LTI for some means they backed very early.
LTI for others is a status symbol
However, for some, it means that you won’t lose the money you spent on the game. I’m one of the people who would the end of beta, put LTI on any ship that purchased with cash (aka, via the web store, and not purchased with in game currency) as a reward for those who ponied up to fund the game. Maybe exclude game packages, or maybe have all game packages include LTI. That way someone who comes in and buys a game package 5 months after release is still on the same level with others. That said, outside of game packages, no other ship should be sold for cash after release.
LTI is the only reason I still put funds into the game. Without it, the amount of time needed to buy insurance for yet another ship means less in game cash for me. If ships were cheap....5-10 bucks each..then I would expect nothing more than a little bit of insurance..say a month or two, and if I lost a ship, no big deal. At even 100 bucks for a cutlass, it’s a big deal. If you go to ships like the 890 jump, it’s even more of one.