VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Love coming from the wings of a fighter ship doesn't count. Just sayin'
All love counts. Even Irish kisses. :left_facing_fist:

*Runs to spectrum*

Jesus, I have no idea where they'd be either. I just assumed you'd be alerted in the "Notifications" thing...

*Looks around, settings, bookmarks, no sign of a PM system anywhere*

Perhaps I got sent one but I don't have any PM inbox...I mean, it is Spectrum.

Can someone kindly send me a PM on Spectrum and let me know they have on here so I can try and find it?
Good point. I assumed the same. What if I've missed a message?!? WHAT. IF. I'VE. MISSED. A. MESSAGE!!!


Jun 5, 2017
RSI Handle
There is one thing i know for sure. I love the balance of this Org! I for one prefer to play on the good side... buuutttt.. there are times.. or sometimes several in a row.. lol.. that i sometimes like to do bad(?) things for good reasons. Point is.. Montoya is absolutely right.. just because the game marks you as not squeeky clean doesnt mean your a pirate or a bad person. People are narrow minded and ignorant when they judge everyone in a certain situation (causing them to pad camp hex) as the same without knowing the enemy. I have had very good friends from all walks of life and the biggest thing is how they treat me as a person and if I can trust them. Shouldnt completely judge someone without knowing how they are or what they have done and why. So the whole idea of wiping out all pirates is dumb and extreme and really anyone at either extreme is on the wrong path I think. Thus why I like Test.. good people.. but not goody goody and not "lets burn the verse to the ground!".. but.. ya.. sometimes things just happen.. or just need to be done.. sometimes i just do things cuz i didnt have a good enough reason not to.. lol.. its the.."eh, why not" voice in my head.. its the biggest reason i usually help people.. lol


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Good point. I assumed the same. What if I've missed a message?!? WHAT. IF. I'VE. MISSED. A. MESSAGE!!!
*Runs to Spectrum to send Blind Owl a Private Message*

Still can't sodding find it where have they hidden the damn PM system? No menu, no settings in "Settings" if the Glorious Leader hadn't had one i'd say there wasn't one.

Looked over all forum categories, looked through all settings, looked down my list of bookmarks (incidentally some in there at the bottom that I di not put there linking to the chat-rooms).


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
There is one thing i know for sure. I love the balance of this Org! I for one prefer to play on the good side... buuutttt.. there are times.. or sometimes several in a row.. lol.. that i sometimes like to do bad(?) things for good reasons. Point is.. Montoya is absolutely right.. just because the game marks you as not squeeky clean doesnt mean your a pirate or a bad person. People are narrow minded and ignorant when they judge everyone in a certain situation (causing them to pad camp hex) as the same without knowing the enemy. I have had very good friends from all walks of life and the biggest thing is how they treat me as a person and if I can trust them. Shouldnt completely judge someone without knowing how they are or what they have done and why. So the whole idea of wiping out all pirates is dumb and extreme and really anyone at either extreme is on the wrong path I think. Thus why I like Test.. good people.. but not goody goody and not "lets burn the verse to the ground!".. but.. ya.. sometimes things just happen.. or just need to be done.. sometimes i just do things cuz i didnt have a good enough reason not to.. lol.. its the.."eh, why not" voice in my head.. its the biggest reason i usually help people.. lol
Well said.


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
he teacher in me says it probably is not a good idea to talk so badly about virtualass in a forum that can be seen without a login
That's half the fun. We're all trolls and running amok and out of our cages and run-on sentence and misbehaving and evil and stuff. Life is good. He does read this thread. We know that. Hi VirtualAss!!
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