VirtualAce caught Cheating - former AA member LiQuldAiR testifies


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
The question would be how trustworthy that Liquidair dude is... i mean let's face it: he was in a org with the scumbag and knew he was cheating and he didn't even leave but got kicked.

Also... why would the guys that cheat brag about it openly?


May 26, 2017
RSI Handle
The game is in debug mode which allows them to see game data. This data, whatever it may be, COULD be used to build programs that allows changing game variables or net code variables. All you need is a memory address and a debugger, you can later inject and replace variables to change game behavior, of course it's a lot of trial and error to see what does what. Do they do that? We can only continue to watch them and catch them if they do.

Research 'cryengine debug mode' and you'll see. VirtualAce and VertagoOne told multiple people about their ability to see this extra game data. Once, in a fight against them several of VirtualAce's members were openly talking about it in local game chat.

Does CIG care?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The game is in debug mode which allows them to see game data. This data, whatever it may be, COULD be used to build programs that allows changing game variables or net code variables. All you need is a memory address and a debugger, you can later inject and replace variables to change game behavior, of course it's a lot of trial and error to see what does what. Do they do that? We can only continue to watch them and catch them if they do.

Research 'cryengine debug mode' and you'll see. VirtualAce and VertagoOne told multiple people about their ability to see this extra game data. Once, in a fight against them several of VirtualAce's members were openly talking about it in local game chat.

Does CIG care?
CIG does care, but its not really urgent for them at this point.

If people are cheating with wall hacks, aimbots or debug scripts at this early alpha stage, its more of a irritant than anything else.

CIG will only be clamping down on cheaters if they are really disrupting the alpha testing process or causing a lot of problems for other players, eg you go to Star Marine and somebody is headshotting you from across the map.


Oct 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Actually VirtualAss really causing a lot of problems for many players, who interesting to all aspects of the game including criminal activity in PU, with subsequent "cleaning" on Kareah, by CONSTANT pad camping and chasing everyone who he clamed "pirate-troll'. I personaly was in situation when I 30 minutes couldn't take my ship on GrimHex and was need to leave the server, because VirtualAss was pad camping there. Now I understand that this cheat let him see who is inside Grimhex, or Olisar, even when player staying in his room. And it just small part of what he is doing. There are a lot of questions about unbelievable quick aiming and damage and another staff. He is not so stupid to show his cheating in his videos, and our videos will not proof his cheating. But I agree with Montoya that for CIG its not really urgent at this point, and one day later VirtualAss will pay for everything. One reason why I published this video - to open yeas to another members of Aerospace Alliance and made them think about who are their leader and where he will lead them


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So does this explain the explosions in Quantum travel, or is that just a bug?

Quantum has a count down to activation, Self Destruct has a countdown to activation, sending a code to the server saying a ship that has just called for a jump has actually called for Destruct instead answers a lot of weirdness about that.. Quantum activation to Destruct activation would let the users ship jump as their computer is running that part, but then the server'll comeback saying "Ok, ship destruction registered" and KABLOOOIE!
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm... it's virtually impossible to detect, let alone prove, that there is an additional program running on the machine. I mean, even modifications to the game client itself can be bit difficult to detect, but this is an entirely external program that is parsing a text file. Completely separated from the game itself. Of course, VirtualAce already bigmouthed his cover away, so he could get banned. However, it's a bit worrisome that such a cheat exists. That it even can exist.

Of course, if it requires you to be in debug mode, then there is that.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Why do small ORGs like this even matter? With the exception of the obvious majority who behave like decent citizens, these minority type ORGs who are misbehaving.. immoral.. reprehensible.. despicable.. low life.. garbage eating.. puke inducing... disease infested... festering cow pies.. lobotomized... idiotic... emotionally inept... parent rejected... societal miscreants... manipulative sycophants... uptight diamond creating sphincter dickheads....

They can go eat a fat wad of C4 and run through a high static discharge field.



Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Currently, this is effectively a dick waving exercise.
Unfortunately for VirtualArse, This just means everyone's going to know how much of a knobhead he is on release.

Sure is a good thing he didn't attempt to antagonise a 13K+ member org with a large enough fleet to literally blockade a system.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
[devil's advocate]
if you're into space combat, being in a widely-hated org wouldn't be all bad
[/devil's advocate]
You're not wrong, but it seems like if someone is cheating the system for an unfair advantage then they're not into combat; they're into winning, but they don't have the skill needed to keep their own ego inflated.
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