HOTAS vs HOSAS is a tough decision. Do you already have experience with either?
I went HOSAS after some research. Zero regrets but I never ran HOTAS. If I had played flight sims etc with HOTAS, I probably would've stuck with that instead of changing to HOSAS. I did play a lot of Halo on the original XBOX, however. How I have my HOSAS setup is how I had my controls for Halo (strafe in all directions on left stick, look around with right stick) so it felt natural to me.
HOSAS handles the strafing up, down, left, right, forward and rearward that's possible in Star Citizen really well. It completely changed the feel of the game. I couldn't go back to K&M flight.
A lot of people run HOTAS with great success, though. I can't speak much on it since I don't have 1st hand experience.