VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I couldn't really make a diagnosis of his condition without an interview and consulting the DSM-5, but I feel qualified to say that his perpetual and rampant douchebaggery identifies him as a griefer. How sick he is depends on the depth of his neurosis or if it has progressed into a psychosis. In other words, this guy gets off on being a dick to people, but he's either a little crazy or totally out to lunch. Most likely just a dick griefer who will get spawn camped til he chills out or starts getting suspended. However, he apparently has developed an infatuation with Glorious Leader which speaks well of him.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Good morning TESTies! :grin:

This morning I am greeted with more insanity from VirtualAss, leader of soon to be fractured org called Aerospace Alliance.

For those out of the loop, the guy was griefing players at Grim Hex by pad camping and blowing up any ship that was spawning because they are "pirates", and he is the sworn defender of something or other roleplaying bullshit.

I fully support anybody have fun in this alpha stage of the game, but its a bit of a dick move to sit at Grim Hex and blow up all the ships that spawn.

Many new arrivals to Star Citizen will often bump into another ship at Port Ollisar, this results in you getting criminal status, which then makes you respawn at Grim Hex.

It is extremely frustrating as a new backer in the game to be unable to get into a ship at Grim Hex because somebody else has decided you should be allowed to leave the base.

Several TEST members from Eastern Block (our Russian speaking division) took the job of engaging VirtualAss and his friends so that players who spawn with criminal status can actually leave the base and enjoy the game. VirtualAss took great offense to this because... roleplaying rules or something.

In his latest crybaby message to me he threatens to mass PM all 13,000 members of TEST and let them know the truth!

The truth is that he is not a sack of shit, but a wonderful person that only wants to help make Star Citizen a wonderful game for all! (except those that have criminal status)

Here is his latest masterpiece that I got this morning:

@VirtualAce4:22 am
Your out if control Mr_Urchin just posted another b.s. video with yet another former member we kicked out on your forums, "out of game". That is the stupidest one yet with him fake blowing me up in the end? WTF delusional idiotic garbage are you allowing this moron to post? Are you going to let this guy continue this out of game crap with all these lies? You have to know hundreds of people must be shaking their heads at all this and rolling their eyes? What are you doing man?


You know I can't let this stuff stand, am I going to have to split the load up between all my guys and mail all 13k of your people and let them know what's really going on here? Why don't you just stop this one idiot using you and using your own forums for his own petty purposes? Thought we were on the right path to keeping this in game? I really feel like my hand is being forced here to defend myself and our Org.

VirtualAss wants you all to know that he has done nothing wrong, he is not using a debug script to get information, and its Mr_Urchin and TEST that are the really bad people in this story. There, I saved him the hassle.

I know he reads this forum diligently.

Some friendly advice VirtualAss, you were kicked out of ADI for being a terrible person.

It's only a matter of time before your own org will abandon you for being a terrible person.

(PS, TESTies, please do not contact this guy or anybody from his org)
Always a good thing to show guys like "VirtualAss" (I met him myself in the verse, haha! :D) that a medal always has two sides aka that there are other players who can make some camp-grief-actions, too. Funny thing is, that those "its alpha and I am just testing by griefing"-type-of-guys cannot find anything funny in being griefed by others - because that is then baaad action. Yeah well, nevermind. Such dumbshits only shows me every time that it is a good - and necessary - thing being member of a reliable org :slight_smile:


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
There are two issues here.

1) VirtualAce is roleplaying as a whiteknight that is going to purge pirates from the galaxy!

This is fine, its good to have some goals and theme in the game. Its the reason people will join an org, because they want to do things together. For AA, they have the whole "we are the heroes coming to save the day!" thing going.

The problem is that there are no pirates in this game at the moment. We are in alpha and everybody is just playing around! Even when this game does go live and there are decisions to be made about the role you play, what defines being a "pirate"?

If you and your friends are bored one night an you see an NPC freighter flying by and decide to blow it up, are you now pirates? There is a big grey area here, its not simply black or white.

2) Professional courtesy between org leaders!

This one completely goes over VA's head. His personality type is the typical "I am the only normal person in the room, everybody else is an idiot!", Im sure we all know somebody like that in real life.

Remember when we used to rag on the Corporation? We made fun of them at org level, but at org leader level, Weylend and I always had good communication and funny exchanges!

ADI... yeah we give them shit and they do the same. I am the devil and a horrible person, and likewise JayC is a cancer and the worst possible org leader in the game, yet he and I both know that there is another level to this.

Then VA comes along, the insults he threw at Noobifier were an immediate indicator that the line between a game and reality are blurred to this individual.

One of the first things I told him is that this is going to make for some fucking awkward moments when we all meet at a Citizencon or barcitizen in the future! :smile:

Here is the scene from last year's Citizencon, the bar is Armory:


It did not matter if you were with Xplor, CORP, ADI or what ever, we all had a great time!

I can tell you now that if VirtualAce was there, he would be sitting in the corner being ignored by everybody.

I know he reads this, so my advice to you VirtualAce is this:

If you do not change, your org will abandon you. It is not too late, there is still hope. It is easy to get swept up in the drama and forget that your position of supposed power is built on nothing except the support of the people below you.

These people below you want to attend events like the one I posted above, they want to have fun and mingle with other Star Citizens. As org leader you have decided that your entire org shall be a pariah and outcast. That is very unfair of you to put that stigma upon them.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I joined this org because Montoya made a funny video.

I stay in this org because of the community that is here and how I can be a pirate and still help people.

I see now that this was the best choice that I could ever make. Dick diagrams aside, my leader is a very mature individual and understands that certain actions have consequences. I can see by these posts that he would never do something that would jeapordise my relationships with the rest of the Star Citizen community. For this I am very greatful.

