[Video] 600i first walkthrough!


Vice Admiral
Jan 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I still can't get excited about the ship even after seeing it. It'll just be one I don't ever look at twice. Good video though.
I go back and forth on it, but I've yet to try it out in PTU yet (maybe tonight). I like where this ship falls in line with its role, but for me I'd have to melt too many goodies (including an Eclipse) to make this an obtainable ship. Not that I couldn't just say FUCK IT and buy it with regret later, but currently at this moment I'm not feeling that it would sit right with me.

Now if Drake came out with the Corsair they hinted at last December I'd drop my wallet instantly. I own a 325a so I don't hate Origin, but I could see that ship being CCU'd for something eventually as well.

I like Drake, Aegis, and Anvil. Everything else an bantha poodoo!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
It looks like those super modern houses you see in brochures that nobody actually lives in.
Because most modern architecture is an assault on the senses. So angular and sterile. They lack any sense of imagination or real thought of their own. There is no way 'forward' as the years go by. They are ugly.

You look at buildings built 200+ years ago still standing today, especially stone buildings and you think they are built for the ages. They seem to have endurance. Take a look at a building today that is 20 years old and it just looks terrible. They don't age well at all.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
CIG will most likely use these textures & look to style the 890J as they decorate it. This being said, the 890J is supposed to be the most luxurious ship in the Verse, so some things might be enhanced further here & there as well as the layout. Personally, I love it & I'm happy that I own both versions. I'm looking forward to finding out how my 890J & my pair of Phoenix ships will turn out when they become released in game to be enjoyed.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's funny as I was already thinking about melting a few smaller ships to upgrade me Retaliator to the 600i before all the 3.2 hype started.

I even wrote stuff on a whiteboard comparing different ships and the 600i came out on top, on stats. I wanted something that could carry a decent amount of [high value] cargo yet have reasonable armour, shields and a good weapon loadout. I thought for the last couple of years that was the retaliator, but the way turrets are at the moment, and the way modules have been dumped like a sack of shite, it's not the retaliator at all.

The 600i seemed to tick the boxes, 40scu about the same as a freelancer and about the same as I expected the retaliator to have, 3 x s5 forward facing guns which is fecking potent no matter how you look at it, 2 turrets for extra assistance if I need to get some blades in there, or NPCs. And to top it of it's fecking gorgeous in every way from top to bottom front to back.

I hope they don't put the price up too much. I suspect they will. It already was a bit rich for my tastes and if they bomp the price up I may well give up on it, even though that bed looks good for me and 4 blue alien girls. Mass effect all over again. Joker moaned like heck when he had to clean up the sticky residue after the last Normandy Blue Alien Girl party I hosted.
My suspicion (don't quote me on this, i may be and probably am wrong) is that we'll get one last close to concept-sale price, maybe a little higher for release celebrations, and then it'll go up to $600 like the 890j went to $890 after its initial price of $600.

I'm not saying the 600 is a ship worth $600, it'd be just to keep the rarity on it ;)

Thats what I suspect. Time will tell :slight_smile:

To be honest, I'd expect CIG to be so sick of backers flying off the handle when ships become flight-ready and are not the demi-gods backers bought them to be, that they have introduced the 600i with less speed, maneuverability and durability intentionally and will raise it a little bit rather than release a god of a machine and then nurf it over and over again.

Either that or they'll watch the Melt Storm that might be happening on some parts of Spectrum right now, lock buyback on this particular ship just to keep it rare, and THEN buff it :slight_smile: Only the true 600i owners willing to stand by their ship like The Glorious Leader will benefit from the craft that it will turn out to be, mwahahahaaaaa!
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Arron Rift

Jun 10, 2018
RSI Handle
Excellent video glorious leader! The 300i was the ship that got me involved with this game and I've looked forward to the possibilities of the 600i for years. Glad to see it turned out so well, would love to fly one someday.
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Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
The only problem I have with it is the bridge is a little too white. I'm not used to that brightness. And mark my words, the first time you bring kids aboard that thing, you're gonna be following them around with a sponge and a bottle of 409, cleaning peanut butter and jelly hand prints off the bulkheads!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It's a bit too slick for me though. . .I think the reason is I'm an Android guy, and the 600i, like the R&Y hangar, was obviously designed by an iPhone person.
The iPhone is not just top shelf and pretty, it is super-functional. One of my troubles with the 600i is it has so much empty space. What makes it beautiful also makes it inefficient--after all, what that space inside demands is the ship is a bigger target.

how's the fuel mileage?
Great question probably none of us can answer. Since ships like this can scoop their own fuel, even the question becomes more complex like "how long does it take to fill its tanks given X conditions?"

Now if Drake came out with the Corsair they hinted at last December. . .
Wait, what?! How did I miss that? Can you point me to? I'm not such a fan of Drake but it wouldn't take much to make me one. Are you talking about another Corvette class ship, or something closer to a gunboat?

Still thinking what I need is a Polaris.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
My suspicion (don't quote me on this, i may be and probably am wrong) is that we'll get one last close to concept-sale price, maybe a little higher for release celebrations, and then it'll go up to $600 like the 890j went to $890 after its initial price of $600.
If it's $600 then forget it, I'm gonna just have to make do and get the maids to give me Hercules a good buff.
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