What do you do for a living?


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
That's the only hobby left that I haven't tried to automate with a computer... and that's coming. But the ability to shape some wood into whatever I want has been amazingly satisfying, not to mention useful. One of my next project though is an automagic 8' X 4' CNC machine for wood.

You posted this just as I was finishing the last sentence above by the way. I'm also here to tell you that not all jobs require you to work for someone else. This is a skill you might be able to leverage as nerds like me keep automating everything else.
oh that would be very fun if you had success i definately want to see your results


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The county I live in is known as the "breadbasket" of the UK, so there is a lot of food production around where I live and not much else. I started my working life in a combined poultry abattoir and meat packing plant... I lasted two days, it was the second day they gave the full tour and I got to see the killing line and dismemberment areas... yeah...

Shortly after got a job in a dried food factory where if there was meat it was already dead and processed. Stayed there for 7 years, would still be there if a new line boss hadn't have been a gigantic anus. He was, and I left going back into further education more to prove to myself I wasn't a dullard than to get skillz to do stuff with.

Got my degree In Media Production (I'm aiming to get a Reliant Mako in game which I will call "De Umbra Machinae" after the title of my dissertation) and after completing got a job with a Temp agency in a call center/customer contact center over the holiday season to make some dough because you can't pay the bills with self respect.

I was kept on with the agency after the holiday season, and again, and again - after the peak seasons I'd be kept on while my Temp Agency brothers and sisters were let go. I can't deny I got some chronic survivor guilt during those times...

Anyway, temped for about 4 to 5 years, and finally got a permanent staff position. Have been in the Contact Center ever since, started in inbound Telesales (there are no outbound which is a total blessing, no cold calls), Customer Care, First Contact Complaints, email correspondence, got myself into the General Admin team that dealt with the issues the Tele staff didn't have time allocated to deal with including most notably Fraudulent Transactions, and finally got onto the eCommerce team dealing with Product.

And that's that, so far. Worked my way solidly sideways.

If you are going to work in a call center, my advice is try to find one that doesn't do Cold Calling. 🙂
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Very cool. If we ever get to build our own digs at KSC, maybe you can design them for us! I'm hoping for a 100 year lease on all the lands West of the old Shuttle landing strip, so enough to put all operations at the same location, developing over decades.

It is extremely inefficient to have R&D, production, administration, etc. all at separate locations. That's one thing I want to get right from the start.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Engineering/Theoretical Physics student stuck at bachelor for the last 6 years, which should only be the first 3 years of the program I signed up for.
For the last year I have studied part time and worked at a meat factory stacking and weighing boxes with sliced ham at a conveyor belt. The pay is good, as I do it through a recruitment company, but it is hard to explain how boring a should-be-automated job like that is. Especially when you have the knowledge and skills to design and build the robot yourself!



Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Got my training in HVAC after screwing around for a few years after high school.
Learned about load estimation and digital controls and was an operating engineer on centrifugal water chilled systems.
Became a stay at home dad during the day for eleven years and a line cook at night.
Went back to my trade after the kids went off to college.
Now I'm a facilities manger for a gaming software developer in Chicago.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm a full time student for Computer Science Cyber Security.

I'm also a full time IT guy who oversees the opetation of a call center. I'm the on site technician for when thimgs break. I also help do other projects remotely like our latest software project where I cataloged and googled all 4883 softwares we had installed on all 5600+ computers across the company.

If you haven't guessed it, Professional IT technician means Expert Googler.

I'm also a part time armchair developer for Star Citizen. I yell at people on Spectrum a lot. CAPSLOCK is my friend!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm a full time student for Computer Science Cyber Security.

I'm also a full time IT guy who oversees the opetation of a call center. I'm the on site technician for when thimgs break. I also help do other projects remotely like our latest software project where I cataloged and googled all 4883 softwares we had installed on all 5600+ computers across the company.

If you haven't guessed it, Professional IT technician means Expert Googler.

I'm also a part time armchair developer for Star Citizen. I yell at people on Spectrum a lot. CAPSLOCK is my friend!
You're my hero! :love:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
All of your jobs seem rather awesome. I've had several different sorts of occupations through the years. Unfortunately, I was laid off from my last full time job on my birthday a decade ago. Shortly afterwards I contracted a gradually debilitating condition which has been slowly degrading my health since to where I'm unable to hold any stable work position. I briefly held a part time job before I learned about TEST, but my health got to the point that I wasn't able to continue with that either. Most of my occupations have dealt with helping customers in 1 manner or another. The jobs I enjoyed most either helped me help make the lives of others more safe (even if they didn't appreciate me for it) or allowed me to use my college training in AutoCAD to design & create things in RL.
Sounds like a really awesome job 👍 🍻
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