VirtualAce caught Cheating - former AA member LiQuldAiR testifies


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
There is a difference between a complete asshole in real life and playing one in the game.
But I'm good at doing two things at once... :P

As far as the issue is concerned, I'm fairly sure of two things:

1. The Data is simply send to the client anyway, weither as part of mechanics yet to be implemented (i.E. long range scanning) or to trace bugs via the bug reports. I don't think they got any kind of software that allows gathering data from the server beyond of what's available to the Player anyway.

2. CIG would have serveral anti-cheating mechanisms in place by the time it actually matters... people say optimisation isn't part of an Alpha, but rest assured it does come a long way before anti-cheating measures. ATM it's also quite possible that not all the things supposed to run server-side run server-side, to save costs.

Also, I think VirtualAce being a scumbag and him using third party software should not be mixed up.

Usage of third party Software etc. is something for CIG to handle. At the end of the Day we do not have any way to verify the accusions, as all we have is ultimatively statements by VirtualAce himself as well as odd behavior in a Alpha, that tends to have some rather weird Bugs.

If he's a scumbag that effectively works against Test / Test Members, it's our thing to handle in which ever way we or our Glorious Leader see fit.

But if we mix up the two things and say things like "omg that guy which kills us over and over again is a cheater", it's gonna make us look like ADI imo.


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
This is a very serious accusation.

If this is true, then VirtualAce may have just jeopardized his account and could be banned from the game.
heres hoping!

Hmm... it's virtually impossible to detect, let alone prove, that there is an additional program running on the machine. I mean, even modifications to the game client itself can be bit difficult to detect, but this is an entirely external program that is parsing a text file. Completely separated from the game itself. Of course, VirtualAce already bigmouthed his cover away, so he could get banned. However, it's a bit worrisome that such a cheat exists. That it even can exist.

Of course, if it requires you to be in debug mode, then there is that.
depends if they're running a program that "probes" the files of the game, that can be detected.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
If he's a scumbag that effectively works against Test / Test Members, it's our thing to handle in which ever way we or our Glorious Leader see fit.
There is nothing for us to do here.

It is not worth out time nor energy.

If this guy is pad camping and giving everybody out there a hard time because of an over active imagination, it his problem. The notion that somehow people who spawn at some place are "pirates" and by some magic he has an imaginary job to shoot pirates because... well the logic fails me here, Im not sure how to proceed.

Point is, its not just TEST, he has pissed off the entire community, and he will pay the price not by anything we do, but when his org fractures because the people below him realize what an idiot their leader is.

There is nothing for us to do except sit and wait.

Old bull young bull story, right?


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
There is nothing for us to do here.

It is not worth out time nor energy.

If this guy is pad camping and giving everybody out there a hard time because of an over active imagination, it his problem. The notion that somehow people who spawn at some place are "pirates" and by some magic he has an imaginary job to shoot pirates because... well the logic fails me here, Im not sure how to proceed.

Point is, its not just TEST, he has pissed off the entire community, and he will pay the price not by anything we do, but when his org fractures because the people below him realize what an idiot their leader is.

There is nothing for us to do except sit and wait.

Old bull young bull story, right?
I guess I should have phrased it a bit different... I was thinking about the Game once it's in a stage that allows permanent progress.

Should he or his org still exist by then and mess with us, it's just part of the Gameplay to do something about it and nothing I'd be upset about in any way... after all it would be kinda boring if all we had to shoot were some NPC Pirates or Vanduul.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
...well the logic fails me here, Im not sure how to proceed.
We could set up an TEST scouting flight pattern.

As simple as whenever an org member spawns in the PU we take a quick fly past Grim. Monitor for ships, if there is something that looks like a camper blasting anything that spawns on the pad we chase 'em off or at least keep them busy. If there is nothing there, we fly on our way and enjoy the game. We should have enough players to make it a viable anti-camping strategy, sometimes nothing more than putting a pair of eyes on a problem can dissuade those who would like to profit from it and pad-camping is definitely a problem...

It's not helping pirates, it's helping players.

