I took a short break from the Real World yesterday and I upgraded my Warden to Sentinel 
I've been getting my Warden's butt kicked by pirate Sentinels so many times in PVP that I decided to check why they're able to outmaneuver me in most of the cases, and why my shields are dropping so fast. I had no idea Sentinel is more agile than Warden and I didn't know its EMP has the longest range among all flyable Electronic Warfare ships...
The only thing I didn't like was the default paint -- but hey, there was a timberline skin available in RSI store. An hour later I was testing Sentinel in PU. I equipped it with Galdereen Repeater I've been using on Warden for many years. After quick dry run I grouped distortion guns with EMP, and left CF-557 in another. I noticed some short EMP discharge delay and confirmed it in Erkul; it looks like 1-1.5 sec.
It works great. I managed to kill NPC Gladius very quickly by stripping its shields and then finishing it with the laser repeater. Then I disabled Warlock in atmosphere -- that was something new! Watching enemy ship spinning out of control and then crashing into Hurston hills was priceless.
I have few questions to Sentinel Experts though -- Paging @vahadar

I've been getting my Warden's butt kicked by pirate Sentinels so many times in PVP that I decided to check why they're able to outmaneuver me in most of the cases, and why my shields are dropping so fast. I had no idea Sentinel is more agile than Warden and I didn't know its EMP has the longest range among all flyable Electronic Warfare ships...
The only thing I didn't like was the default paint -- but hey, there was a timberline skin available in RSI store. An hour later I was testing Sentinel in PU. I equipped it with Galdereen Repeater I've been using on Warden for many years. After quick dry run I grouped distortion guns with EMP, and left CF-557 in another. I noticed some short EMP discharge delay and confirmed it in Erkul; it looks like 1-1.5 sec.
It works great. I managed to kill NPC Gladius very quickly by stripping its shields and then finishing it with the laser repeater. Then I disabled Warlock in atmosphere -- that was something new! Watching enemy ship spinning out of control and then crashing into Hurston hills was priceless.
I have few questions to Sentinel Experts though -- Paging @vahadar
- I assume EMP would get dedicated buttons or keys at some stage (or maybe it would be moved to the missile operator?). Am I doing this right by grouping S2 distortion guns with EMP?
I really don't want to fire both laser repater and distortion guns at the same time; it doesn't make any sense. However, when EMP is enabled, I'm firing single salvo of distortion guns when charging and discharging EMP. Also, when I don't have time to power EMP off (there is no key, correct me if I'm wrong), I'm constantly cycling EMP when I have to use distortion guns.
- Maybe there is no need to use distortion guns at all? -- all-laser weapons solves above problem.
Once NPC gunners are implemented in game I would simply mount distortion guns on a turret and put a bot into it.
- How overlocking affects EMP? -- Does it increase the range or anything?
- I noticed higher hydrogen and quantum fuel consumption than on Warden -- Does it make sense to use non-stealth components to improve this? -- If yes, which ones?
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