What is your current fleet?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Eamon_Flannigan your fleet is bonkers. Of course we are all jelly, but really I cant help thinking you would be better off spending that money on a Mercedes or something?


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Less light than it was now i have 3 :grin:

because I like those ones.. I want them in game asap!
Plus if you lose one in-flight, you can just grab the second without waiting out the insurance timer; less downtime = more profit!

Eamon_Flannigan your fleet is bonkers. Of course we are all jelly, but really I cant help thinking you would be better off spending that money on a Mercedes or something?
Who says he doesn't already have 2 of each Mercedes make?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I do not support, condone, or endorse the use of gray markets. While I believe they were once legit (but mostly against the TOS) back in the early days of Ultima Online and EverQuest, gold farmers and account hackers have taken over enough of the market to make me suspicious of any person selling something for an online game unless it's though an in-game auction house...and even then it might still be a scam. Also, I am not saying that anyone in Test would every do something like this. However, I am sure there are a few individuals that are either independent or in other orgs that may be considering it.

That said, I suspect that the gray market prices for some of these ships will go up significantly once the game goes live. Especially with the significant amount of credits that will be required to buy some of these in game. I know some may buy these ships so that they can sell them in game for hard currency/bitcoin. I don't think there will be enough in game currency to buy some of these ships at or even near launch for even half the value they would require from an in-game vendor. It would take weeks, if not months of grinding and saving/investing every credit for smaller orgs to acquire the UEC for something like a Javelin....and that's without LTI. Being able to buy a gray market LTI ship? I am thinking 20-100 percent premium once the game goes live depending on supply/demand.

Now, the risks s/he the speculator takes is that
1) the game never goes live (shared by all backers),
2) the demand is not there, hard currency/bitcoin prices drop like a rock and you lose money on the investment.
3) CIG cracks down on the gray market and starts issuing bans left and right to those that buy or sell ship for real currency.

Now, what it could be is that some just want to have a few to loan out/rent out in-game to provide in-game income. If that's a thing, I may decide to rent out of few of my ships as well...but who would want to rent an Aurora...other than someone from Test who has the sole intention of ramming it into some unsuspecting Bengal...


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle

Thia is the current fleet. POST ONLY CHANGES IF YOU UPDATE YOUR FLEET. You can give me a list, but don't use abbreviations and put them in order, please!.
I probably should have waited until tomorrow AFTER the sale is over to post, but w/e.
LN, Comet, DUR, Phoenix
View attachment 4983

-1 Herald

+1 Prospector

+1 Aurora (gotta have something to crash)
Seems to me that we can blot out the sun with our space bikes instead of Auroras, haha :smile:
I agree everyone needs an Aurora, everyone has a Dragonfly, we look like a biker gang!
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
What is an SH?

What is a BMM?

A SH is a Super Hornet F7C-M A 2 person fighter that is based on the Hornet design. Tougher and with more firepower. Basically a bigger, badder, meaner Hornet

A BMM is the Banu Merchantman (Merchantman if you are looking in the store) It's an...interesting cargo carrier. Not my cup of tea, but some like it. Fits about 400 more units of cargo than a Hull C
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
What is an SH?

What is a BMM?

A SH is a Super Hornet F7C-M A 2 person fighter that is based on the Hornet design. Tougher and with more firepower. Basically a bigger, badder Hornet

A BMM is the Banu Merchantman (Merchantman if you are looking in the store) It's an...interesting cargo carrier. Not my cup of tea, but some like it.
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