VirtualAce caught Cheating - former AA member LiQuldAiR testifies

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'd want a dev to look at that vid and tell me what it means before I jump to conclusions. I cannot tell you if that always shows in the debug for everyone whenever anyone logs in.

I'm not saying anyone is fibbing, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions either, I'm no dev.
I concur. Although @LiQuIdAiR does add some compelling evidence, haha.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Why do small ORGs like this even matter? With the exception of the obvious majority who behave like decent citizens, these minority type ORGs who are misbehaving.. immoral.. reprehensible.. despicable.. low life.. garbage eating.. puke inducing... disease infested... festering cow pies.. lobotomized... idiotic... emotionally inept... parent rejected... societal miscreants... manipulative sycophants... uptight diamond creating sphincter dickheads....
So what are really trying to say here.

You're not wrong, but it seems like if someone is cheating the system for an unfair advantage then they're not into combat; they're into winning, but they don't have the skill needed to keep their own ego inflated.
Wining at any cost.

If he's a scumbag that effectively works against Test / Test Members, it's our thing to handle in which ever way we or our Glorious Leader see fit.
Well honestly, if anyone is clearly using unfair tactics against anyone in the game, We individually or collectively should run interference to help a fellow Citizen out. It's only good for the game. And it does paint Test Squadron in a good light.

But if we mix up the two things and say things like "omg that guy which kills us over and over again is a cheater", it's gonna make us look like ADI imo.
True. If you suck at at combat and get trashed over and over, git gud or git out. Man up, take yer beating and learn from it.

A long while ago I suggested KITS - Knights In TEST Service - a TEST rapid reaction group to help org members in peril, and the question that came from it was how can we make sure the KITS force is in the same instance as those who require help... Well, that would still be an issue, but if we could get enough TEST members to make this part of their routine when joining a game we may be able to make it a better experience for everyone.
Now this is something I'd volunteer for. I try to help out new members when ever I'm on line now as it gives me something different to do in the game. But putting a "Guardian Angels" type of crew together? Sounds interesting. But only not as an Test sub. We'd need permission and it's just as easy to act as good and proper Citizens.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
A man can easily feel the master of a snowglobe. Let us see what happens when the universe opens up a bit and numbers come into play. I foresee his 'victories' and his Org both drying up. All the while, we will be here drinking our beer and talking about beer related subjects.

There is no fate worse than obscurity. Homey is on a B-line directly to it.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I know I probably should not say this... but Im starting feel a little bad for VirtualAce.

Its fun and games for the first little while, but after that RSI post, I think the guy must be very upset and worried.
Well, it's been raised on RSI now... We just have to wait for the people who built the system to tell us how and why the details in that video would show.

I note that the two players whos positions show in the recording are part of the AA Org... If they were invited in to the same instance, or joined with a shared lobby or somthing, could this show automatically? I dunno. I'm no dev and i don't run an org so don't know what those Gods Amongst Men have access to in regard to their minions...

We could TEST it but I don't got no friends in the game to go hang out with. Dudes who hang out together, please check this!

Doesn't stop AA being giant bumholes for pad-camping, and doesn't guarantee they are not cheating in some way, so don't feel too bad until we know for sure VA isn't a big bad baddy!
Last edited:


Mar 6, 2017
RSI Handle
AA Victim
I stumbled upon this . . .

"aerospace allience ship shooting my ship while being invisible. prior to these we had a fight with them over Ghex, as usual they tried to camp and lost. but than this shit happened - and yet it failed.

16.6.17 update: this is being handled by CIG. their reply does not mention any known glitches and i will not recieve any updates on the subject since it relates to another players account. i see this as a hack confirmation."


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
A man can easily feel the master of a snowglobe. Let us see what happens when the universe opens up a bit and numbers come into play. I foresee his 'victories' and his Org both drying up. All the while, we will be here drinking our beer and talking about beer related subjects.

There is no fate worse than obscurity. Homey is on a B-line directly to it.
Well said my roguishly handsome friend. Well said.
Welp, that didn't last long eh?
Yes, it was removed, I expected they will remove it. But information spread, and I hope it will be checked. Anyway we brought some attention to this problem, we are doing something we are not passive
Haha, well done @Mr_UrChin
I know I probably should not say this... but Im starting feel a little bad for VirtualAce.

Its fun and games for the first little while, but after that RSI post, I think the guy must be very upset and worried.
Feel bad? Meh, that would require feelings. I lost all those in my first divorce.


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
I know I probably should not say this... but Im starting feel a little bad for VirtualAce.

Its fun and games for the first little while, but after that RSI post, I think the guy must be very upset and worried.
If he played the game like everyone else does he would have nothing to worry about. If he was using programs to get an unfair advantage he should know that if he got caught he would face repercussions. This guy could careless about testing the game and help providing better experiences for the entire community as a whole and only wants his 'omg I pwnd you on pad youtube video" But I understand your point of view because you're a kind God king and glorious leader that takes mercy on everyone.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Just listening to the guys voice and how he talks in the video.... this guy is at least late 20s or 30s.. and getting excited like a twelve year old that he made some people rage quite.. and then calling out about some random guy in grim hex with him like he can't handle the encounter himself... like.. really? Why are we still talking about this... this boy man? *confused*


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
To my surprise, I got a PM on Spectrum from VirtualAce... while I assume it's some kind of bulk eMail everyone got, I'll just put it here:

Someone pointed to a discussion on TEST where I VirtualAce and or my orgmates are being accused of using cheats in the debugger in Star citizen. I would post this reply myself but I cannot due to the fact I was banned from the TEST forums on my first day purposely so I could never defend myself from these false and slanderous accusations.

Most of the accusations being made are from extremely disgruntled ex players we had to let go for breaking our rules of no piracy like LiQuidAir. Ever since he has been on a crusade to "make me pay" and the victims of his lies and fake news are the innocent members of the TEST org. He has befriended a Mr_Urchin to help him out with all of this. It has gone so far as they have made a "hate discord" just for me. They constantly come up with ideas and ways to try discredit me.

The fact of the matter is the debug mode (by hitting the Tilde key) is a simple way to tab out of your left monitor and go to your right monitor from full screen mode, so you can go write on Discord or whatever VOIP you use. That is what I am doing in that vid. The part where he is pointing to Mavrick69 appears to be a [contactupdate] because Mavrick69 is in my Org and in my contacts list. You can see I am getting NO INFORMATION on any other players outside of my contacts list. I am assuming both parties would have to friend each other for this to show in the debugger, I really don't have a clue though since I am not a game dev in any way shape or form.

In order to make your game full screen and act like windowed mode so you can tab out of your left monitor and go to your right monitor is well known by the community and quite simple. In a user.config you just paste this in. It's on reddit and I believe Bored gamer shows it as well.

r_fullscreen=0 r_fullscreenwindow=1

Then in options in Star Citizen set Full screen to No.

That's it, one simple command. Now you can tab out of your left screen with the Tilde Key in debug mode and go to your right screen to go to Discord and type. That is all I am doing in that vid. All of this other nonsense is LiQuidAir and Mr_Urchin's way of lying and trying to fool all of TEST into hating me and our Org. If you wish to screenshot this and post it to that thread to inform your other members what is really going on and you're all being LIED TO you would be doing a great service to them. If you feel to intimated to do it I totally understand. I just feel bad my ex-members along with Mr_Urchin have hijacked your TEST forums with three different hate threads and straight up lying to all your faces. I just want the truth out there as well.

Thank you very much

Thanks to the PSU of my main PC acting up, I can't check that... atm.
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