tritton factory were told the prototypes were Water Carriers as it was a secret as to what they were actually building - they called them Water Tanks which then became Tanks... An Assault Rifle ain't going to do shit even to a 1916 Mk1. What you need is a limpet mine.
haha Beggars can't be choosy, but i DO know a nice little village in Ukraine where one can purchase an RPG-7 for a decent price. Good ole soviet-era equipment always tends to fall off of trucks, I've noticed.


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Europeans; You don't have to understand our affinity for guns. You gotta get over it.
I'm sorry, I am a very curious person, and hate to just "get over things". I prefer to fully understand and acquire knowledge instead of ignore the world around me.
People often forget that the second amendment ... is designed to protect us from our own government if they decide to go full dystopia on us.
Marks my words, if ever our governments decide to go 1984 on us, no gun will save you. In fact, it's not helping you in any way right now.
In about three months, when the streets very well could be running red with the blood of rebelling Catalonians; Ask them if they had rather have been armed. I'd bet you'll hear them sounding quite American about the topic.
Your sources are completely wrong pal. We already had a Civil War that ended in a dictatorship that lasted 36 years. As lazy and corrupt Spanish politicians are, none of them will ever carry the responsibility of a call to arms on the Catalonian issue, on either side. There will be some bashed heads for sure, but that's all.
Guys, as per one of the few policies we have here.. no politics please, and gun debates always tend devolve into that.
Gotcha boss. I may have unintentionally hit some soft spots, and apologize for that. As I said:
Our thoughts would be with the victims, but I find fascinating the polar positioning between UE and USA in regards of firearms and would like to have some answers first hand.
This will be my last contribution to the thread.
Here.. this is going to be a LONG video playlist... though I think this is the preview playlist.. having a hard time finding the full videos
Might be unlisted for the full videos.. I got them in emails but deleted the emails last month :/
This episode two includes the mental awareness states.

All the (full) videos cover just about every scenario imaginable for civilians.

I'll link back if I can find the full videos...

here's some other ones from the same training facility
This above video confirms a lot of what's been talked about in this thread.
Thanks a lot for the info DG. I'll put them on the "to watch later, when my kids leave home" list :)


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
What I find terribly odd... best to share an Example

I go to pick up my brother in law from the airport last night
He's hungry and the only thing open nearby was Tropical Smoothie...
In the drive through the guy (by himself, guess it's slow) opens the window to take my money...
I ask "Hey did you have any family or friends at the concert?" with genuine concern and caring in my demeanor and tone.
He responds basically no with the most uncaring/ it doesn't affect me attitude I have ever seen.

Another example:
Numerous YouTube comments, Facebook comments, even Videos with nearly a million views by conspiracy nut jobs playing on people's paranoia to turn an advertising revenue buck on this disaster/tragedy. And that people genuinely believe their conspiracy stories.

Another example:
I share facts to try to help educate in some of these comments, and the responses I get are so full of pride and arrogance and "look you just proved me right" attitude and it's bewildering.

I know these comments MAY not be indicative of a major portion of attitudes across the globe... but it sometimes sure as hell seems that way.

A friend posted this a bit ago,
might be an accurate timeline of police response:
10:08p Shooting starts
10:13p Police first radio shots coming from Mandalay
10:24p Hotel Security identifies 32-135 as the room
10:28p Police and Security exchange shots with Paddock
10:30p Police order people in surrounding rooms to exit and/or cover
11:20p SWAT breaches room
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