Thank you, @Montoya for being a great leader, both silly and inspiring.

And thank you @Blind Owl for liking this post.


Sep 4, 2016
RSI Handle
His personality type is the typical "I am the only normal person in the room, everybody else is an idiot!", Im sure we all know somebody like that in real life.
In all fairness though, didn't we all have to sign a disclaimer confirming we were all slightly crazy? So technically, he might be the only "normal" one. But hey, that's his loss

As the saying goes: Who's the bigger idiot. The idiot's enjoying the game or the idiot wanting to spam them and bad mouth our Corporately Efficient Glorious Leader?

I seek leave from his worships to eat my banana now.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
In his latest crybaby message to me he threatens to mass PM all 13,000 members of TEST and let them know the truth!
Let him try! I have him blocked so that outta piss him off.

(PS, TESTies, please do not contact this guy or anybody from his org)
But if I happen to notice that he's in the same server as me??????

I think he has a crush on me or something.
Well duh, we all do. It's that manly personality and fatherly confidence. Not to mention those guns.

The only government bird here is the bald eagle. Not nearly as hansome or as intelligent as our glorious leader.
Ben Franklin was right. We should've selected the turkey.

I would love to hear the excuse you gave your boss!!
"Sorry I'm late. I got delayed because of a virtual ass." Hmm, might work.

Oh I do hope he messages me. I want to hug him. So bad.
He says he is now more famous than me (?) and thanked me for making him famous.
I'll bet he has a helicopter mom that embarrasses him a lot.

He says I am not handsome!
He's lying. We all know the truth.

We can use the 4th of July as cover for our mobilization . . .
Let the fireworks fly.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Remember when we used to rag on the Corporation?
Ah yes, those were the good old days. It's a good thing that VA is around to keep us amused. He'll end up rage quitting before S42 launches if he thinks he can "purge the game" of people that don't play like him.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
There are two issues here.

1) VirtualAce is roleplaying as a whiteknight that is going to purge pirates from the galaxy!

This is fine, its good to have some goals and theme in the game. Its the reason people will join an org, because they want to do things together. For AA, they have the whole "we are the heroes coming to save the day!" thing going.

The problem is that there are no pirates in this game at the moment. We are in alpha and everybody is just playing around! Even when this game does go live and there are decisions to be made about the role you play, what defines being a "pirate"?

If you and your friends are bored one night an you see an NPC freighter flying by and decide to blow it up, are you now pirates? There is a big grey area here, its not simply black or white.

2) Professional courtesy between org leaders!

This one completely goes over VA's head. His personality type is the typical "I am the only normal person in the room, everybody else is an idiot!", Im sure we all know somebody like that in real life.

Remember when we used to rag on the Corporation? We made fun of them at org level, but at org leader level, Weylend and I always had good communication and funny exchanges!

ADI... yeah we give them shit and they do the same. I am the devil and a horrible person, and likewise JayC is a cancer and the worst possible org leader in the game, yet he and I both know that there is another level to this.

Then VA comes along, the insults he threw at Noobifier were an immediate indicator that the line between a game and reality are blurred to this individual.

One of the first things I told him is that this is going to make for some fucking awkward moments when we all meet at a Citizencon or barcitizen in the future! :smile:

Here is the scene from last year's Citizencon, the bar is Armory:


It did not matter if you were with Xplor, CORP, ADI or what ever, we all had a great time!

I can tell you now that if VirtualAce was there, he would be sitting in the corner being ignored by everybody.

I know he reads this, so my advice to you VirtualAce is this:

If you do not change, your org will abandon you. It is not too late, there is still hope. It is easy to get swept up in the drama and forget that your position of supposed power is built on nothing except the support of the people below you.

These people below you want to attend events like the one I posted above, they want to have fun and mingle with other Star Citizens. As org leader you have decided that your entire org shall be a pariah and outcast. That is very unfair of you to put that stigma upon them.
I have to admit, Boss, I too am impressed with the way you're handling this situation. Seriously, very mature. If this is the attitude that you use to raise your kids, the world will have a couple of great citizens when they get older.
Like the others before me, I too know that I joined the correct (Best) organization.
Thanks for having me on-board.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I actually need to retract a previous statement.

As org leader you have decided that your entire org shall be a pariah and outcast.
I take that back, there are some very cool guys in your org.

It is wrong of me to put all the members of AA under the same light. Just because the guy in charge at the moment has terrible social skills, does not mean those beneath him are the same.

My apologies members of AA, sorry for that!

Beer is on us!


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
*Reports montoya to the web admins*.
Response: "Why did you report me to myself?"
Me: "You what?"
Response: "You reported me, i'm the admin."
Me: "AA are teh enemeh your majesty"
Response: "Not at the weekend".
Me: "Oh.. okay then :) "

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I think it's time for that "ONE" moment...

The Obi 1 Kenobi moment...

"Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him? "

CHEERS! :beer::beer::beer::beers::beers:
Have a great weekend all :beer::beer::beer:


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Bah.. you know what?

VirtualAce.. its Friday, and July 4th is coming up.

You are cool. Your org is cool.

Lets all have a great weekend!

Kisses and hugs all round!
I'll drink to that. :beer::tropical_drink::wine_glass: I raise my glass to toast all the members of all orgs.
May you have a long and prosperous lives.

At least until Wednesday.

I think it's time for that "ONE" moment...

The Obi 1 Kenobi moment...

"Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him? "

CHEERS! :beer::beer::beer::beers::beers:
Have a great weekend all :beer::beer::beer:
Did I just get called a fool?
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