What is so special about TEST Squadron?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
sums up my childhood of having younger sisters who loved those demonic things
My soon-to-be-wife bought hers into our home when we moved in together.

It has had batteries in it, once, for a total of about four days. It now sits on a shelf in the living-room (lounge?) staring out of cold, dead powered-down eyes with tis mouth half open.

The eyes are slightly rolled back so it makes it look like its trying to sneeze.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
There is, but you just chose to ignore it.
Wait, we're allowed to choose stuff and things?
We have @Blind Owl and @CrudeSasquatch --- In fact, we have the entire animal kingdom.
What a damned zoo it is eh?
We have beer and we have @Blind Owl .....
.... ow, the guys on the other side of the pond don't have any beer, luckily I live on the safe side of the pond. :beers::beers::beers:
I just restocked. You're all good for about 3 hours.
Amen to that. How many of us have been part of groups that were filled with gaming tyrant drama?
I still am. It's called the army. Haha.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
To be in a large and active org is to have a pool for fun with like minded people. You need to be in a place that doesn't take itself too seriously, though, because once the DKP starts up, people tend to get really focused and irritable. TEST Squadron fits all of this to a T, and the people here, from the top down, are looking to have a good time over everything else. Also, we have our Glorious Leader's coming ascent to God-Emperor of the Known Universe to look forward to. And, maybe most importantly, we have Blind Owl.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
My soon-to-be-wife bought hers into our home when we moved in together.

It has had batteries in it, once, for a total of about four days. It now sits on a shelf in the living-room (lounge?) staring out of cold, dead powered-down eyes with tis mouth half open.

The eyes are slightly rolled back so it makes it look like its trying to sneeze.
kill it with fire!


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
What is so great about TEST?

Well you see the best thing is that when you sober up you have 17,000 other members who will support you and have your back ready to willingly hand you another pint to help you through such a tough time.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
And finally:
This was the only reason I needed to join.

But that dude drinks all the beer!
No worries, we'll get more.

What makes Test Squadron so special?

The Test Squadron members of course!
I had to shed a tear of pride while watching this.

Naa. Furby.
Nope, jerky1!

sums up my childhood of having younger sisters who loved those demonic things
Well that explains a lot.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
On a semi-serious note:
We're inclusive, fun, and helpful. Because there's no BS at the top level, there's none flowing down from the top level. There's no stupid hierarchy and a list of do and don't that's five miles long. There's just a bunch of people who get together to have fun.

And that's what makes TEST awesome
Amen Brother, amen.

Need I say more.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Traditional Orgs tend to be obsessed with the power having a large amount of members has - Great now they have 200 members they can set them on a rotating shift pattern to block Jump Point X or occupy Security Base Kareah until the server crashes.

But TEST is not obsessed with this. It may eventually have objectives you can join in with but you are also more than welcome to do your own thing, and if that thing finds something huge you need help with (like an abandoned Bengal battleship to bring back to life) then you've over 17,000 buddies who can lend a hand if they feel like it.

I like to think of TEST as a herd of cats. Cats'll do whatever they want - if you show them a toy they might feel like playing that day or they may have something more interesting to do like licking their arse or gazing out of the window or chasing down some wildlife or ripping up your sofa or whatever.

Gamers, especially in a Sandbox game world, are a bit like cats and have that option - do the missions or mess about entertaining yourself. Who hasn't spent hours running around a Grand Theft Auto city or building a Tower in minecraft rather than going to The End or another of its mission endpoints...? Even in non-sandbox games like racing games, who hasn't turned round and gone the wrong way round the track against the flow at least once just to see what happens?

This is how TEST is presented to players: You can do TEST org stuff, but you are more than welcome to also do your own thing. If you are aiming to fly to Taranis just to sight-see, go nuts - I hear the Broken Moon there is worth a visit. There are going to be 100 systems in the game and your Org wants you to go pick up some toilet rolls for the base when all you want to do is go surfing on some planets sandy beaches? Naa. I've got Housework IRL to be getting on with.

Heres something I've never let on: I wasn't interested in ORGs. I didn't think I'd have the time to invest to make it worth joining one. But the way TEST aims to play in every single way possible from "ultra-timesponge role-play" to "super-casual login once a month" means I have the option to join in as I want, or not even engage with Org aims and activities at all if in the scant moments I get to log in I decide I have something I want to do (I wanna go to Taranis, damn it!).

It's what got me hooked in anyway... so if thats special, then thats what makes TEST special.
I agree with this entirely.

All good points you know. Including some negatives, but still, I don't see them as negatives necessarily. It's all part of the evolution of the org, as well as game. Once we finally get org tools in-game it should become a lot more clear. What I like though, is there isn't a "manifesto". Some of the other large org's have said things like "Lawful good", "role play only", "we are evil incarnate" etc. Test said, "Have fun". To me, that's huge. The group is big enough to have a lot of diversity in game play, I think without fracturing.

What I want to know though, is this. This site's home page says there are 5K and change members. That means there are 12K other members we don't really know. Does that mean there are 12K affiliates, or is it more like 12K members who aren't quite sure what to do? I think it's probably a mix, with numbers leaning toward the latter - but I do think it would be healthy to reach out to them... but then we have the lack of org tools in the game or RSI website to even figure that out.
I openly admit that I'm technically an affiliate member of TEST Squadron. I founded of my own org several months before I ever learned about TEST Squadron to be a place where people & gamers that I knew in person could have a safe, fun & welcoming place to call home regardless of their schedules or availability to play because I've been in far too many Orgs, alliances, etc in multiple games where if you didn't meet their requirements you were removed regardless of the reason. However, as many of you might have noticed, ever since I joined TEST Squadron, I have done my best to be as much a part of this wonderful place & people as I can as well as to represent it as positively as possible wherever I go online or in RL. Have I always agreed with everything that has been said or done here with everybody? No, but most of that was a big misunderstanding & has long since been cleared up peacefully. Also, we all have our own unique outlooks on everything with 3 things in common. 1st, we like having fun gaming. 2nd, we all chose to take the risk on backing Star Citizen. 3rd, we all joined this wild & crazy band of amazing people. I would like to be considered an equal member of TEST by whoever is willing. Either way, I know I am in my heart.
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