A long while ago I suggested KITS - Knights In TEST Service - a TEST rapid reaction group to help org members in peril, and the question that came from it was how can we make sure the KITS force is in the same instance as those who require help... Well, that would still be an issue, but if we could get enough TEST members to make this part of their routine when joining a game we may be able to make it a better experience for everyone.
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May 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Here's a small video taken from one of VirtualAce's videos. He shows, towards the end, that his game reports to him players, their states, and locations.

(EDIT) Additional information explaining the video:
Stop the video and look at seconds 23 and 24. You'll see both Mavrick69 and Hundshamer names come up in his screen. Your game most certainly DOES NOT do this.

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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting. Is it possible to DL the video before he removes it? I'm not that savvy with YouTube, haha. Too old methinks.
I'd want a dev to look at that vid and tell me what it means before I jump to conclusions. I cannot tell you if that always shows in the debug for everyone whenever anyone logs in.

I'm not saying anyone is fibbing, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions either, I'm no dev.


May 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Stop the video and look at seconds 23 and 24. You'll see both Mavrick69 and Hundshamer names come up in his screen. Your game most certainly DOES NOT do this.

You can see your console in game by pressing the ~ key but you'll never see what VirtualAce or VertagoOne sees.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
We could set up an TEST scouting flight pattern.

As simple as whenever an org member spawns in the PU we take a quick fly past Grim. Monitor for ships, if there is something that looks like a camper blasting anything that spawns on the pad we chase 'em off or at least keep them busy. If there is nothing there, we fly on our way and enjoy the game. We should have enough players to make it a viable anti-camping strategy, sometimes nothing more than putting a pair of eyes on a problem can dissuade those who would like to profit from it and pad-camping is definitely a problem...

It's not helping pirates, it's helping players.

A long while ago I suggested KITS - Knights In TEST Service - a TEST rapid reaction group to help org members in peril, and the question that came from it was how can we make sure the KITS force is in the same instance as those who require help... Well, that would still be an issue, but if we could get enough TEST members to make this part of their routine when joining a game we may be able to make it a better experience for everyone.
Okay, I tried this out today and here is the account of my findings:

Spawned at Olisar. Jumped in a fast ship 350R and QD'd directly to Yela. Did a second jump to the right of the planet and QD'd back again... In the general right area, but where the hell is it? Picked a likely cluster of rocks and just as pulling away see a huge explosion come from them. Okay, I have the right set of rocks.

Takes me about 60 seconds to reach them, I pick up a Sabre, Hornet and Starfarer of all things hanging over the pads. No action going down, just hanging there, can't be sure they are camping, but they are not marked as criminal or enemy...

I keep my speed up and buzz through at 810m/s. The sabre breaks off and chases, I turn and come back through again, the Sabre opens fire but I am past them before I can register this and get aimed. I fire aimlessly though as I buzz back through at 810m/s.

I get a good 10 to 14km from the sabre and turn, but the time I am round and back up to speed they're only 7000m. again they open fire, this time I get hits but do not damage them, they light my shields up blue, again I buzz back through the group. Missiles fly but i'm in a 350, so they are pretty pointless. I slow, turn momentarily hiding behind an asteroid to loose the rest of the misiles and come back in. The Sabre has stopped over the pads and the Hornet is chasing. it fires, again too late, but as i am fumbling with my targeting computer to highlight the hornet I realise my buzz through the group is going a bit wrong - I fire and hit the sabre but then slam in to it. My ship explodes, I see the sabre spinning off unharmed as far as I can tell.

Spawn back at Oli, insurance cost is too high for my fast ship so grab a Connie with S5's and get back as fast as i could. They had long gone. A call out on the comms to check if they were campers or if i'd ruined a game they were playing got no response, from the random explosion can only surmise they were campers and split.

Conclusion: At present unless you sit and watch for a long while, it is not easy to tell campers from players. Attack at own risk unless totally sure, it could be argued my flypast was an act of aggression.
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Oct 1, 2016
RSI Handle
This is list the most malicious pad campers in PU. All of them are members of Aerospace Alliance. From time to time another players from Aerospace Alliance may join them. Disobedience and refusal, as well as any criticism will immediately cause kick from the clan. This is group of "professional" pad campers and it is part of game politics and tactics of their leader - VirtualAss.







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